
Organize Your Bedroom

Is your bedroom a peaceful sanctuary or a cluttered disaster? A client story…  We stand side by side in the doorway to her bedroom, looking at the clutter that has taken over the bed, floor, and all horizontal surfaces. She can’t even sleep in this room anymore....

Organize Your Clothes Closet

Is your closet happy or heavy? Start your day out right with an organized and beautiful closet. Let your closet support you rather than stress you. Fill your closet with the items you wear and love. Marla Dee SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.Š is the 3-step organizing formula...

Simplify Magazine

“An intentionally simple & enjoyable reading experience.”

We all know that our world offers a plethora of ways in which information floods into our awareness. Social media feeds are chock-full of posts, events and offerings. Email inboxes are inundated with subscriptions and solicitations (some signed up for by choice, many by spam). Brains and bodies are overwhelmed with energy that has a “Do this/you need this now!” flavor. Yuck!

A group of beautiful souls are giving us a soothing new way. Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist, Brian Gardner of No Sidebar, Tsh Oxenreider of The Art of Simple, and Rebecca Cooper of Simple as That have combined their brilliance and expertise in simplifying life and created the digital publication Simplify Magazine. This mindful offering is solely supported by its readers, which means no icky ads or filler content, just straight forward, valuable wisdom and knowledge.

We have been inspired by the powerful sharing in this online magazine.  We hope you find comfort, ease, relief and hope. You can get the Simplify Magazine now and also check out their Facebook Page.

We hope you embrace a simpler life and way of being in this world.
Marla & Kate

Clutter Clearing can be simple & fun!

Ready to have some fun clearing clutter?

We know, we know… “FUN – REALLY?”  Yes, fun! With a simple plan, a support group of people honoring each other, fabulous resources and inspiration along the way; it can be fun to clear out the stuff! You’ll get all of this with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Event.

Simple Plan: The invitation is to simply commit to releasing one thing each day for 30 days. It can be anything – a broken toy, old dress, extra gadget, or old pile of paper. We will give you a simple guide to follow or you can choose each day.

Strong Support Group: Join our Facebook Group to connect with the crew and see other’s postings about their journey.

Fabulous Resources: Jump on our website page clearsimple.com/clutterclearout/ for gifts and experts to help make it simple.

Inspiration: Weekly blogs, weekly Q&A and daily postings on Facebook will keep you moving and excited. Marla will also be sharing her journey throughout the month on Facebook Live giving you her best guidance.

See Marla on TV How to Clear the Clutter for some jump start encouragement!

Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee, KUTV Fresh Living, How to Clear Clutter

We can’t wait to hear all your stories, support you and celebrate together! Marla, Kate & Team.

Declutter HOW?

Do you have clutter in your space and chaos in your day? On the fun YouTube show That’s so true Lynn and her guest star Marla Dee give you straight forward advice on how to start organizing your home and life. Marla will help you know where to start and how to get it done. Learn about her simple system of STACKS. Marla has been an organizer for 20 years and she knows the pain. Watch the segment and get inspired to cut the clutter and live in a well organized space.

Marla & Lynn having FUN talking about clutter and organizing

If clutter clearing was easy, the clutter wouldn’t be there. If organizing was easy, the chaos wouldn’t be there. Since only 10% of the human population is born with the organizing gene, most of us need help learning HOW! After watching the video above, check out the page below for more depth on the STACKS system.


Please share your stories of using STACKS with me – Marla Dee

Simplify Your Paper

Paper piles seem to land everywhere, from the kitchen counter to the bedroom night table. How would it feel to walk through your home and not see even one pile of paper? Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out...

Simplify Your Wrapping

How many types of wrapping paper, bags, bows, ribbon, and tissue paper do you have? Simplify your gift wrapping and create a signature style! SIMPLIFYING  Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement....

Simplify Your Traditions

Close your eyes, take a long deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, and visualize your most favorite and joyful holiday memories. Dream big! How do you most want your holidays to look and feel? SIMPLIFYING  Every October we focus on clearing...

Meet The Minimalists – Modern Day Messengers

What’s all this talk about minimalism?!

Minimalism is a very personal thing. At it’s core it means mindfully choosing to live simply with less possessions in order to have more time, more financial freedom, more health, more fun, more of whatever you want your life to truly be about.

We’ve been what we call “aspiring simplists” for quite some time now, but a few months ago we became “aspiring minimalists” after having the privilege of hearing a couple of minimalists speak at the NAPO Conference. Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, aka The Minimalists, shared with us their journey from six-figure salaries, 50+ hour work weeks, big houses full of possessions, fancy and pricey cars, failing relationships to a lives of minimalism. We grabbed and gobbled up their book Everything That Remains and it has become our main resource.

Check out a recent post from them…

“There isn’t an invisible committee of maniacal minimalists somewhere conspiring to force everybody to get rid of their material possessions.

Like your stuff? Keep it!

Find value in that wardrobe teeming with unworn clothes?
That closet brimming with mismatched bath towels
That basement abound with un-played-with toys?

That garage stuffed with collections of trinkets?
That shelf overrun by dusty DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes?
Great! Hold tighter if you feel so inclined. Permission granted.

You have permission to keep anything that adds value to your life.
And you have permission to keep anything that doesn’t.

But you also have permission to let go.
You have permission to clear the clutter.
You have permission to remove the excess—the clothes you don’t wear, the junk you don’t use, the things you hold on to just in case—and focus on what’s truly important to you: health, relationships, passions.

Either way—you have permission.
Of course, you don’t need anyone else’s permission—only your own.”

We couldn’t agree more about permission. This is your life and we want to encourage you in living it the way your HEART most desires. Getting support from different places is very helpful. We’re not meant to do this life on our own. We hope you find valuable guidance and wisdom from these fantastic men.

For those of you living in or near to Salt Lake, we’d like you to invite you to join Marla at a FREE event that Joshua is hosting, called The WordTasting Tour. Some very special people will be sharing about minimalism, travel and more. Another one of our favorite minimalists, and Salt Lake local, Courtney Carver of Be More With Less, will be joining. Get your FREE Tickets.

Big love and support to you!

Marla, Kate and Team



Travel Light, Let Go of the “Just in Case”

Love traveling, but hate packing? Leave OUT the “just in case”…

Most of us say it and do it… “I’ll take that just in case. I’ll keep that just in case. I’ll buy that just in case.” When we live in this energy, we end up with far more than we need. Rather than helping us the just in case stuff just weighs us down. Our homes, offices and cars are bursting at the seams.

When we travel the just-in-case-items add bulk, weight and stress. And guess what, most of the time they do not get used. Extra clothes, shoes, accessories, toiletries, technology, and more get stuffed into luggage that we have to lug around and often have to pay more money for. Why do we do this to ourselves? The answer is obvious yet we can’t seem to break out of the cycle.

TRUE STORY from Marla – The last trip I  took I had to ask my daughter Jessica to come help me lighten my load. Jessica is the one who finally got through to me about my just-in-case syndrome. She kept pointing it out to me until I could no longer stay in denial. So, even though I had done my very best packing my suitcase, I knew it was still too much! Jessica came over and helped me see three things I really didn’t need to take. After removing them, my suitcase was just right!! i let myself relish the free feeling all week long on my trip. Have fun with this.

Focus on what you most need and remember that less is more when traveling.

Here are 3 tips to help you lighten your load when packing:

  1. Only pack enough clothes for half the number of days you will be gone. You can re-wear combinations and even hand wash items if necessary.
  2. Wear the bulkiest, heaviest items to free up space in your luggage.
  3. Be realistic about what you will actually need and want. Try asking yourself questions as you map it out. Will you really straight-iron your hair? Will you really need 3 different pairs of shoes? Will you really read 3 books? Get honest.

We would love to hear any other TIPS you have or stories you wish to share!

Marla, Kate & Team