
Organize Your Garage

Make room to park your car in the garage!

The garage is the “quick in the moment” dumping ground

for stuff going in and out of the house.

 – Marla Dee

Twenty-five percent of people with 2-car garages don’t park in them at all. A third can only park one car, largely due to garage clutter. (U.S. Dept. of Energy study) and 24% of homeowners are embarrassed to leave their garage doors open. (Impulse Research survey).

Use the Clear & Simple Way to clutter clear your garage. You’ll love parking your car there, enjoy having things organized and might even want to show it off!


SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© For Your Garage Guide

SEE IT – Take a look at where you are now. Answer the questions for the whole garage including specific areas such as tool and equipment storage.

  • What’s working? You can be specific or general.
  • What do you like (if anything) about the look, feel and function?
  • Are there things you know you want to change?
  • What isn’t working? What don’t you like?
  • Is there stuff that doesn’t belong here, like donations and past time stuff?
  • Be honest… is your garage a dumping ground because you just don’t know what else to do with the stuff?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you want the most for this space. The garage is often the first place we see/enter as we arrive home. It matters.

  • How do you want your garage to look, feel and function?
  • Create an online board of images that inspire you.
  • Create a mind map showing all the elements you want.
  • What do you want most from your garage? (i.e. to park cars, storage for tools, yard equipment, outdoor gear, etc.)
  • Allow yourself to think differently about the garage. For example, would you appreciate having the walls finished? Look at pictures for inspiration.
  • What do you want to add to your garage, like shelves and containers?

DO IT – Take the steps to make it happen. Look on your calendar and set up time for the transformation!

  • Choose an area to start with. For the garage specifically, we suggest breaking things down into categories and tackling one at a time (i.e. yard tool and equipment, hand and power tools, sports equipment, outdoor gear, decorations, home maintenance items, donations).
  • Go through the S.T.A.C.K.S.© System for the category (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify). By following S.T.A.C.K.S.© the project will be easier and you will save money. Go to www.clearsimple.com/steps/.
  • Enjoy shopping for the shelves and containers you want and need.

Once you complete each category, take time to celebrate. We know you will feel a sense of freedom as you move through each one.

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© For Your Garage Guide


Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car, Container Store, elfa

Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Clutter Clear Your Garage

Here are 3 simple ways that can be done in under an hour!

Does your garage function how you most want and need?

Is your garage dumping ground for all the things you don’t know what to do with?

What would your ideal garage space look and feel like?

Marla Dee

Can you park your car in your garage? Or is it full of moving boxes that were never unpacked, yard tools and equipment, piles of stuff you planned on selling in a garage sale, flat sports balls and other old toys, bags of clothes that no longer fit anyone, outdoor gear you don’t have time to use, broken household items that you keep asking your partner to fix, and leftovers from home remodeling projects. The list goes on and on. The garage is the “quick in the moment” dumping ground for stuff going in and out of the house. It is scary how fast the clutter builds up and sad how long it stays. We will start the transformation with some clutter clearing.

Clutter clearing can be simpler by starting small. Take a look at the following three options that can be done in less than an hour. This will get you started and keep you from getting lost in the details. Keep in mind we will take you through SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© for the whole garage next. Choose one of the following ideas, schedule the time, turn on music and dive in. Have boxes and bags on hand for what goes elsewhere, donations, trash, and goes to someone else.

01 – HOUR OF POWERClear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car

Get together your family team and turn this into a game! Set the timer for an hour, give everyonetrash bags and donation boxes. The idea is to go after the obvious trash and the we are ready to get rid of this stuff. Don’t get lost in a deep sort right now. You might be surprised how much garbage has built up. When the hour is up, reward the winner and congratulate each other.


02 – CLEAR & SWEEP THE FLOORClear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car

The garage tends to get dirty and grungy!. It is amazing how fabulous it feels just to clear and clean the floor. You don’t have to take long or get lost in dealing with stuff. Let it be good enough to just clear away the big areas of the easy stuff, sweep and possibly hose off the floor. You might feel so good that you want to do another small project.


03 – DONATE THE DONATIONSClear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car

This can be another easy and surprising way to clear clutter. The garage is a popular place for all the bags and boxes of donations that left the house but piled up here. Sometimes there are years worth just taking up valuable space. Why not schedule an afternoon, gather all the boxes and take them to your favorite donation place. Or you can call and arrange for a pickup.*


When you are done, take some deep breaths and take in how different your garage feels. Celebrate what you have done. It can be fun to take pictures of all the stuff leaving. *Keep in mind that some companies will pick up your donations if you can schedule it ahead of time.




Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage, Organize Your Car

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© Garage Guide

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Garage

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© Car Guide

Your Guides, Marla Dee and Kate Fehr.

We love teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to get organized, so you know where to start, what to do, and how to keep it up! 

Organize Your Kitchen

An organized kitchen is a happy kitchen!

It’s in the kitchen where the warmth of shared memories, 

laughter and life create a recipe that spans generations.

 – Yuvraj Kakodiya

The kitchen is the gathering place for family and friends. It is the place we go to nurture our bodies and connections. Because so much lands and happens in the kitchen it can get chaotic quickly. How often have you cleared the kitchen counter only to have it be cluttered up the next day?

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© is the 3-step organizing system that works for all the areas of your space and life. Let’s use it to transform your kitchen. Remember you can start small with one area and then move to others.


SEE IT – Take a look at where you are now. Have each person answer the questions below for the whole kitchen and then other areas such as the pantry. When you are done, take time to share with each other.

  • What’s working? You can be specific or general.
  • What do you love about the look, feel and function?
  • Are there things you know you want to change?
  • What isn’t working? What don’t you like?
  • Is there stuff that doesn’t belong here, like paper piles on the counter?
  • Are you doing things other than cooking and eating in your kitchen?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you want. Go after what you really desire. The kitchen is often a central gathering and connecting place.

  • How do you want your kitchen to look, feel and function?
  • Create an online board of images that inspire you.
  • Create a mind map showing all the elements you want.
  • Do you prefer completely clear countertops or to have some items out? 
  • What colors would make you happy? What kind of decor?
  • What do you want to add to your kitchen, like new dishes or containers?

DO IT – Take the steps to make it happen. Look on your calendar and set up time for the transformation!

  • Choose an area to start with. We suggest starting small and building up from there. For example, you could start with the countertops and junk drawer, then go to other drawers, cupboards, refrigerator and end with the pantry.
  • Go through the S.T.A.C.K.S.© System for the area (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify). By following S.T.A.C.K.S.© the project will be easier and you will save money. Go to www.clearsimple.com/systems.
  • Enjoy shopping for the containers you want and need.
  • Once you complete each area, take time to celebrate. We know you will enjoy cooking and being in your kitchen. How fun would it be to schedule a family date night in your happy space?


Get the Kitchen Steps Guide


Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Organize Your Kitchen
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Organize Your Kitchen

Your Guide, Marla Dee.

I love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Clutter Clear Your Kitchen

Here are 3 simple ways that can be done in under an hour!

What is hiding inside your kitchen drawers?

Has your kitchen counter become a dumping ground?.

How many years of old, expired foods are hanging out in your pantry?

Marla Dee

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Yet, sadly it has become the dumping ground for paper piles and homeless stuff. And so often there isn’t room on the counter to cook or room on the table to eat. We want your kitchen to be a happy place for family and friends to gather daily. 

We will start the transformation with some clutter clearing. Here are three simple options that can be done in an hour or two. This will get you started and keep you from getting lost in the details. Keep in mind we will take you through SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© for the kitchen and pantry next. Choose one of the following ideas, schedule the time, turn on music and dive in. Have boxes and bags on hand for what is leaving.


This can be fun! Open your drawers and pull out all the obvious clutter. You can start with the kitchen catch all junk drawer or the cooking utensils drawer. These tend to be the worse. Dump the contents out and enjoy getting rid of the stuff you know you don’t need or that doesn’t belong there. You might be surprised at how many items you never use. Then have fun putting the drawer back together and organized. Tip: You can go the extra mile by  getting the right containers in the drawers! Get the ones you need and deserve. 


It is amazing how much stuff lands on the kitchen counter that doesn’t belong there – papers, books, toys, tools and more. Take this time to move the stuff back to where it belongs. Now look at the things you are storing on the counter. Is there anything you don’t use very often that could be placed in a cupboard or drawer? When you are done, we suggest placing a plant, flowers or fresh fruit on the countertop to add the look and feel you desire. This will also help prevent the clutter from coming back. 


This is another surprising area to clear. You can make it fun by involving your children. Set your timer and do one category of food at a time. For example, we like starting with the canned goods, or the cereal, or baking items. Pull everything from each category off the shelf, sort, check dates and toss the expired food. You get the idea. Then enjoy putting the good food back in place. This is another area where getting the right shelving and containers can make a difference.

When you are done, take some deep breaths and take in how different your kitchen feels. Celebrate what you have done. It can be fun to take pictures of all the stuff leaving. *Keep in mind that many food banks will take food up to a year past the expired date.


Your Guide Marla Dee.

I love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Simplify Home

A simpler life begins making your home a happy place. How would that feel?


A home is a kingdom of it’s own in the midst of the world,

a stronghold amid life’s storms and stresses,

a refuge, even a sanctuary.


 – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Get Your Simplify Home Guide

If you were standing at the front door of your home right now looking in, what would you see? What would you feel? The purpose of your home is to be a sanctuary from the rest of the world, a place you can go to relax and connect with loved ones.  Sadly, many homes today hold the clutter and stress from our overfull lives. There are now TV’s in every room which support checking out from our bodies and lives. We have lost our gathering places, like the kitchen table, where we could unload and share. A simpler life begins making your home a happy place. How would that feel? How could that support your health, your family and the giving of your gifts?

To make this transformation simpler, we want you to begin with one room and choose from the ideas below. We feel the bedroom is the most important room in the home since your body spends the most time there (even when you are sleeping the molecules of your body are needing to heal). Here are places to start:


Set your timer for one hour and journey through your bedroom gathering all the obvious stuff that doesn’t belong there, is no longer useful, or that you are ready to let go. Keep in mind that you are only going after the obvious and easy stuff. If you have to stop and think about it, then wait. You might be shocked what goes away.


Start at the door into your bedroom and work your way around the whole area staying focused on the floor. Pick up and bag all the stuff that you know needs to leave. Don’t worry about the other stuff, it comes later. Then grab the broom or vacuum and relish in cleaning away the old dust and grime. Return to the door, look around and take in the difference.


You can start the clutter clearing by pulling out all the stuff under the bed (or other furniture). You want to avoid using this as a storage area if at all possible. If you must store something, choose items like extra blankets or clothing. Remember, your body is feeling everything under there while you are sleeping. Once you clear the space, take a the time to clean it also. You will love how it feels.


Take a look at the top of your nightstand, dresser and other surfaces. Since you have cleared the clutter, can you add beauty like a candle, a plant, or a framed picture?

Enjoy this guest blog – 10 Organizing Tips to Live by for a Tidy Home

For more help on your bedroom clearsimple.com/organizebedroom


Clear & Simple, Simplify Your Life, Simplify Home, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr
Clear & Simple, Simplify Your Life, Simplify Home, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.