
Apps & Agencies to help you let go!

If you aren’t using it, let someone else love it!

Isn’t it amazing how stuff, from paper to toys, keeps coming in and piling up? So much of it isn’t even used but we don’t have the time or energy to deal with all of it. It’s not like you can take a whole month off to go through it all, right? So we want to make it easier for you to clear out what you no longer need or want. Most of us feel better if we can make a little cash and/or support good causes. The short and simple list below is some favorites you can start using today. We have been using these ourselves to clear out yet another layer.

  1. Let Go – A great app to help you easily sell valuable items along with focusing on your own neighborhood.
  2. Trash Nothing – For items with less value or those that you want to send to a new home, but want the recipient to receive for free. Join the FreeCycle MOVEMENT now!
  3. The Container Store & Goodwill – This powerful partnership created the Kiss Clutter Goodbye movement to offer a simple place where you can donate unwanted items and then find container solutions to beautifully organize what you have left. Special Event April 23, 24, 30th around the nation. Check it out!
Personal Story from Marla – this last weekend I set myself FREE of the furniture that was taking up space in my partner Bob’s tool shop. When I moved in with him a year ago, there were things that I just wasn’t ready to let go of yet! Know the feeling? It included my daughter’s sleigh bed from pottery barn, a beautiful white table from the business office I had with my sister many years ago and more
 So I used the Let Go app (mentioned above) and SOLD EVERYTHING. I was reminded how joyful it is to see another person get so excited about taking this new item than I no longer need or love.

Here are some additional links for national agencies that will make it easy for you to let go of the stuff that is keeping you stuck!

We would love to hear stories of the joy, freedom and more beyond the hurdle of releasing belongings. Please share with us.

In sacred support and guidance – Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Container Store Kiss Clutter Goodbye

Our simple summer.

This summer was one of the greatest testimonies of how living with less gives us the opportunity to LIVE more.  Kate Fehr

Nothing calls me back to the most joyous times of being a child like summertime. Vivid memories of waking up without alarm clocks, spending days in the pool with friends, and traveling through the mountain states are always front and center come May. Since I first became a mom, my desire has been to have lots of summer adventures with my son and let work simmer on the back burner. This, of course, is easier said than done.

When our minimalist journey began over 4 years ago, I had no idea just how powerfully it would support my deep desire of keeping our summers about play and connection. During those 2 years, and 25 layers, of releasing of stuff (we moved through lots of emotion too), I had no idea how this would set us free to really experience life!

This summer was one of the greatest testimonies of how owning less and doing less gives us the opportunity to LIVE more.

  1. We spent four of the last five weekends in a row out of town, with the fifth weekend fully engaged in a 40th birthday celebration and a wedding. We were essentially not home for FIVE weekends in a row.
  2. We spent 5 days in Idaho to experience the totality of the solar eclipse. My son even missed the first 2 days of school, which he was not excited about at first, but it was one of the more moving experiences of our lives and we are most grateful to have been there.
  3. While we were away from home, whether traveling or just doing regular old things, we were able to be fully present with the people and activities we were experiencing.


Clear & SIMPLE

My son and me goofing around in anticipation of the eclipse.


Because we live simply with less stuff and all of our stuff has easily-accessible homes:

  • Packing and unpacking is quick and easy. This makes preparing for trips stress-free and getting back into the swing of things a breeze.
  • We usually don’t have vacation hangovers from the stress of vacations.
  • Upon returning home one weekend much earlier than expected, I wanted more playtime. We got home, unpacked, started laundry, put everything away, and then had plenty of time to go to Snowbird for Oktoberfest and a hike.


There was a time when I spent SO much time, energy and money organizing, and re-organizing closets, drawers and our garage. Once I no longer had as much stuff, I was able to spend time on what matters most to me. None of it is worth all of the beautiful memories I have as a result of letting go.

Minimalism simply is about living with the things you truly use and that truly add value to your life. It’s a very personal experience and journey, one that I invite you to try out for yourself.

All my best,

WHY do you want to clear your clutter?

WHY do you want to clear your clutter?

Knowing your personal WHY for clearing your clutter will keep you going when things get tough.

Clutter is everywhere. It comes in constantly, it builds up in your car, on your kitchen counter, and on your desk. It can bury your bedroom, your basement or your whole home. If letting go of the clutter was easy, it wouldn’t be there. Yes, it can sound simple to pick up that item and ask if you are gong to keep it or let it go. But that query can lead to as many stories as there are people. Clutter clearing just isn’t that simple!

This month we are addressing how to get started. Last week, I asked you where you wanted to start? Now I am asking you why you care about that project? What is the meaning to you? This is what will keep you going. I am asking you to write it out or find a picture or create it any way you want. Then place your why statement where you can see it throughout the project.

Throughout my 20 years as a professional organizer, I have witnessed the power of knowing your WHY. So trust me when I say this will make a difference.

Here are some of my favorites –

  • I want to clear my dining room and kitchen so my family can start coming over for Sunday dinner every week.
  • I am ready to free my bedroom and closet. I want it to be a romantic space that I love going to every night.
  • This clutter has kept me stuck for years and now I want to travel. I am ready to downsize and let go of the last 30 years of stuff.

POWER NOTE: If you want to make this stronger turn your why into an I am statement.

Let me know where and why you are clutter clearing this year! Your Guide – Marla Dee

Creator of the Clear & SIMPLE Way to get free of clutter and get organized

Your Ultimate Office

What does your office say about you? I had no idea my office could be this powerful and beautiful!  – Emily London www.emilylondonportraits.com Meet Emily – a fabulous photographer, extraordinary woman, wife, mother and much more. Emily is a true entrepreneur,...

Keynote Speaker

Marla blends passion, inspiration and practical steps to her message. She has spoken for audiences around the world and will transform the lives of your audience. Marla promises to make organizing fun, simple and freeing!

Marla is a unique messenger for getting organized. She knows the areas of pain and chaos that exist in our world today.  Marla’s insight comes from 14 years as a Professional Organizer working with hundreds of people in their homes and offices.  She knows what the problems are and how to help people create something new.

Her topics include:

  • A Clutter Free Life is Waiting
  • Getting Organized, the clear & SIMPLE Way
  • The SIMPLE Life
  • TOP TEN Tips for Home & Office


[button_alt link=”http://clearsimple.clearsimple.com/get-marla/rates/”]Get Rates[/button_alt]

Tip #7 for a Fabulous Summer!

Say hello to the new school year after fully saying goodbye the last one!

If you missed Our Top Tips for Summer, make sure you check it out! For this post, we’d like to focus on and expand on just one tip.

During the last weeks of summer many of us are trying to pack in as much play time as possible. Why not also schedule some meaningful time for you and your child(ren) to reminisce about last year and how much has changed all while getting organized?

7. Organizing Last Years School Papers can be FUN– Make a date with your child to spend an afternoon to go through all of the papers you saved from the last school year. Use STACKS (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, & Simplify) to make organizing the papers FUN! Lay them all out on the dining room table or the floor and sort into simple piles such as art, writing, homework, and friend stuff. Enjoy reliving the last year. Toss the easy stuff and then keep the treasures. Next simply three hole punch them, put in a fun binder and place them in your child’s bedroom for easy enjoyment anytime!

Clear & SIMPLE, School Papers

This is a project many moms always have on their on-going project list. Unfortunately it is one that often stays on that list and never gets done. When you schedule the time to do it, involve your child and make the process fun, everyone wins! You’ll be so relieved and grateful to have it checked off your list and actually be able to enjoy looking at all of those papers.

Extra TIP – Choose a container or drawer now for next year’s school papers to make it easy to keep the back pack cleared out.

Click here for a beautiful, downloadable and printable copy of our Systems Cards for an outline of S.T.A.C.K.S © and feel free to share with everyone!

Squeezing out every last drop of summer energy,

Marla, Kate & Team



SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Are you in Hanger Hell or Hanger Heaven?

We are totally serious. Which is it for you?

The easiest and cheapest closet transformation is having the same hangers – at least the same color!!  Yet, we work with hundreds of clients (some of which have very expensive closets and clothes) who have the hanger hell scenario. We see all different colors and types hanging from the rods and the client wonders why their closet feels so disorganized.

TIP – Your brain goes to color FIRSTClear & SIMPLE, Hanger Chaos

Maybe you’ve never thought about it or consciously noticed how disheveled you feel as a result of mismatched hangers. The reality is that your brain goes to color first and then type. So if your clothes are on hangers of many different colors it is even harder to make a clear choice.

Or you can experience the sense of peace and order every time you look in your closet. Having consistent hangers makes it easier than ever to make your clothing choice!


By now you all know we love The Container Store! Have you seen their incredible hanger selection?? Why not go to one store and choose a hanger you really love?! Seriously, they have entire walls filled withClear & SIMPLE, Container Store Hangers

  • every type
  • every color
  • every size
  • and for every age.


One favorite of our clients is the Huggable Suit Hanger.

Clear & SIMPLE, Huggable Hangers

You better believe that we are in Hanger Heaven in our personal closets. Marla loves the white wood while Kate’s prefers the purple plastic.

Creating peace & clarity one closet at a time,

Marla, Kate & Team




Full Disclosure: This post contains “affiliate links”.  If you click an affiliate link and purchase something, the company gives us a small percentage of the sale, at no additional cost to you. This supports us in providing the FREE content and support we offer regularly.

We carefully look at the products, services and people we recommend and always offer our honest opinion. We never, ever endorse a product or service that we would not purchase ourselves. No exceptions. In fact, most of the items/services we suggest we currently use ourselves.

Gratitude, a simple practice

Simple ways to give thanks each & every day.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for creating peace and happiness in our lives. It can can also support us on the days we feel low and in moving through tough times. So why is it so easy to forget and get caught up in the struggles or busyness of life? We have found that making gratitude a daily practice keeps it happening easily.

Make gratitude a daily practice

Here are 3 simple ways you can create a joyful ritual of celebrating all that you have each and every day. Whatever way you choose, commit to 21 days to create the new habit. You can choose one or mix them up!

1 – Get the Attitude for Gratitude APPGratitude Journal App

  • Attitudes of Gratitude AppOn-the-go with you at all time
  • Set daily reminders
  • Many of them give you an inspirational tidbit after each entry


2 – Write it down

  • Keep a little gratitude notebook, journal or use your planner. You can even use 3×5 cards or post-it notes.
  • The easiest practice is to start or end your day writing down 3 things you are grateful for. Let them come to you easily and you might get surprised.
  • (more

His stuff, Her stuff, Our stuff

Creating and caring for a home together is often challenging. We each have a relationship with our stuff and patterns that show up in our space. When it comes to mixing our stuff with someone else all kinds of issues can arise

  • I need stuff out where I can see it and he wants it all tucked away
  • I like a simple space and she is a collector
  • What do we do with all the double’s now that we are living together
  • Why do you need these old T-shirts that are 30 years old – or your grandma’s china
Our TOP THREE TIPS for creating shared space are –

1 – A Room to YOURSELF. Each of you gets one room (or space) that is ALL YOURS! It gets to look the way you want, have the stuff you want and function how you want. It is your space to keep your way. This tip is critical for long-lasting relationship contentment.

2 – A Room you both LOVE. It is vital to have one room in the home (preferably the bedroom) that you both love to be in together. You have each shared in the choices for furniture, colors, the stuff and the feel. It is free of clutter or other people’s stuff. This is your sweet space to share with each other.

3 – The MAGIC Question?  When it comes time to organize another area, or to do any kind of project together – start with the magical question. This question brings together the SEE IT.© (take a look at where you are) and MAP IT.© (make a plan for where you want to go) Steps and makes it simple. Ask how do you want the new space to look, feel and function?  Each of you write your answers and then share with each other. You will get insights, save time & money and decrease your stress by doing this.

These TIPS are taken from almost 20 years of working with hundreds of couples. Since we all tend to attract our opposite in some way, these tips can make a huge difference in your relationship. We would love to hear from you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT.© MAP IT.©  – click here for more info


Summer is here. Have a lazy weekend!

Give yourself permission to let it ALL go!

We just love and appreciate our systems that walk us through simply and joyfully getting things done. However, sometimes it is most supportive to just walk away from the lists, the projects, the events, the people, the decisions, ALL of it, and have no plan at all.

Lay around and do nothing. Have a TV marathon. Read an entire book. Take a drive into the mountains. Sit on the porch andClear & SIMPLE, Lazy Weekend, Woman laying in grass take in the loveliness around you. Sleep late. All the while releasing the guilt that typically creeps in and tells us we aren’t doing enough.

Courtney Carver of Be More with Less offers this dialogue to address those icky feelings

“When guilt creeps in and tells you to do more, take a deep breath and say, ‘Guilt 
 I appreciate your input, but my heart wants what my heart wants, and it doesn’t want to clean, shop, catch up, or keep up. My heart wants a rest. My heart wants to smile.’ “

Read more in her blog post, Permission for a Guilt-free, Lazy Weekend.

Here’s to doing what makes our heart sing this weekend. – Marla, Kate & Team