Today is the day to dive in and get it done day!

As if we need an official day to share tools and advice on organizing your home office…but we’ll take it. Quite perfectly, this falls in line with our monthly theme of Power over Paper. To assist you with the most significant items related to our home offices, paper and time, we suggest out latest eBook.

Clear & SIMPLE’S TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time will give you…

  • Our favorite tools for managing and mapping out your time
  • Our best systems managing your paper in 1 hour a week
  • The secret to handling paper rather than piling paper
We’ve said it before and we’ll keep saying it, only 10% of the human population is born with the “organizing gene.”

That leaves most people somewhere on the scale of not knowing what to do or how to keep it up. That is why systems and tools that are simple and fun to use are so necessary. Of course we all want to enjoy getting things done. This little nugget of a guidebook will help you do just that. Check it out here.

Clear & SIMPLE TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time


This is a Simplify tip from our S.T.A.C.K.S.™ System.
Download our Systems Cards HERE to learn our systems SEE IT.™ MAP IT.™ DO IT.™ and S.T.A.C.K.S.™

Clear & SIMPLE Systems Card