Simple step-by-step method to start
and complete any organizing project.
Transform your home, office & life.
Simple step-by-step method to start and complete any organizing project
Transform your home office and life.

Get Organized The Clear & Simple Way
Our simple step-by-step method teaches you where to start, what to do, and how to keep it up.
We believe organizing is a skill some people are born with, and most people can learn. Just like learning your ABC’s so you can read, learning the Clear & Simple Steps teaches you how to organize. Once you learn the skill, you can start and complete any organizing project, thus transforming your home, office, and life.
- Learn the steps
- Complete your organizing projects
- Becoming an organized person
Marla walks you through The Clear & Simple Way
Getting organized can feel overwhelming but taken in small steps, it can change your life!
On her Life & Laughter podcast, Peri Kinder talks with Marla about getting organized, The Clear & Simple Way. Listen in to hear Marla’s wisdom on a variety of topics including:
- The ART of Letting Go of possessions including those of relatives who have passed away.
- Walking through The Clear & Simple Steps©
- How to handle the emotional aspects of material possessions.
- Over her 24+ years as a Professional Organizer, Marla has hired other Organizers to help her when she feels stuck. Find out why.
- What to do with different personalities in a home?
- Listen in your car or while getting ready in the morning!
Three-step Foundation
Take a look at where you’ve been.
Make A Plan for where you want to go.
Take the steps to get there.
Get this card along with the Get the Steps Guide when you join our mailing list!
Steps for Getting it Done
What is it?
Does it provide value?
Where does it go?
What does it go in?
How do I maintain it?
How do I live with less?
Get this card along with the Get the Steps Guide when you join our mailing list!
Get Even More
Get Organized The Clear & Simple Way eBook
Getting organized can feel daunting. Where do you begin? How do you get from start to finish without making an even bigger mess? And how do you keep it clutter-free while living a full life? We get it. And we’re here to help.
Organizing is a simple skill that anyone can learn if they are taught. Just like learning to read or play an instrument, people need to learn how. The Clear & Simple Steps© teach you how to organize. They teach the skill. They are a step-by-step approach with each one shaping and supporting the next. It’s important to keep this in mind because, in general, our culture focuses almost exclusively on the last step, doing.
Ready? It’s time to live in a home that supports you, your family, and the life you want to live. This eBook will show you how.
The Clear & Simple Steps Starter Course
Repeat after me… “Organizing is a skill I can learn.” If you’ve watched with utter frustration while naturally organized people magically put everything in place and keep it there, you’re not alone. Most people simply do not have this natural ability.
In fact, over 90% of people are not born with what I call “the organizing gene.” And, if you’re not born with it, you could read hundreds of organizing books and blogs and never get the one thing… THE ONE THING… that you need to clear the clutter and live free at last, a simple, proven framework that teaches the skill.
Join me for a joyful dive into The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your home and life. I’ll teach you these simple steps and guide you through where to start, what to do, and how to keep it up on any organizing project. Let’s get started!
Tackle projects in specific areas by visiting each theme page for steps, videos, blogs, and resources.
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT © and S.T.A.C.K.S.© are copyrighted by Clear & Simple, LLC. All rights reserved.