What does your office say about you?

I had no idea my office could be this powerful and beautiful!

 – Emily London


Meet Emily – a fabulous photographer, extraordinary woman, wife, mother and much more. Emily is a true entrepreneur, meaning she launched her first business in her 20’s.  Emily is a highly organized person with the innate skill and she knows how to create beauty.  She stepped into the trap so many home business owners fall into – trying to make a small closet area her home office. Making do just didn’t support her or her exploding business.

The first step for Emily was claiming the space she needed and deserved. We found it right down the hall from the closet. An entire room, mostly empty, being used for supplies.

The next step was asking how she wanted her office to look, feel and function when we were done. You can get help doing this for yourself here www.clearsimple.com/organizeoffice/.

Once you have claimed your space, it’s time to transform it into Your Ultimate Office. Go through Your Ultimate Office Checklist and choose what you need next.

Your Ultimate Office Checklist

  • A great desk you love working on
    • I shape – Inadequate for most as it only supports one activity
    • L shape – This allows surface for manual work and a computer
    • U shape – Ideal to handle daily work, paper/projects and equipment
    • Large area on the desk that is clear for today’s work
  • Two drawer file cabinet within arm’s reach of your chair
  • Very comfortable, supportive chair
  • Carpet protector to go under the chair
  • Two desk drawers for daily supplies
  • Windows and natural lighting or no windows, depending on personality
  • Desired sound level to help you focus or relax as needed
  • Area or cabinet for other office supplies
  • Excellent computer equipment
    • Accessible
    • Ergonomically correct
  • Shredder that is close by
  • Recycle container close by
  • Office free of all former employee’s stuff
  • Plant or some other life form
  • Bulletin board or area for visual reminders
  • Artwork that inspires you
  • An office with a door you can close when needed
  • The entire iRAFT© System for all your paper  www.clearsimple.com/iRaft
  • Extra file space for storage papers used occasionally
  • Fabulous SYSTEMS in place to maintain the space

Get more juicy ideas and guidance at Organize Office

If you want or need help from a Clear & Simple Certified Organizer, reach out to us info@clearsimple.com


Clear & Simple, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office, Organize Your Desk
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr. We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.