Simple ways to give thanks each & every day.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for creating peace and happiness in our lives. It can can also support us on the days we feel low and in moving through tough times. So why is it so easy to forget and get caught up in the struggles or busyness of life? We have found that making gratitude a daily practice keeps it happening easily.

Make gratitude a daily practice

Here are 3 simple ways you can create a joyful ritual of celebrating all that you have each and every day. Whatever way you choose, commit to 21 days to create the new habit. You can choose one or mix them up!

1 – Get the Attitude for Gratitude APPGratitude Journal App

    • Attitudes of Gratitude AppOn-the-go with you at all time
    • Set daily reminders
    • Many of them give you an inspirational tidbit after each entry


2 – Write it down

    • Keep a little gratitude notebook, journal or use your planner. You can even use 3×5 cards or post-it notes.
    • The easiest practice is to start or end your day writing down 3 things you are grateful for. Let them come to you easily and you might get surprised.


3 – Speak it out loud

  • The moment we express thoughts out loud they take on depth, power and heart.  So read your list out loud.
  • If you live with a loved one, try ending the day by sharing what you are grateful for with each other.
  • Look around your space or walk outside and say out loud what you are grateful for.  Give it back to the Universe.


“When I focus first on what is good in this world and my heart overflows with sweetness.  I also notice the magic and miracles constantly.” Marla Dee

Please share with us any other gratitude practices you have cultivated.

Have a beautiful and blessed week!

Marla, Kate & Team


P.S. We alsClear & SIMPLE, Gratitude Series with Tiffany Petersono invite you to look at Tiffany Peterson’s FREE Gratitude & Generosity Series. It’s her GIFT each year.