
Tip #10. Let go of one habit that is keeping you stuck.

Spring is a time of renewal, of light, of growth.

Clearing & organizing are easier when we align with nature. Mother earth is masterful at letting go of old & dying materials to make way for new growth. So, we often need to clean out the garden patch before we plant new life. As we say hello to spring, take 5 minutes to pause and ask –

“What is one habit I am holding onto that is keeping me stuck or cluttering my space?”

From Marla – “I am releasing the pattern of going to the computer in the morning before I do my meditation and journaling. When I go to the computer first, it throws off my whole day. When I take my quiet, grounding sacred time first – my whole day flows. What are you ready to release?”

From a client – “Right now I am letting go of trying to do everything myself. Forcing the ‘I can do it ALL’ mentality has really taken a toll on me energetically, emotionally and physically. I’m practicing delegating some things to free me up. Then I can do what I most want. What is one thing you could hire out or ask someone to help with?”

Here are examples of old habits that can outlive their usefulness:

  • Keeping all the emails in my inbox rather than setting up simple subfolders such as read, action and pending.
  • Doing my meals and grocery shopping on the fly rather than weekly planning.
  • Going to bed too late – forcing myself to stay up. Or sleeping in too late and skipping my morning time.
  • Plopping all the incoming mail and paper on the kitchen counter (rather than an incoming container).
  • Walking by piles of stuff day after day rather than a weekly restore to put everything in it’s home.

Once you get clear on what you are ready to release, you can ask what new habit you want to bring in. What would feel good and supportive for you life now?

We would LOVE to hear your ideas!
Marla & Team

Get a printable version of our Top Ten Tips for Spring.
WHY does getting organized matter?

WHY does getting organized matter?

Do you even care about being organized? Why or Why not?

Earlier we explored where to start getting organized. Now let’s go further and talk about why organizing matters. Does getting organized really matter to you? if so, have you asked yourself why? If not, why? Your reasons can be completely different than your partner, family, friends or co-workers. Getting clear on why you care and how it can help you personally will inspire you to make time for it.

Organizing has been given a bad rap in these times of overconsumption and minimalizing. Somehow, organizing has been reduced to putting stuff in pretty containers. Yet it is so much more than that. Here are a few reasons why getting organized in your space and life matter.

Organizing your space helps you:

  • Consciously choose what you will keep and what you will let go
  • Create systems for how to maintain your space
  • Create a space that reflects and supports you
  • Get your space working when there are multiple people with multiple needs
  • Have peace and serenity in your space
The Organizing skill & systems help you:
  • Manage all the daily activities in your life
  • Manage your time and energy each day
  • Plan events for all the roles in your life
  • Grow personally and produce in the world
  • Reduce stress by making decisions easier

I hope you can see how organizing is an essential part of your everyday life. I invite you again to write down the project or area you want to start organizing this year and why it matters to you. Then, if you want to go further, explore why getting more organized this year will make your life easier and better.

For more understanding of how organizing and professional organizers help you, check out this great blog – What Professional Organizers Really Do. 

It’s no secret that clutter and disorganization contribute to stress, anxiety, further over-consumption and exhaustion. My purpose is setting you free of this stress.

Your Guide – Marla Dee
Were you born with the organizing gene?

Were you born with the organizing gene?

Did anyone ever tell you that organizing is a SKILL that only 10-12% of the human population on the planet earth is born with (see note below)? Most people assume that everyone should just know how. Parents expect their kids to know how to clean up their rooms. Bosses expect their employees to know how to organizing their office. Yet, 90% of the human population on the planet earth really struggle.

So believe me when I say…
 – If clutter clearing was easy, the piles wouldn’t be there.
 – And if organizing was easy, the chaos wouldn’t be here.

If you are part of the 10% then:

  • Walking into a room filled with clutter and chaos gets you excited  
  • Your hands get itchy and you want to start touching and moving the stuff
  • You go into a trance or creative zone when you are doing the work
  • You are often helping other people with their disorganization and maybe you have even started an organizing business.

If you are NOT born with the innate skill then:

  • You struggle with where to start, what to do and how to keep it up
  • Even thinking about clutter clearing or organizing is draining 
  • Your attempts to get organized have left you feeling helpless and hopeless
  • You have probably ready many books and tried many approaches only to give up

My story of how it all began…
It was April of 1999 when I met my first organizing client. I was there to work on her home office. I was excited and also terrified. We had only spoken on the phone so I didn’t know what to expect and I felt clueless about how I would help her.  I had many tools and lots of experience to draw from but I didn’t have a system to take us through the process.

Throughout my first year I witnessed over and over again that my clients were wired differently from me. They got confused and didn’t understand the steps. This is when the Clear & Simple Systems were born. I realized I needed a way to teach them the SKILL. And I wanted it to be fun and easy. 

Coming up, I will be sharing SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. and STACKS. These systems teach the SKILL. These simple steps are what make organizing easier.  If you want more information now, go to www.clearsimple.com/systems


NOTE: In the last 20 years, I have consulted with hundreds of clients and audiences. According to my research only 10-12% of the human population is born with the organizing gene, with the innate skill. The other 90% really struggle.

Your Guide, Marla Dee
 – teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last

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