
Organize Your Year

A new year is a new journey. Create the map for where you want to go! I dare you to take one day out of the year and create your personal map for the next year. Taking this precious time sets the path for what you most want and value to happen in the year ahead. You...

Our Love Affair with Wunderlist!

Love lists? Dread lists? Try this cool tool!!

We are on fire about Wunderlist and we just have to share it!! We have known about it for some time, dabbled with it a bitand then got totally hooked. Because it is available across most devices, we always have our lists with us. We are able to MAP easily. We can share lists with other people through the app or by emailing them. We can also print and carry them around when needed.

A feature that we have just begun to use, but are very excited about is Emailing to Wunderlist. You simply forward the email to Wunderlist and it becomes a To Do. The subject is the Task Name and the body of the email gets put into the Notes. Even attachments are included on the To Do. Seriously? Thank you Wunderlist for giving us a way to clean out our inboxes!!

We are now running our whole business and our personal lives using this cool tool. We loves that it reminds us what to do and when to do it,  having one place to dump everything that we need to remember, and knowing can access it everywhere we go.

You can have lists for…

  • Places to visit
  • Personal To Do’s
  • Work To Do’s
  • Personal Projects
  • Work Projects
  • Books to read
  • Groceries – with sub categories for each store she shops at.


Check out Wunderlist on iTunes and Google Play. Go to the Wunderlist Website to download for other devices.

Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see. Whether you’re sharing a grocery list with a loved one, working on a project, or planning a vacation, Wunderlist makes it easy to share your lists and collaborate with everyone in your life. Wunderlist instantly syncs between your phone, tablet and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere. Take a look at the possibilities in the picture below! All of this possible in the FREE version, but they do offer a PAID version with even more options.

Clear & SIMPLE, Wunderlist

We hope you embrace this fun and simple way to manage your lists! Let us know what you think.


Creators of the Clear & SIMPLE Way to get & stay organized!

Clutter Clear Your Garage

Here are 3 simple ways that can be done in under an hour! Does your garage function how you most want and need? Is your garage dumping ground for all the things you don’t know what to do with? What would your ideal garage space look and feel like? Marla Dee Can...

Organize Your Car

Make your car a happy place to be each day! Are you calm or distracted when you are driving? A cluttered car can affect your focus and peace of mind.  – Marla Dee If you were looking inside your car right now, what would you see? Is there clutter, trash,...

Revitalize and Organize for Spring

Harness the last of the spring energy before summer hits!

You know how contagious spring energy can be. It hits your body and you feel compelled to start clearing your space, go buy cool containers and somehow bring your space to life. You want to mirror what is happening outside and bring it inside. We believe that each season has it’s own energy and tapping into that makes organizing easier.

To help you really enjoy this Spring, we are sharing our top ten organizing tips throughout the month. Read our Pretty & Practical Tips, our Simple Spring Organizing Rituals, and get a printable version of all of our TOP TEN TIPS for Spring.

This week is about the Personal Touch:

2. You get to choose what stays and what goes!

This is your space, this is your life, this is your choice, and your responsibility. There is a gift if you claim your personal power and make your space what you really want. Start with one room and ask – how do you want it to look, feel and function? Take out everything that doesn’t align with YOU! Then have fun making changes like adding color, or a new plant, a sweet bookshelf, or soft rug. Create a room that you love being in!

The challenge here is that only YOU can make the decisions about your stuff. Don’t leave clutter clearing your home for your children, your friends or strangers to deal with. Get honest and ask the tough question – if you were gone from this life tomorrow, what would you be leaving behind for your loved ones?  Start with one room again and bring it into alignment with your present time life.

Download our FREE eBook – The ART of Letting Go for help. ART stands for Acceptance, Release & Trust. This sweet book by Marla Dee also lists our favorite resources and experts to help you let go.

7. Refresh Your Clothes Closet

Spring is the best season for clearing out the clothes closet. Here are two personal tips for this personal area that gets a lot of use. First, we suggest getting real by trying EVERYTHING on your body and asking, “Is this me?” Be prepared to laugh and cry. Make it a party and do this with a friend. You will actually be able to release the clothes much easier than if you just look at them on the hanger. A great resource for radically simplifying your wardrobe is Project 333 by Courtney Carver.

Second, choose hanger heaven rather than hanger hell by simply getting the same color and material. This is the easiest and cheapest closet transformation. Choose one color and get the different types you need in that color. The body and brain go to color first. You will be amazed at the difference.

Get a printable version of all of Our TOP TEN TIPS for Spring.

We would love to hear your stories. Please share this with anyone in your life that would enjoy and benefit.

Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Top 10 Spring Tips

Organize Your Garage

Make room to park your car in the garage! The garage is the “quick in the moment” dumping ground for stuff going in and out of the house.  – Marla Dee Twenty-five percent of people with 2-car garages don’t park in them at all. A third can only park one car, largely...

Organize Your Desk

Do you work at your desk? Why or why not? How many hours each day do you spend at your desk? Organize and beautify your desk and it will support your best work!  – Marla Dee Your desktop is speaking to you – what is it saying? Is it covered in papers and...

Contain the piles!

Here’s the first step to tackling your paper piles!

Get yourself a vertical container that will hold ALL of your incoming paper for a week. That’s right. You get to put it all in there and then process it just once a week. You can even get one for each family member, or one for personal and one for business, to make it even easier to go through. It’s not really magic, but it will feel like it is when your kitchen counter, dining table and desk are clear of all those stacks.

We recommend the mesh wall pocket.

  • It’s Vertical. Vertical = Action. Horizontal = Rest. Using vertical keeps active energy in your papers.
  • Wider at the top. This allows for what Marla calls “the fingertip flip” allowing to quickly find a paper you may need.
  • (more…)

National Organize Your Home Office Day!

Today is the day to dive in and get it done day!

As if we need an official day to share tools and advice on organizing your home office…but we’ll take it. Quite perfectly, this falls in line with our monthly theme of Power over Paper. To assist you with the most significant items related to our home offices, paper and time, we suggest out latest eBook.

Clear & SIMPLE’S TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time will give you…

  • Our favorite tools for managing and mapping out your time
  • Our best systems managing your paper in 1 hour a week
  • The secret to handling paper rather than piling paper
We’ve said it before and we’ll keep saying it, only 10% of the human population is born with the “organizing gene.” (more…)

Traveling with MORE?!

What are we supposed to do when “traveling with less” just isn’t in the cards?

Last week I was preparing for a road trip back home to Salt Lake for two weeks, including a 4-day camping excursion. As I Mind Mapped packing the car for 3 people & one sweet little rat, the list began to get pretty long.

  • Myself – suitcase, camping bag, mobile office
  • My man – suitcase, camping bag, mobile office
  • Son – suitcase, camping bag
  • Family Pet “Remy” – food, bedding, treats, cage
  • Travel cooler – lunch, snacks, water
  • Camping gear – tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooler, chairs, large bin full of smaller items

Needless to say I knew that the car was going to be FULL, but there was not much I could do about that. So I used the Clear & SIMPLE Systems SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. and S.T.A.C.K.S.© to ensure organization and peace throughout the process. Many times in life this is reality, which is why our systems are not just designed to clear excess, unsupportive stuff, but also to “MAP” and “Simplify.”
