Our Love Affair with Wunderlist!

Love lists? Dread lists? Try this cool tool!!

We are on fire about Wunderlist and we just have to share it!! We have known about it for some time, dabbled with it a bitand then got totally hooked. Because it is available across most devices, we always have our lists with us. We are able to MAP easily. We can share lists with other people through the app or by emailing them. We can also print and carry them around when needed.

A feature that we have just begun to use, but are very excited about is Emailing to Wunderlist. You simply forward the email to Wunderlist and it becomes a To Do. The subject is the Task Name and the body of the email gets put into the Notes. Even attachments are included on the To Do. Seriously? Thank you Wunderlist for giving us a way to clean out our inboxes!!

We are now running our whole business and our personal lives using this cool tool. We loves that it reminds us what to do and when to do it,  having one place to dump everything that we need to remember, and knowing can access it everywhere we go.

You can have lists for…

  • Places to visit
  • Personal To Do’s
  • Work To Do’s
  • Personal Projects
  • Work Projects
  • Books to read
  • Groceries – with sub categories for each store she shops at.


Check out Wunderlist on iTunes and Google Play. Go to the Wunderlist Website to download for other devices.

Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see. Whether you’re sharing a grocery list with a loved one, working on a project, or planning a vacation, Wunderlist makes it easy to share your lists and collaborate with everyone in your life. Wunderlist instantly syncs between your phone, tablet and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere. Take a look at the possibilities in the picture below! All of this possible in the FREE version, but they do offer a PAID version with even more options.

Clear & SIMPLE, Wunderlist

We hope you embrace this fun and simple way to manage your lists! Let us know what you think.


Creators of the Clear & SIMPLE Way to get & stay organized!

Fall – follow nature and let go!

Fall is the time to let go of what is dead, dying or done!

Tip 2. Follow the wisdom of mother nature.  Every Fall she releases the dead, dying and old stuff back to the earth to be recycled and used differently.  We can do the same.  Commit to taking the month of October to clear the clutter that has built up over the busy summer (or maybe even many years). Trust that by letting it go you will create open space for new things to come in.

To get help with this and make it easy – check out our C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out and get started. The idea is to let go of ONE thing each day for 30 days.  You will experience a break through, we promise.

Get the rest of our top tips from Marla this weekend at the Home Show in Salt Lake!

If you cannot make it to the Home Show you can purchase our TOP TEN TIPS for Home & Holidays, 20 super supportive tips in one sweet little eBook for only $10.

Friday, October 9th: 3 pm2015-03-08 10.58.28
Saturday, October 10th: 2 pm
Sunday, October 11th: 12 pm, 2 pm**

**Special presentation Clutter Clearing Made Simple!

Visit our Booth #239b near the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!

Click below to purchase discount tickets! Use promo code: CLEARClear & SIMPLE, Deseret News Home Show Discount Tickets

Show Information:

Friday October 9th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday October 11th @ 6:00 p.m.

South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

Go Here for additional information and directions.

C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out Invitation!

Are you ready to easily and joyfully release clutter from your life?

It’s time for our annual Clutter Clear Out Online Event and we are getting so excited! We are also challenging you to get REAL about the clutter in your life.  To look at your excuses and step back into a place of personal power.  You can be free of a layer of clutter.  You can start now. (more…)

Our TOP TEN Tips for Time

Get our most simple, yet powerful, TIPS for time!

We’ve walked you through SEE IT, MAP IT, and DO IT for Time, which each include one of our top tips. If you missed the earlier blogs, read them now. We’d like to offer you one more fabulous tip and an offer for getting even more…

  1. Write a VISION for your day, week or year.

Many people think they are just too busy to make plans so we are offering the simplest of tips that can really make a difference in your life. Take 2-3 minutes and just write down your vision for the day or week.  Let it be 5 words or less. Here are some examples –

  • Today I will be hopeful
  • Today I choose action
  • I know what matters most
  • This week is about family
  • This week I celebrate me
  • I am moving slowly
  • I am grateful for life

Then try the same thing for your year! The most powerful time of the year is your birthday! Write a simple phrase of 5 words or less that encompasses what you most want in the next year. Make it visual and keep it with you throughout the year.

For a powerful and life changing vision recorded in your own voice see Ideal Life Vision. This tool will transform your life.

If you have found these tips to be helpful we’d like to invite you to purchase the whole collection along with our best tips for paper in our great little ebook TOP TEN TIPS for Paper & Time for only $10.

Clear & SIMPLE TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time

Let’s honor our life by honoring our our time!

Marla, Kate & Team
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Tip #7 for a Fabulous Summer!

Say hello to the new school year after fully saying goodbye the last one!

If you missed Our Top Tips for Summer, make sure you check it out! For this post, we’d like to focus on and expand on just one tip.

During the last weeks of summer many of us are trying to pack in as much play time as possible. Why not also schedule some meaningful time for you and your child(ren) to reminisce about last year and how much has changed all while getting organized?

7. Organizing Last Years School Papers can be FUN– Make a date with your child to spend an afternoon to go through all of the papers you saved from the last school year. Use STACKS (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, & Simplify) to make organizing the papers FUN! Lay them all out on the dining room table or the floor and sort into simple piles such as art, writing, homework, and friend stuff. Enjoy reliving the last year. Toss the easy stuff and then keep the treasures. Next simply three hole punch them, put in a fun binder and place them in your child’s bedroom for easy enjoyment anytime!

Clear & SIMPLE, School Papers

This is a project many moms always have on their on-going project list. Unfortunately it is one that often stays on that list and never gets done. When you schedule the time to do it, involve your child and make the process fun, everyone wins! You’ll be so relieved and grateful to have it checked off your list and actually be able to enjoy looking at all of those papers.

Extra TIP – Choose a container or drawer now for next year’s school papers to make it easy to keep the back pack cleared out.

Click here for a beautiful, downloadable and printable copy of our Systems Cards for an outline of S.T.A.C.K.S…© and feel free to share with everyone!

Squeezing out every last drop of summer energy,

Marla, Kate & Team



SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved