
Have FUN Getting That Project Done!

All you need is a little system that offers BIG support!

Do you have a project that has been waiting for you, stressing you or just bugging you to get it done? We have found that most people do not enjoy even thinking about the projects that need to get done, much less taking action. We understand why. First of all, there is always too much to do in a day and too little time. Then you add the overwhelm from all of the stuff in all the areas.  Lastly, most people just don’t know where to start, how to get through the project and then how to keep it up. It’s a lot to handle!

We love teaching people how! This is why SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © is such a powerful system. It walks us through each of the steps from start to finish – teaching the organizing skill – and cuts down on the time and energy it takes to get it done.

So why not find out for yourself why the Clear & SIMPLE Way is different. Set aside 30 minutes to get started and go through the following steps. We promise you’ll find joy, clarity, and freedom! Who knows, you might even get one project done and want to dive into another one.

  • SEE IT: Take a Look at where you have been up till now
  • Turn on some music that makes you happy.
  • Brain Dump a BIG list of all the projects hanging out in your head that you think you “should” be doing.  Just get it all out and down on paper.
  • Choose ONE project that would have personal meaning for this Season – maybe your closet, your garage, your computer, your pictures, or your bedroom.  You get to choose!


  • MAP IT: Make a Plan for where you want to go
  • Do a Mind Map for the project and have FUN creating it! kate put in link with example
  • Write a vision for the project – how do you want it to look, feel and function?
  • Make a list of the basic steps needed.  Remember you can always start with a general list.


DO IT: Take the Action Steps that create the change
  • Get an accountability partner or support person that you have fun with and that you trust.
  • Put the actions from your MAP list on the calendar.
  • Set up a reward for getting the project done.


Download our Systems Card to guide you even deeper through this process.

Get pumped and check that project off your list! We’d love to hear how you feel on the other side…

Getting things done together,

Marla, Kate & Team


SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Is Organizing Overwhelming? See SORT in action!

SEE THE SORT in action – Thanks Ruth Hadlock (a Clear & SIMPLE Certified Organizer™)

You’ve picked the organizing project to do, you have set aside the time and now the overwhelm hits. You look around at all the stuff and feel paralyzed about where to start…We are here to help! Read and watch below as Ruth Hadlock brings the power of SORTING FIRST to life!!


Clear & SIMPLE, Ruth Hadlock, SORT

Click to watch Ruth on TV


We just love when other people share in their own words the steps of The Clear & SIMPLE Systems™. It affirms to us how simple and supportive they truly are. Ruth Hadlock of Streamlined Space, who is also a Clear & SIMPLE Certified Organizer™, explains the power of a simple SORT.

PARALYZED! My clients tell me it’s often overwhelming when they decide they are going to finally organize a junk room/craft room/etc. They are inspired and ready for action but as soon as they walk into that room and look around at all the clutter they are paralyzed – they don’t know where to start and what to do! I’m a certified organizer in the Clear & Simple method, a step by step system called S.T.A.C.K.S. © that takes you through the entire organizing process.  The first step is SORT. I have seen over and over again that by sorting first all the other steps are easier; they actually build on each other.

So we start with setting up for the SORT. Put together 15-20 bankers boxes. You can buy them at Office Depot or Costco [or best price at Wal-mart]. These are great because once you’re done with this project, you fold up the bankers boxes until you’re ready to use them for your next organizing project. [read Clear & SIMPLE’s blog post on bankers boxes to get more]

The goal of SORT is to put like with like according to categories. As you pick up an item, ask “What is it?” and put it in a bankers box with a post it note label. For example, if you were sorting your office, you might have books, office supplies, filing supplies, projects, etc. If you don’t have a box already with that category, then make a new one. 

The benefit of using boxes is you can freeze the process in time. How many of you have tried to organize an area, run out of time, friends are coming over, so you shove it into a closet and shut the door essentially wrecking any organization you just tried to implement!? This way, when you run out of time, simply stack the boxes against a wall and when you have time another day, you can easily pick up where you left off.

The key is to focus only on sorting. You’re not jumping ahead to “Am I going to keep it? ” Where will I put it?” “Does it need a container?”. Those are later steps. Just sort until the room is completely categorized.

Does this take time? YES! But how long has this room of yours been the way it looks now? I promise this method pays off if you follow the system. You will feel the progress!

VIEWER HOMEWORK: Choose a room in your house to sort. Download the Clear & SIMPLE Systems Card for free. Next time, I’ll share the 2nd step “Toss” with you.

Marla, Kate & Team

Would you like to become a professional organizer? Check out our in-depth, 3-tiered training program.


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Simplifying PROJECTS

One PROJECT at a time…

Constantly telling yourself “I have to get through with this clutter and get organized” is stressful.  Here are TWO SIMPLE TIPS that could empower you to get the projects done!

ONE – Choose only one project per season

– For each season, choose one clutter clearing or organizing project and just do that one.  There is a different energy for each of the seasons and aligning with that helps tremendously. When you are finished, your only job is to enjoy the rest of the season by creating something new, spending time with loved ones, taking a class or just taking in the extra space to breathe.

Here are some examples:


Organize travel plans in one place!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all your travel details in one place? Check out the app TRIPIT!

One of my least favorite things about traveling is having all of the information scattered all over the place and the hassle of trying to find what I need when I need it. The confirmations are in my email. The schedule of events is on my calendar. Notifications of flight delays come to me by text. Reminder to check-in for flights is sent to my email. When someone needs a copy of my flight info or itinerary, I have to go searching to find it in order to forward it. And so on…

“Why can’t I come up with a system that makes this all easier??” I would despairingly ask myself. Well guess what I found out…There’s an app for that!!

When I heard about TripIt, I was sold. After you book a trip, you simply forward the confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and the system builds an itinerary for you. If you make changes, simply forward that confirmation email and TripIt updates the plan for you. Once the itinerary is built, you can go in and add, change, and/or delete things. If you prefer to not send your emails, you can input the itinerary yourself.

For a recent trip to London I was able to put it to the test and I think it is brilliant! (more…)