
Spring Organizing Tips

Our Top Ten Tips, Tools, & Truths for a Happy Spring.

Bring the sweet energy of spring into your space!

Ritual is a great way to anchor your intentions. It helps you to massage and soften and release tough holding patterns and bring to conscious reality the longs of your heartStephanie Bennett Vogt

Check out The One Minute Clear Exercise from Stephanie Bennet Vogt. This unbelievably simple, yet profound practice of only one minute a day for seven days will shift your space and your being. Click here for the video and feel spring energy move into your own body.

Clear & Simple’s Tips on ritual…

1. Invite fresh, clean energy into your space.

On a warm, sunny day, open up your windows and doors, turn on some music and let the freshness of spring flow through your space. This helps move the stagnant winter energy to rejuvenate all the moving molecules. Then let yourself enjoy the new energy and what you are inspired to do throughout the day.

2. Dig in the dirt – or simply plant one pot.

Ahh, the yummy feeling of dirt in your hands – dry, rough, wet, packed, smooth – so many sensations just waiting for you. Spring is the time to let your inner child go outside, get your hands dirty and connect with the earth. For those of you that love gardening, you know how healing this time is. Give yourself permission to put earth time first and love every minute.

If gardening isn’t really your thing or you don’t have the time, just pick out one fabulous pot, choose a flower arrangement and plop it in. Place it on your porch, where you can enjoy the beauty every day when you arrive home.

Spring is invigorating!

New life and fresh ideas abound. The urge to create has been building all winter long. Sadly, it can also be overwhelming because of all the fun choices. Just imagine taking a trip down to the local gardens and gazing at the abundance of flowers. Where do you start?

3. Keep it simple by choosing one project for the season.

It can be overwhelming to think about all the clutter clearing and organizing projects in your home, which can block you from ever starting. So begin with choosing just one project for each season and over time your space will be transformed. Also, each season has it’s own feel.

Spring is the perfect time to transform your closet, garage or craft area. Remember to write a vision of what you want to create before you dive in (the MAP IT Step).


4. Get inspired and bring in new life with bright colors.

How often have you caught your breath at the sight of a flowerbed in full bloom? Just like the blossoming flowers, bright containers make us happy. Our brain and bodies react to color first. So make your space or project one you will love to spend time in with bright, fun colors!

To find containers for all areas of your home in gorgeous colors, we love & recommend The Container Store!!

Harness the creative spring energy!

You know how contagious spring energy can be. It hits your body and you feel compelled to start clearing your space, go buy cool containers and somehow bring your space to life. You want to mirror what is happening outside and bring it inside. We believe that each season has it’s own energy and tapping into that makes organizing easier.


5. You get to choose what stays and what goes!

This is your space, this is your life, this is your choice, and your responsibility. There is a gift if you claim your personal power and make your space what you really want. Start with one room and ask – how do you want it to look, feel and function? Take out everything that doesn’t align with YOU! Then have fun making changes like adding color, or a new plant, a sweet bookshelf, or soft rug. Create a room that you love being in!

6. Refresh Your Clothes Closet

Spring is the best season for clearing out the clothes closet. Here are two personal tips for this personal area that gets a lot of use. First, we suggest getting real by trying everything on your body and asking, “Is this me?” Be prepared to laugh and cry. Make it a party and do this with a friend. You will actually be able to release the clothes much easier than if you just look at them on the hanger.

Second, choose hanger heaven rather than hanger hell by simply getting the same color and material of hanger. This is the easiest and cheapest closet transformation. Choose one color and get the different types you need in that color. The body and brain go to color first. You will be amazed at the difference.

Get The Steps to make spring organizing easier!

Spring is often a time when the urge to organize hits us! It’s vital to your success to know where to start, what to do and how to keep it up! What is you were given a simple step-by-step method that makes the organizing easy. Then you could choose a small project, like your junk drawer, or tackle a large project such as your garage.

7. Learn the SKILL!

Here’s the hard truth–only 10% of the human population is born with the “organizing gene”. This leaves 90% who don’t know where to start, what to do, or how to keep it up. We teach 3 simple steps – SEE IT, MAP IT, DO IT© – Look at where you’ve been, make a plan for where you want to go, then the take action. The action system is STACKS© Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up & Simplify. Get your FREE Steps Guide at www.clearsimple.com/steps/

8. Capture the incoming paper in one place and container.

The paper comes at us so fast it is impossible to keep up with it. It can take over your kitchen counter, dining room table, desk or any horizontal surface. You can start by freeing your kitchen counter of the paper piles. Get one large container to hold the incoming. It can be a covered basket or vertical wall pocket. Place all the incoming paper here and then sort once a week into piles for read, action, file and toss.

We created a 5 step system to simplify all of your interactions with paper, technology & information. Remember a SYSTEM – Saves You Stress, Time, Energy & Money! Let us walk you through iRAFT,  go to www.clearsimple.com/iraft.


Ways to make letting go easier.

“Clutter is delayed decisions and holding onto the past.” Marla Dee

We know it can be fun to clear the clutter from your clothes closet or garage. It can also be overwhelming when faced with all the decisions. It can be helpful to do this step with a trusted friend. Here are a couple of tips that will support you in letting go. 

9. Choose a donation agency that aligns with your joy and beliefs.

Giving to charities that support work you care about makes the toss step easier & more meaningful. Working with our clients for years has shown us this is true. Get online and look for a charity that speaks to you. If you can find one that will pick up the stuff, even better.

10. Let go of one habit that is keeping you stuck.

Spring is a time of renewal, of light, of growth. Releasing even one old habit and replacing it with something new can bring energy and new growth. Maybe this spring is the time to start going to bed at the same time every night. Or how about a simple 10 minute meditation each morning.


Cool Tools for Spring Organizing!


Get the Cool Tools to make the job easier. – Everyone knows that having the right tools is essential for getting the job done.  As professional organizers, we want to share our favorites that every home (and most offices need)


    • 30 banker’s boxes are the minimum for a home.  We use them to sort, contain and move the piles, stage the stuff during large projects, and free our clients from the visual distraction of all the stuff in messy piles.
    • A labeler is essential.  Having your containers and shelves labeled not only makes it easy to find what you need but mostly makes it easier to put things back where they belong. We recommend the Brother PTouch.
    • The time timer is a brilliant tool that allows us to stay focused and “touch” time. This amazing tool comes in many sizes, can be used by all ages and has hundreds of uses. Go here to check it out
Clear & Simple, Time Timer Mods
Clear & Simple, Time Timer Mods
Clear & Simple, Time Timer Mods

Your Guides, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We are passionate about teaching people The Clear & Simple Way to clear clutter and get organized at last.

Clear & Simple®, LLC

© 1999-2025 Clear & Simple, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Simplify Your Traditions

Close your eyes, take a long deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, and visualize your most favorite and joyful holiday memories.

Dream big!

How do you most want your holidays to look and feel?


Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement. We’ve created powerful tools you can utilize any time of year to support your journey. If you have some extra time, hop on over there to access these offerings. If time is of the essence and the holiday season has begun, circle back to the Clutter Clear Out in January.

For November and December we invite a slow down and focus on simplifying. We’ll spend the other nine months diving into organizing. Check out our Simplify Your Home and Holidays for all of our suggested actions. 


No matter what holidays you partake in there is excitement and, dare we say, magical qualities. Then there are the inherent complexities. From wanting to attend all the gatherings to buying gifts that bring great joy; from having delightful decor to making delicious meals; from all the traditions passed down or created ourselves to deepen the meaning of the holiday.

Focus on Freedom: When it comes to the holidays do you allow yourself extra time to cultivate ritual and tradition in the events, activities, and to-do’s? Do you say yes when you really want to say no? Do you have any time for rest and rejuvenation? Sit down with your calendar and be realistic and truthful about how much you can and to engage with. First, block out some “you” time each week. Then add things you know for sure (shopping, decorating, cooking, baking, gatherings) in your calendar where you will not schedule other things.

Focus on Family: One of the most precious things we can do at the Holiday Season is spend meaningful time together. To keep this simple, sit down together as a family and ask each person to share what is the one thing they want most to do this year?

Focus on You: It’s your life and your choice. Choose traditions based on your family’s current values and desires, not just what has “always been done.” Some of our favorites include a sledding day, reading together before bed, giving to a family in need, and having a game night each week.

Remember memories are stored when we experience emotion. Make your holidays deeply memorable! Then put these important choices first on your calendar and feel the relief of letting go of all the other stuff we tell ourselves we should be doing. You have chosen what matters most.

When you are ready for more simple actions, head over to our Simplify Your Home and Holidays page, where you will find more blogs and our eBook chock full of our home and holiday simplifying goodness.

simplifyhome, simplifyholidays, simplifylife
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.

Simplify Your Wrapping

How many types of wrapping paper, bags, bows, ribbon, and tissue paper do you have?

Simplify your gift wrapping

and create a signature style!


Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement. We’ve created powerful tools you can utilize any time of year to support your journey. If you have some extra time, hop on over there to access these offerings. If time is of the essence and the holiday season has begun, circle back to the Clutter Clear Out in January.

For November and December we invite a slow down and focus on simplifying. We’ll spend the other nine months diving into organizing. Check out our Simplify Your Home and Holidays for all of our suggested actions. 


Are you done with the constant mess and overwhelm of too many gift wrapping options and flair as well as never having just what you really need or want? Are you ready to create a simple yet creative and joyful signature style for your gift wrap?

We recommend choosing a solid color of bulletin board paper you love and can work for all celebrations. Have fun changing up the types of bows and ribbons you pair with the paper to suit the occasion as well as express your personal style. Metallic markers are a great option for writing on the paper and decorating it.

Bulletin board paper is super cost effective and will last for years to come. You can even use it for other applications like packing paper, craft projects, and covering your dining table for pumpkin carving. It is heavy duty and recyclable when clean. Most gift wrap, bags, and ribbons are not recyclable. Basically, the fancier the item the less likely it can be recycled.

If bulletin board paper is simply not your style or you want more options, take the time to go through all of your gift wrap and bags to decide what you truly like and want to use. Be willing to donate the rest and stock up on the supplies you love using.

When you are ready for more simple actions, head over to our Simplify Your Home and Holidays page, where you will find more blogs and our eBook chock full of our home and holiday simplifying goodness.

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays, Wrapping Paper
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.

Simplify Your Paper

Paper piles seem to land everywhere, from the kitchen counter to the bedroom night table.

How would it feel to walk through your home

and not see even one pile of paper?

Every October we focus on clearing clutter simply and easily with our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement. We’ve created powerful tools you can utilize any time of year to support your journey. If you have some extra time, hop on over there to access these offerings. If time is of the essence and the holiday season has begun, circle back to the Clutter Clear Out in January.

For November and December we invite a slow down and focus on simplifying. We’ll spend the other nine months diving into organizing. Check out our Simplify Your Home and Holidays for all of our suggested actions. 

Now, we know there is nothing simple about paper, yet we’re going to invite you to start there.  Since paper tends to take over the whole house we’re cheering you on to get some order in place before the holiday busyness really creeps in. We’re going to help you get all the piles cleaned up for now and then help you organize them in the new year. This valiant effort will make you and your home feel so much better.  

Step One: Walk around your home and make a list of approximately how many banker’s boxes worth of paper have piled up. 

Step Two: Purchase the appropriate number of bankers boxes with file rails or plastic file totes, then a box or two of hanging file folders, super sticky notes in your favorite color, and a sharpie or two.

Step Three: Gather all of the paper piles from around your house (kitchen, dining room, family room, office, bedroom, etc.) filing them as you go according to what room they are in – or according to the general category of paper (kid papers, work project, unopened mail, etc.). Use the Post-its upside down to create a temporary label to stick on the file folders. You may also want a folder or two for things you find that need attention soon, like bills to pay, events that needs an RSVP, or calls that need to be made.

Step Four: Use post-its to label the boxes with something similar to “Papers to Process”, put the lids on, and put the boxes in an easy-to-access, yet out of sight place.

Step Five: Schedule some time in January to process these boxes of paper using our Organize Your Paper guidelines. Seriously, put it on your calendar. 😊

Step Six: Take a few deep breaths and simply be present for a few moments. You just moved a whole of energy. Talk a stroll through your home noticing what a difference it makes not seeing all that paper but to know right where to go if you need to locate something.

When you are ready for more, head over to our Simplify Your Home and Holidays page, where you will find more blogs and our eBook with all of our home and holiday simplifying actions.

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays, Piles of paper, File Tote
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.

Your Ultimate Office

What does your office say about you?

I had no idea my office could be this powerful and beautiful!

 – Emily London


Meet Emily – a fabulous photographer, extraordinary woman, wife, mother and much more. Emily is a true entrepreneur, meaning she launched her first business in her 20’s.  Emily is a highly organized person with the innate skill and she knows how to create beauty.  She stepped into the trap so many home business owners fall into – trying to make a small closet area her home office. Making do just didn’t support her or her exploding business.

The first step for Emily was claiming the space she needed and deserved. We found it right down the hall from the closet. An entire room, mostly empty, being used for supplies.

The next step was asking how she wanted her office to look, feel and function when we were done. You can get help doing this for yourself here www.clearsimple.com/organizeoffice/.

Once you have claimed your space, it’s time to transform it into Your Ultimate Office. Go through Your Ultimate Office Checklist and choose what you need next.

Your Ultimate Office Checklist

  • A great desk you love working on
    • I shape – Inadequate for most as it only supports one activity
    • L shape – This allows surface for manual work and a computer
    • U shape – Ideal to handle daily work, paper/projects and equipment
    • Large area on the desk that is clear for today’s work
  • Two drawer file cabinet within arm’s reach of your chair
  • Very comfortable, supportive chair
  • Carpet protector to go under the chair
  • Two desk drawers for daily supplies
  • Windows and natural lighting or no windows, depending on personality
  • Desired sound level to help you focus or relax as needed
  • Area or cabinet for other office supplies
  • Excellent computer equipment
    • Accessible
    • Ergonomically correct
  • Shredder that is close by
  • Recycle container close by
  • Office free of all former employee’s stuff
  • Plant or some other life form
  • Bulletin board or area for visual reminders
  • Artwork that inspires you
  • An office with a door you can close when needed
  • The entire iRAFT© System for all your paper  www.clearsimple.com/iRaft
  • Extra file space for storage papers used occasionally
  • Fabulous SYSTEMS in place to maintain the space

Get more juicy ideas and guidance at Organize Office

If you want or need help from a Clear & Simple Certified Organizer, reach out to us info@clearsimple.com


Clear & Simple, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office, Organize Your Desk
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr. We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.