
Are you ready to easily and joyfully release clutter from your life?

It’s time for our annual Clutter Clear Out Online Event and we are getting so excited! We are also challenging you to get REAL about the clutter in your life.  To look at your excuses and step back into a place of personal power.  You can be free of a layer of clutter.  You can start now.

From Marla Dee – “I spoke for a large group yesterday about reclaiming their space and their day.  So of course CLUTTER was the hot topic. Clutter hurts us.  It is always there, dragging us down, keeping us stuck, holding us back, creating walls between us and others.  And yet, clutter is also just part of being human.  The stuff and the expectations come in faster than we can make the decisions, especially in today’s world. So what do we do? How can we be free of the burden without taking a year off the rest of our lives to go through all the stuff.

I am here to tell you the answer is in starting and letting it be simple enough that you can keep going in the midst of your full life.  But you have to say YES to starting.  Turn over the fear, the excuses, the distractions!! Only you can make this decision.  You are the person to deal with your stuff, not your kids or parents or friends.Clear & SIMPLE, 30 Day Clutter Clear Out

I personally, deeply and sacredly invite you to join us October 1-30th for our Clutter Clear Out Challenge.  We have made it as simple as possible.

Let go of ONE thing each day for 30 days.  And share your stories so others will be inspired to let go of their clutter also. Start with saying YES!  Start with letting go of what feels easiest.  And you might even find yourself having fun as you set yourself FREE!!

Get all the info about and join our 30-Day Clutter Clear Out Event!

My definition – Clutter is delayed decision and holding onto the past! If I have learned anything through my last 16 years as a clutter clearing coach it is this – Letting go is much easier, joyful and healing when we do it with others. So during this 30 Day journey I will be sharing my own stories and insights.

Remember we are here to witness and support you,
Marla, Kate & Team
Marla Dee in mountains

Marla Dee in mountains – my place of freedom!