How many types of wrapping paper, bags, bows, ribbon, and tissue paper do you have?

Simplify your gift wrapping

and create a signature style!


Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement. We’ve created powerful tools you can utilize any time of year to support your journey. If you have some extra time, hop on over there to access these offerings. If time is of the essence and the holiday season has begun, circle back to the Clutter Clear Out in January.

For November and December we invite a slow down and focus on simplifying. We’ll spend the other nine months diving into organizing. Check out our Simplify Your Home and Holidays for all of our suggested actions. 


Are you done with the constant mess and overwhelm of too many gift wrapping options and flair as well as never having just what you really need or want? Are you ready to create a simple yet creative and joyful signature style for your gift wrap?

We recommend choosing a solid color of bulletin board paper you love and can work for all celebrations. Have fun changing up the types of bows and ribbons you pair with the paper to suit the occasion as well as express your personal style. Metallic markers are a great option for writing on the paper and decorating it.

Bulletin board paper is super cost effective and will last for years to come. You can even use it for other applications like packing paper, craft projects, and covering your dining table for pumpkin carving. It is heavy duty and recyclable when clean. Most gift wrap, bags, and ribbons are not recyclable. Basically, the fancier the item the less likely it can be recycled.

If bulletin board paper is simply not your style or you want more options, take the time to go through all of your gift wrap and bags to decide what you truly like and want to use. Be willing to donate the rest and stock up on the supplies you love using.

When you are ready for more simple actions, head over to our Simplify Your Home and Holidays page, where you will find more blogs and our eBook chock full of our home and holiday simplifying goodness.

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays, Wrapping Paper
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.