
Clutter Clear Your Office

A clutter free office helps you focus on your work. Clutter is delayed decisions and holding onto the past. Marla Dee If you were standing at the doorway of your office with the person you admire most, would you be excited or ashamed? We certainly understand if your...

Level 3: The Mastery

Our advanced training programs are designed for professional organizers who are ready to specialize. Add a new income stream, receive credentials in specific approaches and benefit from in-depth training with other experts. Some of the offerings include FreedomFiler, Train the Trainer and Ideal Life Vision.

I – FreedomFiler Training and Certification $650 | Now VIRTUAL | Value $900

This powerful & popular training is now offered virtually as a self study for the first time. You get to go through the material and schedule your one-on-one sessions on your time table.  Taught by Marla Dee, CPO and FreedomFiler Certified Trainer.

This is an in depth training of FreedomFiler, the world’s best all encompassing, self purging filing system for home or small business. By choosing Clear & SIMPLE for your training you will also receive a BONUS GIFT of Get Organized, the Clear & SIMPLE Way audiobook, by Marla Dee.

You will cover the following areas:

  The history of FreedomFiler

  The FreedomFiler KIT in detail

  The Four Vital Elements

o Self Purging
o The Funnel
o 3 Measures of Success

  Special Applications including business and going digital

  Tips and Tools created by Clear & SIMPLE

  Giving demonstrations

  Pricing of Kits and making money

We have a couple of questions for you before we begin.

ď‚· What is your experience so far with Freedom Filer?

  Have you bought a kit for yourself and put it together?

  Have you set it up for a client?

  Why are you taking this training?

  Do you have any specific questions related to FreedomFiler?

This Virtual Training is given in three modules together with self study work. Following your sessions, you will complete a written self exam and verbal exam with Seth Odam. Upon completion of these exercises you will be certified. FreedomFiler offers a tremendous support system for you and your clients. Thank you for allowing me to share this fantastic system with you!

FreedomFiler Certification

If you are ready to enroll you can do so now… [button_alt link=”https://clearsimple.com/shop/level-iii-freedomfiler/”]ENROLL[/button_alt]

Other Advanced Trainings

If you would like information on any other Advanced Trainings please contact our office directly.

[button_alt link=”http://clearsimple.clearsimple.com/contact/”]Contact us for details[/button_alt]

Just Flow With It

Did you know that you can handle all of the incoming paper in your life in less than an hour a week?!

It is true! Yes paper comes at us from all directions in our lives, but we have come to believe that there is not way we’ll ever be able to manage it all effectively. The way to change all that is to use our very favorite system R.A.F.T.©

EVERY piece of paper that comes into your life can be handled using the R.A.F.T.© steps…

      • Read ~ magazines, articles, letters, cards
      • Act ~ requires you do something (make a call, pay a bill…)
      • File ~ file it quickly and be able to retrieve it easily
      • Toss ~ shred or recycle


Get all of the pieces!

Within the next few posts we will give you more information about each step so that you can set up R.A.F.T.© in your space. In the meantime, download our Paper Systems Flow Chart, get familiar with R.A.F.T.© and invite in the new energy of support you will receive by implementing it into your life. Click on the picture below to download our Paper Flow Chart with R.A.F.T.©…


Clear & SIMPLE's Paper System Flow Chart

*Please note that we recommend implementing this system and starting in present time. Once you are familiar with it and have every step in place, then go to the piles, filing drawers, etc. to clear out and clean up. Paper is its own beast and is very overwhelming. If you desire the help of an organizer, please contact us.


* This post is part of a series, called Paper Flow. Please see posts around it for the full story.

R.A.F.T.©, Clear & SIMPLE, LLC
This post is all about our Do It™ system.
Download our Systems Cards HERE to learn our systems SEE IT.™ MAP IT.™ DO IT.™ and S.T.A.C.K.S.™

Clear & SIMPLE Systems Card

The ART of Letting Go ~ Release

Start with the willingness to surrender. Take a deep breath and exhale. What are you ready to let go of right now? The first step in ART was Acceptance. Now you are ready for the Release. When you have accepted where you are in present time, you are free to let go of...

Putting it all together…

You’ve got all the pieces, now let’s put the puzzle together!

Are you starting to feel like you’re getting this R.A.F.T© thing?! We are going to walk through the process in its entirety again to help with that. As I mentioned in “Contain the Piles,” the very first thing you do is gather all of your incoming paper each day and put it in a vertical holding container.

From there, schedule some time in your week that you can R.A.F.T© through it…

  • R = Read. All items that are leisurely reading go into one container…or two containers, but they are specifically for Reading.


Our Top Ten Tips for Summer

Our Top Ten Tips for Summer

Make this your best summer ever using the Clear & Simple Way!


SEE IT – get in touch with what is most important to you

MAP IT – make it happen by writing it down on your calendar

DO IT – then enjoy each event to its fullest!


  1. Put FUN First – Choose the most important FUN Activity and fill up on the juicy energy it offers.
  2. Before you leave on vacation – make two copies of each document in your wallet. Keep one in a safe place at home and take one with you to put in the hotel safe. Then you are prepared if anything should happen.
  3. Connect with the Earth – Choose one morning or evening each week to be your time to connect with the earth – a long walk, sitting outside under a tree, a bike ride, or soaking up the sun. Let this be a time that fills you!
  4. Garden – If you want to garden but just never have the time, plant a container with a favorite flower or vegetable. You will still enjoy gardening but on a more manageable scale.
  5. Family Passes – Buy a family pass to your favorite summer place, then as a family review the schedule of events and mark your calendar with those you don’t want to miss!
  6. Three Most Important Things – Every morning, when you are planning your day, write down the three things that truly matter most that day. The sense of accomplishment that you will feel when you complete these three things will free you to do other things.
  7. Organize Last Years School Papers – Make a date with your child to spend an afternoon to go through all of the papers you saved from the last school year.Lay them all out on the dining room table or the floor. Enjoy reliving the last year. Then choose the keepers and treasures. Next simply three hole punch them and put in a fun binder so your child can look at it whenever he/she wants too.
  8. Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings – Take one hour and make a master list of all the birthdays, graduations, and weddings, which are coming up this summer. Keep a copy with you so you can jot down gift ideas and have it handy when you are shopping
  9. Weekend Project – Take one weekend, pick one project, (i.e. a closet, pantry or storage) and using the Clear & Simple Systems (see download below) organize the space. Then mentally let go of the rest and enjoy your summer.
  10. Keep it simple, take a deep breath.

We would love to hear from you – what are your favorite Summer Tips?

Marla Dee & Team

Download a pdf copy of our TOP TEN TIPS for Summer.

Get more guidance with SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © by downloading our Systems Card.

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Level 1: The Foundation

Launch Your Business with Confidence!

Get what you need to really stand out, attract your ideal clients and generate income in just a few weeks. This is an excellent time to have an organizing business.

Are you ready to launch an exciting, rewarding Professional Organizing Business?  Come join the Clear & SIMPLE Circle of Organizers and make your dream a reality! Skip the years it takes to come up with a successful, highly-functioning systems by taking Clear & SIMPLE’s Self Study Course. For over a decade, we have been training professional organizers around the world.  We are very proud of our successful organizers in 7 countries.

Comprehensive Foundation Course

This Course is a Self Study allowing you to do at on your own timing.  However, you also get expert guidance and one-on-one coaching through all the levels of learning. It is also the prerequisite for Levels 2 & 3.

You will receive:

  • A 240 page manual giving you everything you need to set up, launch and work with clients
  • The best systems in the industry so you will be professional
  • The tools for all types of clients and where to get them
  • 17+ audio hours of Marla Dee guiding you through the entire course
  • The forms – 35+ industry specific and fully customizable
  • The most popular Clear & SIMPLE digital products
  • The Five Levels of Client Care and the forms to go with them
  • The best systems for paper pain and time management
  • One on one Coaching with Marla Dee


Preview the Manual Table of Contents and Introduction




PRICE: The complete course of 30+ hours of training is $1250 | Value $1750 **

[button_alt link=”/shop/business-in-a-box/”]Buy Your FOUNDATION COURSE[/button_alt]


** ** Please note that before we ship your course you will need to sign Our Copyright Agreement. Shipping and handling is an additional cost, billed separately through PayPal. Within the U.S. $35. We DO ship internationally, please contact us at info@clearsimple.com for more information.

Get your Credential upon completion – Become a Clear & SIMPLE Organizer

Upon completion of each module, you can take the exam and receive a Certificate of Completion, along with the credential of Clear & SIMLE Organizer.  This tells the outside world and your clients that you have done training in a methodology and can offer professional systems.


Hear from Marla Dee as she walks you through Staying in Business a Decade & Beyond!

Clear & SIMPLE, Staying in Business a Decade & Beyond



First comes SORT. Next comes TOSS.

The key is ONE question at a time and one decision at a time!

The TOSS (the letting go) is the most loaded step of clutter clearing and organizing. If we could do it easily then the piles of stuff wouldn’t be filling up our space. It is often the emotional attachment with the stuff, the story it tells, and the overwhelm of just too much everywhere that keeps us procrastinating going through it.

Here are some of the struggles we hear all the time. I can go through other people’s stuff but not my own. Why is it so hard? I get stuck as soon as I start going through it, especially if I’m touching it. It is overwhelming – I don’t know where to start. My basement is full of my mother’s things. HELP!!

This is why we love the system of S.T.A.C.K.S. © for getting through the stuff.  Remember, in the blog Sort First. Toss Later. you were asked to sort first so you can see what you have. The steps of S.T.A.C.K.S. © build upon each other. In the SORT step you are only asking what is it? When you are done you have a clear picture of how much you have – how many months worth of electric bills, how many of the same black shirt, how many pens & pencils, or the same garden tool. Now the TOSS step is easier.

S.T.A.C.K.S.© – Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify

TOSS – here is more guidance:

    • Clear & SIMPLE, TossQuestion: Do I need it or want it? It is amazing how often we keep things we don’t even want or need.
    • Power Question: Does this item support my vision for this space and this time in my life? Honor the chapter you are in!
    • Action: Put it in the keep or discard pile. If using bankers boxes then leave the item in the box and have bags/boxes ready for the give-away, shred, garbage, elsewhere toss categories so it goes quickly.
    • Tip: Remember you used bankers boxes in the sort so just take ONE box at a time when going through the toss. This will save you from distractions and confusion.
    • Reward: You will get through the toss quicker and with less energy. What you have left is what needs to be organized.

By asking just one question and making only one decision at a time, you WILL be able to get through all of the stuff. And you are still not asking where it will go or what it will go in. Those steps are ahead.

We want to be clear that we know with every fiber of our beings just how loaded the Toss step can be. It is SO loaded that Marla wrote a simple, yet powerhouse little guide called The ART of Letting Go. Please download this free gift and share it with anyone you feel may benefit.

Stay tuned in upcoming weeks as we continue through the S.T.A.C.K.S. © process.

Download our Systems Card as a companion guide to SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. ©.

With you each step of the way,
Marla, Kate & Team


Organize Your Travel

Traveling can be stressful if our stuff and our time is not organized. Travel can spark new ideas and connect us with different cultures.  – Marla Dee Travel – the excitement, the fun, the adventures, the journey!  Travel – the planning, the...

Organize Your Office

Does your office support you or stress you? Most of us spend more time in our office than at home. Make your office a place where you thrive and do your best work!  – Marla Dee Why work in a disorganized office or a space you really do not like? By continually...