
Clutter Clear Your Office

A clutter free office helps you focus on your work. Clutter is delayed decisions and holding onto the past. Marla Dee If you were standing at the doorway of your office with the person you admire most, would you be excited or ashamed? We certainly understand if your...

Get Organized the CS Way

Our systems make organizing simple!

The Clear & SIMPLE Systems © are a unique approach to organizing. They offer a simple, grounded, step-by-step process that will educate, empower and excite you to take on the “stuff” in ALL areas of your life
home, office, paper, time and even your interior spaces
mind, body, soul.

Below is a outline of our systems. We invite you to read through them, really take them in and then give them a go in your space(s). Click here for a beautiful, downloadable and printable copy
and feel free to share with everyone! If you would like additional support take a look through Our Shop or Connect With Us to get help from an organizer.

‱ SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. ©  The Foundation System for any organizing project.

SEE IT. || Take a look at where you are at.

Write the story your clutter tells.

Draw the story.

Take pictures.

Answer questions:

What’s working?

What’s not working?

Where are you stuck and why?

What do you want most to accomplish?

MAP IT. || “Make A Plan” for where you wan to go.

Do a mind map.

Make a list or create a chart.

Draw a picture or create a collage.

Write a description of your top three priorities.

Write your vision of what you really want.

DO IT. || Take the action steps to get there using our sub-system S.T.A.C.K.S. ©

‱ S.T.A.C.K.S. ©  The Action System to getting it done, asking just one question and taking one action at a time.

SORT || What is it? – Sort into piles of like with like.

TOSS || Do I need it or want it? – Put in the keep of discard pile.

ASSIGN A HOME || Where does it go? – Identify how/where you use it and create zones accordingly.

CONTAIN || What does it go in? – Measure the “stuff” and the storage area BEFORE buying containers.

KEEP IT UP || How do I maintain it? – Create a simple plan for how you will maintain the area.

SIMPLIFY || Decide whether any new items pass the test.

‱ The ART of Letting Go || Acceptance, Release and Trust. Are you ready to let go?

“This treasure of a book will give you inspiration and steps to clear the clutter that is dragging you down and keeping you stuck.” – Marla Dee

Download a FREE copy and feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit!

Our passion is supporting people on clearing out all of that “stuff” that keeps them stuck in order to live the life they most desire. It takes time, energy and the tools to accomplish. We get that. That’s why we do what we do and practice it in our own lives.

We’re here for you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Organize travel plans in one place!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all your travel details in one place? Check out the app TRIPIT!

One of my least favorite things about traveling is having all of the information scattered all over the place and the hassle of trying to find what I need when I need it. The confirmations are in my email. The schedule of events is on my calendar. Notifications of flight delays come to me by text. Reminder to check-in for flights is sent to my email. When someone needs a copy of my flight info or itinerary, I have to go searching to find it in order to forward it. And so on

“Why can’t I come up with a system that makes this all easier??” I would despairingly ask myself. Well guess what I found out
There’s an app for that!!

When I heard about TripIt, I was sold. After you book a trip, you simply forward the confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and the system builds an itinerary for you. If you make changes, simply forward that confirmation email and TripIt updates the plan for you. Once the itinerary is built, you can go in and add, change, and/or delete things. If you prefer to not send your emails, you can input the itinerary yourself.

For a recent trip to London I was able to put it to the test and I think it is brilliant! (more

The ART of Letting Go ~ Release

Start with the willingness to surrender. Take a deep breath and exhale. What are you ready to let go of right now? The first step in ART was Acceptance. Now you are ready for the Release. When you have accepted where you are in present time, you are free to let go of...

Choose the LOVE vibration

Fill your life with the things, the people & actions that you LOVE!

We all know how it feels to get the perfect thing. We love it so much that it finally wears out – that great pair of jeans, the chair that you just have to sit in every night, the sweet cookie jar your mother gave you.  Then there is hanging out with your good friend going for a long walk in the woods, collaborating on a great project, or reading to your child before bed. In this moment pause and bring up something that you LOVE.  Notice how it makes you feel.  Notice if you get a sensation of joy or lightness.

We also know how it feels to buy stuff that never gets used, much less loved. (more

Just Flow With It

Did you know that you can handle all of the incoming paper in your life in less than an hour a week?!

It is true! Yes paper comes at us from all directions in our lives, but we have come to believe that there is not way we’ll ever be able to manage it all effectively. The way to change all that is to use our very favorite system R.A.F.T.©

EVERY piece of paper that comes into your life can be handled using the R.A.F.T.© steps

      • Read ~ magazines, articles, letters, cards
      • Act ~ requires you do something (make a call, pay a bill
      • File ~ file it quickly and be able to retrieve it easily
      • Toss ~ shred or recycle


Get all of the pieces!

Within the next few posts we will give you more information about each step so that you can set up R.A.F.T.© in your space. In the meantime, download our Paper Systems Flow Chart, get familiar with R.A.F.T.© and invite in the new energy of support you will receive by implementing it into your life. Click on the picture below to download our Paper Flow Chart with R.A.F.T.© 


Clear & SIMPLE's Paper System Flow Chart

*Please note that we recommend implementing this system and starting in present time. Once you are familiar with it and have every step in place, then go to the piles, filing drawers, etc. to clear out and clean up. Paper is its own beast and is very overwhelming. If you desire the help of an organizer, please contact us.


* This post is part of a series, called Paper Flow. Please see posts around it for the full story.

R.A.F.T.©, Clear & SIMPLE, LLC
This post is all about our Do Itℱ system.
Download our Systems Cards HERE to learn our systems SEE IT.ℱ MAP IT.ℱ DO IT.ℱ and S.T.A.C.K.S.ℱ

Clear & SIMPLE Systems Card

Clutter Clear Your Bedroom

Here are 3 simple ways to start that can be done in under an hour! Does your bedroom refresh you or stress you? Transforming your bedroom into a peaceful place begins with clearing the clutter. This is the greatest gift you can give your body, your mind, and your...

Simplify Home

A simpler life begins making your home a happy place. How would that feel?   A home is a kingdom of it’s own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life’s storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary.    – Dietrich Bonhoeffer Get Your...

Organize Your Digital Apps

There’s an app for… everything! And we don’t need them all. Simplicity involves unburdening your life, and living more lightly with fewer distractions that interfere with a high quality life, as defined uniquely by each individual..  – Linda...

Organize Your Office

Does your office support you or stress you? Most of us spend more time in our office than at home. Make your office a place where you thrive and do your best work!  – Marla Dee Why work in a disorganized office or a space you really do not like? By continually...