
First comes SORT. Next comes TOSS.

The key is ONE question at a time and one decision at a time!

The TOSS (the letting go) is the most loaded step of clutter clearing and organizing. If we could do it easily then the piles of stuff wouldn’t be filling up our space. It is often the emotional attachment with the stuff, the story it tells, and the overwhelm of just too much everywhere that keeps us procrastinating going through it.

Here are some of the struggles we hear all the time. I can go through other people’s stuff but not my own. Why is it so hard? I get stuck as soon as I start going through it, especially if I’m touching it. It is overwhelming – I don’t know where to start. My basement is full of my mother’s things. HELP!!

This is why we love the system of S.T.A.C.K.S. © for getting through the stuff.  Remember, in the blog Sort First. Toss Later. you were asked to sort first so you can see what you have. The steps of S.T.A.C.K.S. © build upon each other. In the SORT step you are only asking what is it? When you are done you have a clear picture of how much you have – how many months worth of electric bills, how many of the same black shirt, how many pens & pencils, or the same garden tool. Now the TOSS step is easier.

S.T.A.C.K.S.© – Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify

TOSS – here is more guidance:

    • Clear & SIMPLE, TossQuestion: Do I need it or want it? It is amazing how often we keep things we don’t even want or need.
    • Power Question: Does this item support my vision for this space and this time in my life? Honor the chapter you are in!
    • Action: Put it in the keep or discard pile. If using bankers boxes then leave the item in the box and have bags/boxes ready for the give-away, shred, garbage, elsewhere toss categories so it goes quickly.
    • Tip: Remember you used bankers boxes in the sort so just take ONE box at a time when going through the toss. This will save you from distractions and confusion.
    • Reward: You will get through the toss quicker and with less energy. What you have left is what needs to be organized.

By asking just one question and making only one decision at a time, you WILL be able to get through all of the stuff. And you are still not asking where it will go or what it will go in. Those steps are ahead.

We want to be clear that we know with every fiber of our beings just how loaded the Toss step can be. It is SO loaded that Marla wrote a simple, yet powerhouse little guide called The ART of Letting Go. Please download this free gift and share it with anyone you feel may benefit.

Stay tuned in upcoming weeks as we continue through the S.T.A.C.K.S. © process.

Download our Systems Card as a companion guide to SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. ©.

With you each step of the way,
Marla, Kate & Team


The More of Less…The Book is Coming!

Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.” – Joshua Becker

We could not agree with this sentiment more. As many of you know, the last few years Marla and Kate have been on their own downsizing journeys. It started as sacred accountability with each other to clear out the unsupportive “stuff” and ultimately became our own versions of minimalism. This can look and feel very personal. It is *not* about living with nothing, but living with what means the *most*. Personally, we are loving having less stuff and less stress!

We want to introduce you to one of our favorite messengers – Joshua Becker, the creator of Becoming Minimalist.com.  This is why we follow him and want to share him with you –

  • He is a family man who walks his talk.
  • He knows what life is like here in America with all the temptations and distractions.
  • He consciously chose to change his life and the life of his family.
  • Joshua gives simple guidance that creates real change.Clear & SIMPLE, Joshua Becker

We are thrilled about his new printed book The More of Less.

…this is a book about owning less—but it’s more than that. I have practiced and studied and written about owning less faithfully for the last 8 years. This book contains almost everything I have learned about it. It is both inspirational and practical. But this book is about more than owning less. It is about passion and generosity and learning to pursue happiness in more fulfilling places than the acquisition of money or possessions. It’s not just about owning less stuff, it’s about living a bigger life because of it.”

Read more from Joshua or go straight to pre-order it.

“Pre-order now and also get FREE access to UnclutteredUncluttered is a 12-week online course with videos, interviews, webinars, articles, weekly challenges, accountability, and community strategically packaged for one purpose: to help you declutter your home, own less stuff, and find space to live the life you want. The course sells for $89, but anyone who pre-orders my new book can register for the Spring Edition for free. It is my gift to you—a special thanks for being one of the first to buy the book!

To redeem your gift, pre-order The More of Less (print or ebook) before May 2 through your favorite online retailer. Your purchase is your registration. Visit the Uncluttered Registration page with your receipt and use the number to complete the registration form.”

We want YOU to experience the FREEDOM that comes from surrounding yourself with the stuff, the people and the actions that support you. This is your life and your choice.

We would love to hear from you – Marla, Kate & Team

Bankers Boxes – Sanity When Sorting the Stuff!

Yes, Bankers Boxes can save your sanity, and even your marriage!

The Clear & SIMPLE Way is all about keeping organizing simple and joyful. That might seem laughable when it comes to actually handling the stuff, but that’s exactly why we LOVE banker’s boxes together with post-it-notes. When you pair them with the first step of S.T.AC.K.S. ©, which is SORT, you get this supportive blend of the right tool for the right step.

We have heard from our clients that Bankers Boxes completely transform the sorting process and even save marriages! Often the person who likes order and everything put away partners with the person who is attached to stuff and having everything out where they can see it. This can be a disaster when it comes to doing an organizing project together. Bankers Boxes satisfy both needs – the stuff is neatly contained but you can find what you need.

Here’s a little list of what we love about bankers boxes combined with the post-it-note labels:
  • They make it easier to do the sort because the piles are now easy to identify
  • They are the container for the piles and make it easy to move the piles as you go along
  • They remove all the visual distraction of the piles and replace it with a calm energy
  • They keep all of the stuff contained until you are ready to make decisions about it
  • At the end of the working session you can put the lids on and stack them all nice and neat out of your way
  • The lids are great for all the little “stuff”Sort Supplies

So before you start into sorting the stuff we suggest – go get a minimum of 30 bankers boxes. They come in packs of 10. You will use them over and over again for multiple projects. See below for some places you can order them online and then pick them up. Also get a large pack of super sticky post-it-notes in a color you love along with a black sharpie.

Now you are ready to SORT! Remember you are just asking one question – What is it? Sort like with like into the BB and create a label with each new box. When you run out of time, just stack the boxes on top of each other and put against a wall. You can still find things if you need to until you can return to the job.

Bankers Boxes are sold at a variety of places like Office Depot and Walmart (best price is Walmart).

We hope you find true sanity in the SORT with this awesome new TOOL! Please share your stories with us.

Marla, Kate & Team


Mind Mapping for SIMPLE Planning!

Your Right & Left Brain can now work together!

“When sitting down to create a mind map all you need are two things; an idea and a brain. You put your idea in the centre and let your brain do the rest.” Andrea Leyden

Mind Mapping is our favorite tool for the MAP IT. © Step. Remember MAP IT. © stands for Make-a-plan. But often this is confusing and overwhelming. Mind mapping to the rescue!! “Whenever I get STUCK in my day or any project, I whip out paper and do a mind map. It has become an essential tool. I also go to this tool first when planning any new project or for my week and day.” Marla Dee

WHY – No matter what the project or the size, mind mapping makes it simple. And whether you are a left brain list maker or a right brain artist, mind mapping will work for you. You can use mind mapping for planning out:

  • Your year, month, week or dayClear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping
  • Any size project, large or small
  • A paper, report or any writing project
  • A creative project such as a website
  • Creating to do or task lists
  • An upcoming trip or event


HOW – Here are some simple tips and resources for learning how so you can use this tool all the time.

  1. The ideal size paper is 11×17 but 8×11 works just fine – grab printer paper.
  2. You can use pictures, words or a combination of both.
  3. Draw or write your main image or project at the center of the page.
  4. Then ask what parts come to mind that are part of this project and draw them around your central theme.
  5. One by one as the thoughts come to you, expand on each element.
  6. Keep going until you have dumped out everything in your brain related to your theme.
  7. If there is one part that turned into a loaded area, you can do a separate mind map just on that.
  8. You can also do this joyfully and easily on the COMPUTER. There are all kinds of digital mind mapping software; both FREE and PAID. These are just examples. A quick internet search will bring up a lengthy list of options.

Make-a-Mind-Map click here for detailed step-by-step instructions that make it simple! You will also see some great TIPS.

Clear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping Tips

Have fun with this. Make it a ritual that is supportive and rewarding to you. Please share your stories with us!

Marla, Kate & Team





Mr. Organized Meets Ms. Chaos

How to get along when we attract our opposite! Organization can help or hinder.

Why is it that “Mr. Organized” partners with “Ms. Chaos”? The universe is funny that way, always trying to balance things out. Think about how often you are at odds with someone in your life because of organization issues:

  • Not being able to find what your boss is looking for.
  • Arguing with your child about the way their room looks.
  • Being accused of throwing important things away.
  • Always being asked where something is.

As professional organizers we constantly witness the stress in our clients relationships over organization styles and decisions. Sometimes our work feels more like therapy, especially when it comes to couples. Too often those with the ability to organize do not understand when others cannot maintain their environment. Those that are organized need to keep in mind that our research shows only 10 – 15% of the population is naturally organized. Hence, the need to be able to communicate and get help when lack of organization gets in the way.

This barrier between those who naturally know how to organize and the other 90% who don’t is why our main focus is teaching people how. The foundation for any organizing project or communication is three simple steps outlined below.

SEE IT – take a look at where you’ve been

Begin by taking a realistic look at where a lack of organization is impacting your life and relationships. Choose just one area or issue. What’s working, what’s not and why? Keep it simple. Then look at it from both sides and try to see what is at the heart of the conflict. Often our relationships serve as mirrors to look at ourselves. Once you have clarity, why not share your truth with this person and ask them to share.

MAP IT – make a plan for where you want to go

Now that you have each shared your truth, each person can create a simple vision for what needs to change. Try asking – what is the single most important change that needs to happen? What is one action you can take? Let this be enough. It is imperative to the relationship that each person has a chance to share their vision and what is important to them.

DO IT – take the actions to make it happen

How you choose to implement your changes or DO IT will be very specific to the relationship. Some may come up with a way to do it together, while others might call in outside help, and still others will compromise on different levels.

Some examples of this are:

  • A family sets up a system for incoming mail and an active paper system together.
  • A mother and child call it fun time, put on music, and make a game of putting everything away.
  • A couple decides to hire a professional organizer because they would rather enjoy their time together hiking or taking dance lessons.
  • A boss and assistant set up a weekly 1 hour focused time to go through all the lists and questions.
  • Two friends or buddies get excited about helping each other one weekend a month with the clutter areas – We all have them you know.

We hope we have given you inspiration and guidance to bring more peace and joy into your relationships.

We would love to hear back from you – what happened? Please share your stories!!

Marla, Kate & Team


His stuff, Her stuff, Our stuff

Creating and caring for a home together is often challenging. We each have a relationship with our stuff and patterns that show up in our space. When it comes to mixing our stuff with someone else all kinds of issues can arise…

  • I need stuff out where I can see it and he wants it all tucked away
  • I like a simple space and she is a collector
  • What do we do with all the double’s now that we are living together
  • Why do you need these old T-shirts that are 30 years old – or your grandma’s china
Our TOP THREE TIPS for creating shared space are –

1 – A Room to YOURSELF. Each of you gets one room (or space) that is ALL YOURS! It gets to look the way you want, have the stuff you want and function how you want. It is your space to keep your way. This tip is critical for long-lasting relationship contentment.

2 – A Room you both LOVE. It is vital to have one room in the home (preferably the bedroom) that you both love to be in together. You have each shared in the choices for furniture, colors, the stuff and the feel. It is free of clutter or other people’s stuff. This is your sweet space to share with each other.

3 – The MAGIC Question?  When it comes time to organize another area, or to do any kind of project together – start with the magical question. This question brings together the SEE IT.© (take a look at where you are) and MAP IT.© (make a plan for where you want to go) Steps and makes it simple. Ask how do you want the new space to look, feel and function?  Each of you write your answers and then share with each other. You will get insights, save time & money and decrease your stress by doing this.

These TIPS are taken from almost 20 years of working with hundreds of couples. Since we all tend to attract our opposite in some way, these tips can make a huge difference in your relationship. We would love to hear from you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT.© MAP IT.©  – click here for more info


Top Ten TIPS for a Sweet & Simple Holiday!

The best gifts are sometimes the simplest!

The holiday season is in full swing and as much as we wish that everyone could move through this time joyfully and easily, we know it will be a challenge. We are here to help simplify this time with practical & meaningful tips. See below for our GIFT to you – all our top tips for home & holidays!!

Tip for your home: Restore Time.

Give yourself the GIFT of a simple restore for your space.  Take just 5-10 minutes each day and 30 at the end of the week.  Set a timer and go around gathering the homeless items that have been dropped on the tables, chairs and floor.  Then take them to their proper homes. Yes, we know you get busy but we want your space to feel good and support you. Even the youngest can put their toys away. You can always put on Christmas music and make it FUN!

Tip for your holidays: Make your own traditions.

It’s your life and your choice. Create your own meaningful traditions based on your family’s current values and desires, not just what has “always been done.” Why not set aside an evening in front of the christmas tree – go around and ask each person in the family what would mean the most to them? Then consciously choose and deepen your traditions.

Here are a few ideas from our lives –Clear & SIMPLE, Family Sledding

  •  a sledding day
  •  reading before bed
  •  giving to a needy family
  •  a game night each week
  •  a theme for the year
  •  making home made ornaments
  •  caroling with a group of loved ones
Wishing you a magical and soulful holiday season,
Marla, Kate & Team

Get all of our TOP TEN TIPS for Home & Holidays in this eBook.

This is our GIFTClear & SIMPLE, TOP TEN Tips for Home & Holidays to you during the holidays!

Feel free to share this with others in your life.


Gratitude, a simple practice…

Simple ways to give thanks each & every day.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for creating peace and happiness in our lives. It can can also support us on the days we feel low and in moving through tough times. So why is it so easy to forget and get caught up in the struggles or busyness of life? We have found that making gratitude a daily practice keeps it happening easily.

Make gratitude a daily practice

Here are 3 simple ways you can create a joyful ritual of celebrating all that you have each and every day. Whatever way you choose, commit to 21 days to create the new habit. You can choose one or mix them up!

1 – Get the Attitude for Gratitude APPGratitude Journal App

  • Attitudes of Gratitude AppOn-the-go with you at all time
  • Set daily reminders
  • Many of them give you an inspirational tidbit after each entry


2 – Write it down

  • Keep a little gratitude notebook, journal or use your planner. You can even use 3×5 cards or post-it notes.
  • The easiest practice is to start or end your day writing down 3 things you are grateful for. Let them come to you easily and you might get surprised.
  • (more…)

Clutter Clear Out Celebration!

We are FREE of stuff that was dragging us down and keeping us stuck!

We are deeply honored, humbled and inspired by everyone who joined our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out this year. Wow. Thank you for showing up, taking action and sharing your wonderful stories with us! We now want to share a little with you about how our lives were changed.

Marla’s story

Where does all the stuff come from?  How does it keep piling up?  Why do I still have that? These were some of my questions as I wandered around my home each day looking for something to release.  What surprised me was that I found old stuff in every room. I couldn’t believe it.  I have been practicing living simply for years now.

Yet, I still found stuff!  Stuff that was homeless, stuff from years ago still taking up space, stuff I had forgotten. It was little things and big things.  It was singular things that held deep meaning. The most loaded items for me were the ones that tied into my kid’s childhood.  I have been an empty nester for only 7 months now.  After 30 years of creating a home for my children and caring for their things, I am on my own. My daily life is different without my kids and their stuff. It is not simple or easy to trust this change.  It is a daily journey.  The 30 day group has been a big gift to me. I don’t want to do this alone.  Hearing others share about going through their drawers, magazines, emails and kids stuff was the strength I needed to go through mine.

Here wasClear & SIMPLE, Winnie the Pooh a story of mine from day 3. These awesome Pooh ABC foam puzzle pieces are from Jessica’s 1st birthday. She is now 20. My grandson used them but he just turned 10. Both my kids say let them go. Seems like it would be easy but I have such resistance.  I realize they came from a special friend that I miss.  Also, I want to make sure they go to someone who will really enjoy them.

I get to trust the Universe here. I get to practice what I preach.

To close, I am compelled to share that I saved the toughest stuff for the end – the digital and calendar clutter.  I am now seeing the light at the end of my email nightmare tunnel. Kate is teaching me how to use Wunderlist to handle all my to do’s and keep them organized in one place. And I have released giving time and energy to work that doesn’t serve my soul’s purpose. More coming on these insights…

Kate’s story

Since relocating to Los Angeles in June of 2013, my little family and I have been radically shifting our lives and home. What started as just wanting to greatly simplify turned into minimalism. For us that means having only things that we use and/or support us in living truly soul-inspired lives. We’ve discovered that we want to spend as much time as possible playing, loving, learning and adventuring…and we now know it is possible with less stuff taking up time, energy and money.

Through about 25 layers we have released somewhere around 75% of what we moved with. Our drawers, closets and cupboards are organized and everything has a home. Sure our day-to-day activities bring the stuff out and we end up with piles of things that sit, often longer than I would like (I even sometimes let the kitchen stay messy and play games instead of cleaning), but homeostasis is easily reinstated. It is the most liberating experience of my life. (more…)

Are you in Hanger Hell or Hanger Heaven?

We are totally serious. Which is it for you?

The easiest and cheapest closet transformation is having the same hangers – at least the same color!!  Yet, we work with hundreds of clients (some of which have very expensive closets and clothes) who have the hanger hell scenario. We see all different colors and types hanging from the rods and the client wonders why their closet feels so disorganized.

TIP – Your brain goes to color FIRSTClear & SIMPLE, Hanger Chaos

Maybe you’ve never thought about it or consciously noticed how disheveled you feel as a result of mismatched hangers. The reality is that your brain goes to color first and then type. So if your clothes are on hangers of many different colors it is even harder to make a clear choice.

Or you can experience the sense of peace and order every time you look in your closet. Having consistent hangers makes it easier than ever to make your clothing choice!


By now you all know we love The Container Store! Have you seen their incredible hanger selection?? Why not go to one store and choose a hanger you really love?! Seriously, they have entire walls filled withClear & SIMPLE, Container Store Hangers

  • every type
  • every color
  • every size
  • and for every age.


One favorite of our clients is the Huggable Suit Hanger.

Clear & SIMPLE, Huggable Hangers

You better believe that we are in Hanger Heaven in our personal closets. Marla loves the white wood while Kate’s prefers the purple plastic.

Creating peace & clarity one closet at a time,

Marla, Kate & Team




Full Disclosure: This post contains “affiliate links”.  If you click an affiliate link and purchase something, the company gives us a small percentage of the sale, at no additional cost to you. This supports us in providing the FREE content and support we offer regularly.

We carefully look at the products, services and people we recommend and always offer our honest opinion. We never, ever endorse a product or service that we would not purchase ourselves. No exceptions. In fact, most of the items/services we suggest we currently use ourselves.