
His stuff, Her stuff, Our stuff

Creating and caring for a home together is often challenging. We each have a relationship with our stuff and patterns that show up in our space. When it comes to mixing our stuff with someone else all kinds of issues can ariseā€¦

  • I need stuff out where I can see it and he wants it all tucked away
  • I like a simple space and she is a collector
  • What do we do with all the doubleā€™s now that we are living together
  • Why do you need these old T-shirts that are 30 years old ā€“ or your grandmaā€™s china
Our TOP THREE TIPS for creating shared space are ā€“

1 ā€“ A Room to YOURSELF. Each of you gets one room (or space) that is ALL YOURS! It gets to look the way you want, have the stuff you want and function how you want. It is your space to keep your way.Ā This tip is critical for long-lasting relationship contentment.

2 ā€“ A Room you both LOVE. It is vital to have one room in the home (preferably the bedroom) that you both love to be in together. You have each shared in the choices for furniture, colors, the stuff and the feel.Ā It isĀ free of clutter or other peopleā€™s stuff. This is your sweet space to share with each other.

3 ā€“ The MAGIC Question?Ā  When it comes time to organize another area, or to do any kind of project together ā€“ start with the magical question. This question brings together the SEE IT.Ā© (take a look at where you are) and MAP IT.Ā© (make a plan for where you want to go) Steps and makes it simple. Ask how do you want the new space to look, feel and function? Ā Each of you write your answers and then share with each other. You will get insights, save time & money and decrease your stress by doing this.

These TIPS are taken from almost 20 years of working with hundreds of couples. Since we all tend to attract our opposite in some way, these tips can make a huge difference in your relationship. We would love to hear from you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT.Ā© MAP IT.Ā© Ā ā€“Ā click here for more info


Your space tells your STORY!

Your space, your home, your office, your car, your desktopā€¦ are simply reflecting who you are and what is going on inside you. So what story would they tell if you were looking in from the outside?Ā 

Pause right now and go to your favorite room, or the room you spend the most time in. Take a look around and notice what thoughts arise. What about theĀ sensationsĀ that are coming up in your body. Let your senses find a voice and speak to you. Take it in and trust whatever is shared. Who knows, you might even be surprised.

Here are some one-line story headings. Ā What would yours be?

  1. I like comfy & color
  2. Iā€™m tired and overwhelmed
  3. I enjoy beauty and peace
  4. I have too much stuff
  5. I am a soft person
  6. Iā€™m simple ā€“ or ā€“ Iā€™m complicated
  7. I like being messy ā€“ itā€™s who I am
  8. I need lots of color ā€“ or ā€“ I need neutrals
  9. My space is full of other peopleā€™s stuff
  10. I am a minimalist
  11. I absolutely love being organized
  12. Everything has a home ā€“ or ā€“ I donā€™t where to put things
  13. Everything needs to be out so I can see it.

My environment is an external reflection of my internal reality!Ā Sharon Benedict www.newinkcopy.com

Now go further and ask, does your space support or drain you?Ā There is no right or wrong here; this is about noticing. This is the SEE ITĀ©Ā Step in action (take a look at where youā€™ve been). Does your space reflect who you are in present time? Or do you now want to make a change? We invite you to share your insight with anyone close to you and ask about them. We would love to hear your stories!

Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Marion MandalaNOTE ā€“ Visit www.TheHomeEnhancer.com if you want help changing your story. Marion Mandala will transform your space into a place you love to be! She lives in the Portland, OR area but also offers virtual sessions. Ā You canĀ connect with her at 503-953-5976.

SEE IT.Ā© Take a look at where youā€™ve been ā€“ click here for more info


Client Story ā€“ Taming the Paper Piles

Those piles of paper and overflowing files can be tamed!

ā€œIā€™m coming clean here. Literally. I had piles of paper taking over my spare room that was supposed to be my sweet home office. It desperately needed attention. There were files from the last decade, including my husbandā€™s old papers (he passed away years ago). Boxes overflowed, piles fell over, and the result was stress, stress, stress every time I walked into the room. What I lacked was a system to handle it all.Ā I was inspired to tackle it after Marla Dee came to help me create a vision and plan.

I made this my project for spring and started working my way through the piles using the Clear & SIMPLE SystemsĀ© (see below). I sorted first. Then Marla took me through the toss. Honestly, having her at my side talking me through it made all the difference in the world. Next weĀ chose a container for my incoming paper to land until I was ready to deal with it. Lastly, she introduced me to the amazing FreedomFiler SystemĀ for my action system and all my files, from reference to taxes. I have peace of mind knowing that every type of paper in my space has a home and a system to keep it running smoothly.ā€ W.R.

Why not try The Clear & SIMPLE Way Ā© to transform your paper pilesā€¦

SEE ITĀ© ā€“ Take a look at where youā€™ve been

Take 10 minutes to write out whatā€™s working, whatā€™s not working and why. Just let the words come out of you and enjoy the clarity and release.

MAP ITĀ© ā€“ Make a plan for what you want

Write a simple vision by asking how you want your paper space to look, feel and function? Get ideas here on our ULTIMATE OFFICE MAP.

DO ITĀ© ā€“ Take the steps to get it done

Take it one step at a time using the Clear & SIMPLE System ofĀ S.T.A.C.K.S. Ā©.

Sort first ā€“ What is it?Ā Gather the most active papers and sort them first. Keep the labels general in the beginning. Remember like with like. You can sort right into hanging files or bankers boxes with post it note labels. For example: mortgage/rental papers, life insurance, health insurance, auto, monthly utilities, loans, etc.

Toss ā€“ Do I keep it or let it go? Give your self permission to recycle or shred the papers that need to go. Get a printable version of our Record Retention Guidelines.

Assign ā€“ Where will it go?Ā Sanity starts with capturing the paper as it comes in. Choose a location and container for the incoming paper and drop everything in. Ā It is just like the inbox for your emails. Ā Then get a container for the action papers and 1-2 file drawers for the files you need to keep handy. Check out a printable version of our Paper flow Map for additional support.

Contain ā€“ What does it go in?Ā Choose a color of hanging folder that you love along with the powerful FreedomFiler System or another of your choice. Archive papers can just be put in boxes, labeled and stored.

Keep It Up ā€“ How do I maintain this?Ā Place all incoming paper and mail into a container then sort once a week into 4 piles ā€“ Read, Action, File and Toss, RAFTĀ Ā©.Ā Take the piles to their appropriate placeĀ and then spend 30 minutes just on the ACTION items. FreedomFiler System is the answer again to keep ALL the paper files organized!

Simplify ā€“ How can I simplify? Schedule your paper power time each week just like you would the laundry.Ā Also, getting help from a Professional Organizer is always a gift.

We invite you to just start using the tips and tools above. Tackle the active paper piles and let us know what happens.

Marla, Kate & Team


Ā©RAFT, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. & STACKS Copyright Clear & SIMPLE, LLC All rights reserved.

Simple Spring Organizing Rituals

Bring the sweet energy of spring into your space!

Ritual is a great way to anchor your intentions. It helps you to massage and soften and release tough holding patterns and bring to conscious reality the longs of your heart.Ā Stephanie Bennett Vogt

To help you really enjoy this Spring, we are sharing our top ten organizing tips throughout the month. Get a printable version of all of ourĀ TOP TEN TIPS for Spring.

This week is about simple rituals to embrace spring:

*Guest Message ā€“ The One Minute Clearing Exercise fromĀ Stephanie Bennett Vogt.Ā 

Try this unbelievably simple, yet profound practice of only one minute a day for seven days. You will have a shift in your space and in your being. Click here for the videoĀ and feel spring energy move into your own body.

Clear & SIMPLEā€™s Tips on ritualā€¦

1. Invite fresh, clean energy into your space.

On a warm, sunny day, open up your windows and doors, turn on some music and let the freshness of spring flow through your space. This helps move the stagnant winter energy to rejuvenate all the moving molecules. Then let yourself enjoy the new energy and what you are inspired to do throughout the day.

8. Dig in the dirt ā€“ or simply plant one pot.

Ahh, the yummy feeling of dirt in your hands ā€“ dry, rough, wet, packed, smooth ā€“ so many sensations just waiting for you. Spring is the time to let your inner child go outside, get your hands dirty and connect with the earth. For those of you that love gardening, you know how healing this time is. Give yourself permission to put earth time first and love every minute.

If gardening isnā€™t really your thing or you donā€™t have the time, just pick out one cool pot, find an already created flower arrangement and plop it in. Place it on your porch, where you can enjoy the beauty every day when you arrive home.

Remember that SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. Ā© work for projects like planning a garden.

Get a printable version of all ofĀ Our TOP TEN TIPS for Spring.

Remember Spring is about new life ā€“ so open up to the sweetness of a new day.Ā We would love to hear from you anytime. Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Top 10 Spring Tips




Celebrate Your Kitchen & Pantry

Take time to celebrate the big and little things! We love everything about our kitchen now!Ā We spend more time there than anywhere else. Iā€™m so glad we took the time to do it right! B.P. You deserve to celebrate! This year of 2020 we are helping you transform all...

Organize Your Desk

Do you work at your desk? Why or why not? How many hours each day do you spend at your desk? Organize and beautify your desk and it will support your best work! Ā – Marla Dee Your desktop is speaking to you – what is it saying? Is it covered in papers and...

Contain the piles!

Hereā€™s the first step to tackling your paper piles!

Get yourself a vertical container that will hold ALL of your incoming paper for a week. Thatā€™s right. You get to put it all in there and then process it just once a week. You can even get one for each familyĀ member, or one for personal and one for business, to make it even easier to go through. Itā€™s not really magic, but it will feel like it is when your kitchen counter, dining table and desk are clear of all those stacks.

We recommend the mesh wall pocket.

  • Itā€™s Vertical. Vertical = Action. Horizontal = Rest. Using vertical keeps active energy in your papers.
  • Wider at the top. This allows for what Marla calls ā€œthe fingertip flipā€ allowing to quickly find a paper you may need.
  • (moreā€¦)

National Organize Your Home Office Day!

Today is the day to dive in and get it done day!

As if we need an official day to share tools and advice on organizing your home officeā€¦but weā€™ll take it. Quite perfectly, this falls in line with our monthly theme of Power over Paper. To assist you with the most significant items related to our home offices, paper and time, we suggest out latest eBook.

Clear & SIMPLEā€™S TOP TEN Tips for Paper & TimeĀ will give youā€¦

  • Our favorite tools for managing and mapping out your time
  • Our best systems managing your paper in 1 hour a week
  • The secret to handling paper rather than piling paper
Weā€™ve said it before and weā€™ll keep saying it, only 10% of the human population is born with the ā€œorganizing gene.ā€ (moreā€¦)

Just Flow With It

Did you know that you can handle all of the incoming paper in your life in less than an hour a week?!

It is true! Yes paper comes at us from all directions in our lives, but we have come to believe that there is not way weā€™ll ever be able to manage it all effectively. The way to change all that is to use our very favorite system R.A.F.T.Ā©

EVERY piece of paper that comes into your life can be handled using the R.A.F.T.Ā© stepsā€¦

      • Read ~ magazines, articles, letters, cards
      • Act ~ requires you do something (make a call, pay a billā€¦)
      • File ~ file it quickly and be able to retrieve it easily
      • Toss ~ shred or recycle


Get all of the pieces!

Within the next few posts we will give you more information about each step so that you can set upĀ R.A.F.T.Ā©Ā in your space. In the meantime, download our Paper Systems Flow Chart, get familiar with R.A.F.T.Ā©Ā and invite in the new energy of support you will receive by implementing it into your life. Click on the picture below to download our Paper Flow Chart withĀ R.A.F.T.Ā©ā€¦


Clear & SIMPLE's Paper System Flow Chart

*Please note that we recommend implementing this system and starting in present time. Once you are familiar with it and have every step in place, then go to the piles, filing drawers, etc. to clear out and clean up. Paper is its own beast and is very overwhelming. If you desire the help of an organizer, please contact us.


* This post is part of a series, called Paper Flow. Please see posts around it for the full story.

R.A.F.T.Ā©,Ā Clear & SIMPLE, LLC
This post is all about our Do Itā„¢ system.
Download our Systems Cards HERE to learn our systems SEE IT.ā„¢ MAP IT.ā„¢ DO IT.ā„¢ and S.T.A.C.K.S.ā„¢

Clear & SIMPLE Systems Card

Traveling with MORE?!

What are we supposed to do when ā€œtraveling with lessā€ just isnā€™t in the cards?

Last week I was preparing for a road trip back home to Salt Lake for two weeks, including a 4-day camping excursion. As I Mind Mapped packing the car for 3 people & one sweet little rat, the list began to get pretty long.

  • Myself ā€“ suitcase, camping bag, mobile office
  • My man ā€“ suitcase, camping bag, mobile office
  • Son ā€“ suitcase, camping bag
  • Family Pet ā€œRemyā€ ā€“ food, bedding, treats, cage
  • Travel cooler ā€“ lunch, snacks, water
  • Camping gear ā€“ tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooler, chairs, large bin full of smaller items

Needless to say I knew that the car was going to be FULL, but there was not much I could do about that. So I used the Clear & SIMPLE Systems SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. and S.T.A.C.K.S.Ā© to ensure organization and peace throughout the process.Ā Many times in life this is reality, which is why our systems are not just designed to clear excess, unsupportive stuff, but also to ā€œMAPā€ and ā€œSimplify.ā€
