Are you drowning in a sea of paper pain?

Did you know you can handle all of your incoming paper in less than an hour a week?! We know paper comes at you from all directions and you think it’s impossible to ever manage it all. Behold… iRAFT©! We have created a system that simplifies all your interactions with the paper & information.

Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

EVERY piece of paper and information that comes into your life can be handled using the iRAFT© steps beginning with Incoming, where it lands into your life and space.

  • Incoming – every paper item that comes into your life
  • Read – magazines, articles, letters, cards
  • Act – requires you do something (make a call, pay a bill…)
  • File – file it quickly and be able to retrieve it easily
  • Toss – shred or recycle

*Please note that we recommend implementing this system and starting in present time. Once you are familiar with it and have every step in place, then go to the piles, filing drawers, etc. to clear out and clean up. Paper is its own beast and is very overwhelming. If you desire the help of an organizer, please connect with us.

Get iRAFT© For Your Paper in our free Paper Guide

INCOMING: In the same way that incoming emails land in the inbox, it is vital to create a container and spot for mail, thoughts, and information. The key elements when establishing a place for incoming communications are:

  • The location of the container needs to be close to the place of entry.
  • The container size needs to take into account the volume of information coming in.
  • The container should ideally be vertical with a large, open entry. If you use a horizontal container, select one that is open and comes with a lid.
  • The design of the container is important. Match the environment & personality of the user.
  • Process weekly into R.A.F.T.© – READ | ACTION | FILE | TOSS

READ: Choose a container for fast reading on the go, like a mesh folder in your briefcase, and a larger container/location for reading while you are sitting, both for personal and work. Keep the following in mind:

  • The right size of container is critical.
  • Location of the container is key. Put it where you will do the reading.
  • There is a difference between “quiet” and “active” reading.
  • There needs to be a system for when the reading happens.

ACTION: Everyone needs an action system for the communications that require action. Please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • It is imperative to have a container for papers that need immediate attention, action, and decision.
  • The container for your action file should be visual, vertical, and easy to sort into and work out of.
  • Coupled with the container needs to be a system to address how often you will take action weekly.
  • Refer to the action system section below for details on these areas.

FILE: In this container place items that are ready to be filed as reference, storage or archive.

TOSS: It is so helpful to have recycle, shred and trash bins close to your processing area.

Download your FREE Paper Guide

Clear & Simple, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., iRAFT, Organize Your Paper
Clear & Simple, Organizing, Systems, See It Map It Do It, STACKS, iRAFT, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr
Clear & Simple, Organizing, Systems, See It Map It Do It, STACKS, iRAFT Marla Dee, Kate Fehr

Check out the entire iRAFT© System here.

Your Guides, Marla Dee and Kate Fehr

We love teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to live free of clutter and get organized at last.