Knowing your personal WHY for clearing your clutter will keep you going when things get tough.

Clutter is everywhere. It comes in constantly, it builds up in your car, on your kitchen counter, and on your desk. It can bury your bedroom, your basement or your whole home. If letting go of the clutter was easy, it wouldn’t be there. Yes, it can sound simple to pick up that item and ask if you are gong to keep it or let it go. But that query can lead to as many stories as there are people. Clutter clearing just isn’t that simple!

This month we are addressing how to get started. Last week, I asked you where you wanted to start? Now I am asking you why you care about that project? What is the meaning to you? This is what will keep you going. I am asking you to write it out or find a picture or create it any way you want. Then place your why statement where you can see it throughout the project.

Throughout my 20 years as a professional organizer, I have witnessed the power of knowing your WHY. So trust me when I say this will make a difference.

Here are some of my favorites –

  • I want to clear my dining room and kitchen so my family can start coming over for Sunday dinner every week.
  • I am ready to free my bedroom and closet. I want it to be a romantic space that I love going to every night.
  • This clutter has kept me stuck for years and now I want to travel. I am ready to downsize and let go of the last 30 years of stuff.

POWER NOTE: If you want to make this stronger turn your why into an I am statement.

Let me know where and why you are clutter clearing this year! Your Guide – Marla Dee

Creator of the Clear & SIMPLE Way to get free of clutter and get organized