
Keep Travel Simple with TripIt

Let TripIt keep it all together for you!

It’s time to go on vacation, yay! And then you are flooded with overwhelm. The vital details for the trip are scattered everywhere! The confirmations are in your email. The schedule of events is on your calendar. Notifications of flight delays come to you by text, if at all. Reminder to check-in for flights is sent to your email. When someone needs a copy of your flight info or itinerary, you have to go searching to find it in order to forward it. And so on…

When we first heard about TripIt, we were ecstatic…but could it really make things that much easier?! We found out it helps more than we imagined. After you book a trip, you simply forward the confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and the system builds an itinerary for you. If you make changes, simply forward that confirmation email and TripIt updates the plan for you. Once the itinerary is built, you can go in and add, change, and/or delete things. If you prefer to not send your emails, you can input the itinerary yourself.

Our favorite things are…

  • Being able to check in and check flight status in.
  • It syncs to our phone calendars.
  • Once you’ve entered places you are staying, maps are attached for easy navigating.
  • Being able to use the app along with logging in online.

For more information and to download it for your mobile device go HERE. Happy traveling!


Clear & SIMPLE, TripIt, Screen Shot

Mind Mapping for SIMPLE Planning!

Your Right & Left Brain can now work together!

“When sitting down to create a mind map all you need are two things; an idea and a brain. You put your idea in the centre and let your brain do the rest.” Andrea Leyden

Mind Mapping is our favorite tool for the MAP IT. © Step. Remember MAP IT. © stands for Make-a-plan. But often this is confusing and overwhelming. Mind mapping to the rescue!! “Whenever I get STUCK in my day or any project, I whip out paper and do a mind map. It has become an essential tool. I also go to this tool first when planning any new project or for my week and day.” Marla Dee

WHY – No matter what the project or the size, mind mapping makes it simple. And whether you are a left brain list maker or a right brain artist, mind mapping will work for you. You can use mind mapping for planning out:

  • Your year, month, week or dayClear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping
  • Any size project, large or small
  • A paper, report or any writing project
  • A creative project such as a website
  • Creating to do or task lists
  • An upcoming trip or event


HOW – Here are some simple tips and resources for learning how so you can use this tool all the time.

  1. The ideal size paper is 11×17 but 8×11 works just fine – grab printer paper.
  2. You can use pictures, words or a combination of both.
  3. Draw or write your main image or project at the center of the page.
  4. Then ask what parts come to mind that are part of this project and draw them around your central theme.
  5. One by one as the thoughts come to you, expand on each element.
  6. Keep going until you have dumped out everything in your brain related to your theme.
  7. If there is one part that turned into a loaded area, you can do a separate mind map just on that.
  8. You can also do this joyfully and easily on the COMPUTER. There are all kinds of digital mind mapping software; both FREE and PAID. These are just examples. A quick internet search will bring up a lengthy list of options.

Make-a-Mind-Map click here for detailed step-by-step instructions that make it simple! You will also see some great TIPS.

Clear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping Tips

Have fun with this. Make it a ritual that is supportive and rewarding to you. Please share your stories with us!

Marla, Kate & Team





The ART of Letting Go ~ Acceptance

All change begins with ACCEPTANCE…

The first step in letting go is accepting the story your clutter tells. All clutter tells a story and everyone has clutter in some area of his or her life. Accept that your environment is simply a reflection of your life up until now, a reflection of what’s happened to you and what’s going on inside you. There’s no shame or blame in looking at this picture; that would only keep you in the role of a victim. In order to step into the power of change and growth, you must be willing to open your eyes and see it. There is no healthy payoff in focusing on the clutter itself, on staying locked up in guilt—not for you or for others. However, great power is arises when you accept that you are the creator of your life and of your environment. Your old things, your old patterns, your old relationships reflect who you have been and what you have built or what you have avoided—it is YOUR PAST!

By accepting the full story in front of you, you can step into present time. There is a famous line in the Alcoholics Anonymous book that says “Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.”  I believe this is true. Acceptance is the beginning of any change. Acceptance brings peace. Acceptance opens the door for support to come in.

Here are some simple exercises to support you in coming to a place of acceptance:

Answer the following questions:

– What am I having a hard time accepting?

– Why am I having a hard time accepting where I am today?

– What am I telling myself about why I am stuck?

– What is the story I want to get out before I can move on?

– Am I willing to accept what is in front of me?

Acknowledge your feelings:

– I accept that I am scared.

– I accept that I feel hopeless.

– I accept that I have created this situation.

– What would acceptance feel like?

Then answer:

– Where can I begin my acceptance?

– If I accept what is in front of me, how will I be set free?

– By accepting my situation, what can I let go of that is dragging me down or holding me back?

– What would acceptance look like?

Another method for getting out and accepting your old story is to tell it out loud. The key is to find a person you trust who is willing to listen with heart and attention. I have found many people hold on to their stuff because they feel they need it in order to share their life story with another human being.

This is an excerpt from Marla’s book The ART of Letting Go, which you can download now as a gift from her.

The ART of Letting Go ~ Trust

Trust is the most important part of letting go.

After Acceptance and Release comes the last step on your journey of freedom from clutter…Trust! We know clearing clutter can be overwhelming.  We hope these three steps have made it simpler.  We want to help free you to be present in your life now.

Let me bring these together for you.

  • Clutter is transformed by clearing.
  • You can choose to hold on or let go.
  • Do you want to stay stuck or start moving?
  • Is your body in a state or panic or peace?
  • Are you coming from a place of fear or trust?

In reality, all your choices come down to choosing FEAR or TRUST. I encourage you to take this journey from a place of Trust, and when Fear comes up, acknowledge it and let it go. Just for now, be willing to explore your own story and step into change.

Wishing you sweet peace in your life. Marla Dee

**This is an excerpt from Marla’s book, The ART of Letting Go. Download it now as a free gift to read all of the wisdom, knowledge and support of releasing many kinds of stuff in life.
Organizing  Tips  for  a  Smooth  Move!

Organizing Tips for a Smooth Move!

Moving can be one of the most stressful things we go through. Whether you are a single person, a family or a business, it can be overwhelming and chaotic. As a professional organizer for 19 years, Marla has seen the pain her clients go through.  She also sees how often the boxes are still unpacked months or even years later!


TIP 1 – Clear the clutter FIRST! Start a couple months before the move. Schedule a couple hours at a time, or a whole weekend, to go through and clear the layer of stuff you know you no longer need or want. You don’t have to do it all but everything you release saves you money. Get help from a friend, family or a professional organizer. Get help from our eBook The ART of Letting Go. You can download it on www.clearsimple.com/art.

TIP 2 – Create a simple plan for each area of the old home and the new.  Go to google to find wonderful checklists!

TIP 3 – Get the right TOOLS:

  • Use the real moving boxes.  They are extremely affordable. They make the move easier because you have the sizes you need, they can stack easily, they have handles where you need them, you can reuse or recycle them when done.
  • Get moving labels that make it easier to identify what it is the box. I love the ones that are a different color for each area. You can go to Amazon to see a variety of options,
  • Get the packing tape and tape guns to get the job done quickly.

TIP 4 – Hire professionals to pack and to move you. It will save you stress and money in the end.  However, be picky and interview different companies until you find a great fit for you. Often times professional organizers are less by the hour than moving companies and they do a much more organized job.  They can also help you put your home together on the other end.

Text your email address to 801-463-9090 and type “move” or email info@clearsimple.com to get a free digital version of our Organize Your Move Book. I want you to get organized and have fun doing it.

Make this next move the one you celebrate because it is smooth and has much less stress. The Clear & Simple Team.


The ART of Letting Go ~ Inspiration

Inspiration – the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions!

As defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, getting inspired means to get the intellect or emotion moving! We often hear people say, “I”m lazy so I don’t… clean out my purse, clean out the garage, clean off the kitchen counter, organize the linen closet…” We want to reframe this. We believe it’s because these things just aren’t inspiring in and of themselves. However, once they are done, the space and fresh flowing energy gets our brains, hearts and bodies fired up! This opens us up to spend time and energy where we really want to. Now that’s inspiring!

Encouragement comes in many forms:

  • creating a vision of what you most want
  • reframing negative thoughts to positive ones
  • the support of a trusted loved one
  • a picture in a magazine
  • hearing stories of others accomplishments
  • sitting with how it will feel when you reach a desired outcome

Find what really lights up your entire being! Here are 3 ideas to get you going:

1 – Look for affirmation of the feeling you want on the other side of clearing the clutter. One great resource is Clutterers Anonymous and here are a couple from their site. As I declutter my life, I open up space to receive the support and comfort that I need – or – As I let go of what is insignificant to me, I am better able to enjoy those things that are important to me.

2 – Find stories of people that have released clutter that you resonate with. One of our favorite story tellers is family man Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist. Not only does he share about his family’s journey on his website, but he regularly shares guest posts in his newsletter.

3 – Print a picture or create a Pinterest board that inspires you let go of the stuff that is not adding value to your life or your space. We are always inspired by visual.

The ART of Letting Go is Marla’s ebook about taking that inspiration and then following the steps within The Clear & SIMPLE Systems to clear the clutter. Download this sweet and simple, yet powerful little book today as our free gift for yourself and others. Please feel free to share with your loved ones.

Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee, The ART of Letting Go

Top Ten Tips for Summer

Top Ten Tips for Summer

SEE IT – get in touch with what is most important to you MAP IT – make it happen by writing it down on your calendar DO IT – then enjoy each event to its fullest! Put FUN First – Choose the most important fun activity and fill up on the juicy energy it offers. Before...

His stuff, Her stuff, Our stuff

Creating and caring for a home together is often challenging. We each have a relationship with our stuff and patterns that show up in our space. When it comes to mixing our stuff with someone else all kinds of issues can arise…

  • I need stuff out where I can see it and he wants it all tucked away
  • I like a simple space and she is a collector
  • What do we do with all the double’s now that we are living together
  • Why do you need these old T-shirts that are 30 years old – or your grandma’s china
Our TOP THREE TIPS for creating shared space are –

1 – A Room to YOURSELF. Each of you gets one room (or space) that is ALL YOURS! It gets to look the way you want, have the stuff you want and function how you want. It is your space to keep your way. This tip is critical for long-lasting relationship contentment.

2 – A Room you both LOVE. It is vital to have one room in the home (preferably the bedroom) that you both love to be in together. You have each shared in the choices for furniture, colors, the stuff and the feel. It is free of clutter or other people’s stuff. This is your sweet space to share with each other.

3 – The MAGIC Question?  When it comes time to organize another area, or to do any kind of project together – start with the magical question. This question brings together the SEE IT.© (take a look at where you are) and MAP IT.© (make a plan for where you want to go) Steps and makes it simple. Ask how do you want the new space to look, feel and function?  Each of you write your answers and then share with each other. You will get insights, save time & money and decrease your stress by doing this.

These TIPS are taken from almost 20 years of working with hundreds of couples. Since we all tend to attract our opposite in some way, these tips can make a huge difference in your relationship. We would love to hear from you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT.© MAP IT.©  – click here for more info


Your space tells your STORY!

Your space, your home, your office, your car, your desktop… are simply reflecting who you are and what is going on inside you. So what story would they tell if you were looking in from the outside? 

Pause right now and go to your favorite room, or the room you spend the most time in. Take a look around and notice what thoughts arise. What about the sensations that are coming up in your body. Let your senses find a voice and speak to you. Take it in and trust whatever is shared. Who knows, you might even be surprised.

Here are some one-line story headings.  What would yours be?

  1. I like comfy & color
  2. I’m tired and overwhelmed
  3. I enjoy beauty and peace
  4. I have too much stuff
  5. I am a soft person
  6. I’m simple – or – I’m complicated
  7. I like being messy – it’s who I am
  8. I need lots of color – or – I need neutrals
  9. My space is full of other people’s stuff
  10. I am a minimalist
  11. I absolutely love being organized
  12. Everything has a home – or – I don’t where to put things
  13. Everything needs to be out so I can see it.

My environment is an external reflection of my internal reality! Sharon Benedict www.newinkcopy.com

Now go further and ask, does your space support or drain you? There is no right or wrong here; this is about noticing. This is the SEE IT© Step in action (take a look at where you’ve been). Does your space reflect who you are in present time? Or do you now want to make a change? We invite you to share your insight with anyone close to you and ask about them. We would love to hear your stories!

Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Marion MandalaNOTE – Visit www.TheHomeEnhancer.com if you want help changing your story. Marion Mandala will transform your space into a place you love to be! She lives in the Portland, OR area but also offers virtual sessions.  You can connect with her at 503-953-5976.

SEE IT.© Take a look at where you’ve been – click here for more info


Client Story – Taming the Paper Piles

Those piles of paper and overflowing files can be tamed!

“I’m coming clean here. Literally. I had piles of paper taking over my spare room that was supposed to be my sweet home office. It desperately needed attention. There were files from the last decade, including my husband’s old papers (he passed away years ago). Boxes overflowed, piles fell over, and the result was stress, stress, stress every time I walked into the room. What I lacked was a system to handle it all. I was inspired to tackle it after Marla Dee came to help me create a vision and plan.

I made this my project for spring and started working my way through the piles using the Clear & SIMPLE Systems© (see below). I sorted first. Then Marla took me through the toss. Honestly, having her at my side talking me through it made all the difference in the world. Next we chose a container for my incoming paper to land until I was ready to deal with it. Lastly, she introduced me to the amazing FreedomFiler System for my action system and all my files, from reference to taxes. I have peace of mind knowing that every type of paper in my space has a home and a system to keep it running smoothly.” W.R.

Why not try The Clear & SIMPLE Way © to transform your paper piles…

SEE IT© – Take a look at where you’ve been

Take 10 minutes to write out what’s working, what’s not working and why. Just let the words come out of you and enjoy the clarity and release.

MAP IT© – Make a plan for what you want

Write a simple vision by asking how you want your paper space to look, feel and function? Get ideas here on our ULTIMATE OFFICE MAP.

DO IT© – Take the steps to get it done

Take it one step at a time using the Clear & SIMPLE System of S.T.A.C.K.S. ©.

Sort first – What is it? Gather the most active papers and sort them first. Keep the labels general in the beginning. Remember like with like. You can sort right into hanging files or bankers boxes with post it note labels. For example: mortgage/rental papers, life insurance, health insurance, auto, monthly utilities, loans, etc.

Toss – Do I keep it or let it go? Give your self permission to recycle or shred the papers that need to go. Get a printable version of our Record Retention Guidelines.

Assign – Where will it go? Sanity starts with capturing the paper as it comes in. Choose a location and container for the incoming paper and drop everything in.  It is just like the inbox for your emails.  Then get a container for the action papers and 1-2 file drawers for the files you need to keep handy. Check out a printable version of our Paper flow Map for additional support.

Contain – What does it go in? Choose a color of hanging folder that you love along with the powerful FreedomFiler System or another of your choice. Archive papers can just be put in boxes, labeled and stored.

Keep It Up – How do I maintain this? Place all incoming paper and mail into a container then sort once a week into 4 piles – Read, Action, File and Toss, RAFT ©. Take the piles to their appropriate place and then spend 30 minutes just on the ACTION items. FreedomFiler System is the answer again to keep ALL the paper files organized!

Simplify – How can I simplify? Schedule your paper power time each week just like you would the laundry. Also, getting help from a Professional Organizer is always a gift.

We invite you to just start using the tips and tools above. Tackle the active paper piles and let us know what happens.

Marla, Kate & Team


©RAFT, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. & STACKS Copyright Clear & SIMPLE, LLC All rights reserved.