
Our TOP TEN Tips for Time

Get our most simple, yet powerful, TIPS for time!

We’ve walked you through SEE IT, MAP IT, and DO IT for Time, which each include one of our top tips. If you missed the earlier blogs, read them now. We’d like to offer you one more fabulous tip and an offer for getting even more…

  1. Write a VISION for your day, week or year.

Many people think they are just too busy to make plans so we are offering the simplest of tips that can really make a difference in your life. Take 2-3 minutes and just write down your vision for the day or week.  Let it be 5 words or less. Here are some examples –

  • Today I will be hopeful
  • Today I choose action
  • I know what matters most
  • This week is about family
  • This week I celebrate me
  • I am moving slowly
  • I am grateful for life

Then try the same thing for your year! The most powerful time of the year is your birthday! Write a simple phrase of 5 words or less that encompasses what you most want in the next year. Make it visual and keep it with you throughout the year.

For a powerful and life changing vision recorded in your own voice see Ideal Life Vision. This tool will transform your life.

If you have found these tips to be helpful we’d like to invite you to purchase the whole collection along with our best tips for paper in our great little ebook TOP TEN TIPS for Paper & Time for only $10.

Clear & SIMPLE TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time

Let’s honor our life by honoring our our time!

Marla, Kate & Team
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Clear & SIMPLE partners with The Container Store!

The ultimate organizing systems partner with the ultimate organizing solutions!

The Container Store now makes house calls and Clear & Simple is the medical team! It is with the most profound honor, gratitude and excitement that we announce our new relationship with The Container Store in their program Contained Home.

The Container Store is a brilliant company and recognizes that customers come in their store seeking solutions for their chaos but just getting containers is NOT enough.  And they get overwhelmed trying to figure it all out. They need help. They often need a professional organizer to see their space and take them through STACKS – Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up and Simplify.

The Clear & SIMPLE Team in Utah is thrilled to offer this help to the customers of The Container Store. If you have an area that needs special attention, the elfa system or fun ideas, please reach out to us 801-463-9090 | info@clearsimple.com

Our TIP for today is get help!  Ask a friend, a buddy or an organizer to come support you through all the decisions. You don’t have to do it alone.

Note – The Contained Home Program will be in all The Container Stores by the end of this year!  Check out the program and locations here Contained Home.

elfa laundry roomContained Home Cover


Clutter is BIG – so start SMALL

Tip #1: Choose only 1 small, 1 medium and 1 large organizing project for each season!


Clutter clearing can feel overwhelming.  Getting organized often feels impossible. My real life tip is to choose ONE small, ONE medium, and ONE large project for each season. Then schedule only one project for each month. The beginning of the year holds this big push for change.  However, the best way to really make a change is to keep it small and realistic. Then let go of the stress and pressure to do it all or to keep doing more.  Let this be enough.

There is also ease and power by aligning our projects with the cycles of the earth and our bodies. Our bodies naturally feel and align with the seasons of our earth.  In the cold months we want to slow down and hibernate. In the warn months we want to play.  

Some ideas for a small winter project: (1-3 hours)
  • your purse, work bag or tool bag
  • your bedside tables or dresser
  • top of your dining room table or desk top
  • your junk drawer or office supply drawer  – my favorite container above www.containerstore.com 
A medium project (4-6 hours) might be:
  • Your dresser drawers
  • Your desktop and drawers
  • Your paper piles or email inbox
  • Your kitchen counter
A large project (1-3 days) could be:
  • Your pantry or cupboards
  • Your clothes closet or bedroom
  • Your files for this year (get www.freedomfiler.com)
  • Your computer files and folders

I have joyfully chosen my projects for this winter season.  My small one is office supply drawers, my medium is my smart phone picture clean-out and my large one is my updating my Vital Documents and helping my kids with theirs!

Please take 10 minutes now, choose yours, write them down and share them with me.  I will give you a reward.  And contact us if you want or need help to get them done – info@clearsimple.com

Your Guide – Marla Dee

Putting it all together…

You’ve got all the pieces, now let’s put the puzzle together!

Are you starting to feel like you’re getting this R.A.F.T© thing?! We are going to walk through the process in its entirety again to help with that. As I mentioned in “Contain the Piles,” the very first thing you do is gather all of your incoming paper each day and put it in a vertical holding container.

From there, schedule some time in your week that you can R.A.F.T© through it…

  • R = Read. All items that are leisurely reading go into one container…or two containers, but they are specifically for Reading.


T = Toss

Get it outta your life!

The final step of R.A.F.T.© is TOSS. It is a simple step, but offers a noticeable difference in your paper load. Once a week, as you process papers from your incoming container, simply toss papers into a recycle container or send through a shredder. Pay attention to what happens as you go through this process.

Common results are…

  • Feeling accomplished clearing out all of that weight.
  • You and your space feeling lighter.
  • It sets a standard in your space that for all the incoming there has to be outgoing as well.


Send it off before it takes up residence!
