Your space, your home, your office, your car, your desktop… are simply reflecting who you are and what is going on inside you. So what story would they tell if you were looking in from the outside? 

Pause right now and go to your favorite room, or the room you spend the most time in. Take a look around and notice what thoughts arise. What about the sensations that are coming up in your body. Let your senses find a voice and speak to you. Take it in and trust whatever is shared. Who knows, you might even be surprised.

Here are some one-line story headings.  What would yours be?

  1. I like comfy & color
  2. I’m tired and overwhelmed
  3. I enjoy beauty and peace
  4. I have too much stuff
  5. I am a soft person
  6. I’m simple – or – I’m complicated
  7. I like being messy – it’s who I am
  8. I need lots of color – or – I need neutrals
  9. My space is full of other people’s stuff
  10. I am a minimalist
  11. I absolutely love being organized
  12. Everything has a home – or – I don’t where to put things
  13. Everything needs to be out so I can see it.

My environment is an external reflection of my internal reality! Sharon Benedict www.newinkcopy.com

Now go further and ask, does your space support or drain you? There is no right or wrong here; this is about noticing. This is the SEE IT© Step in action (take a look at where you’ve been). Does your space reflect who you are in present time? Or do you now want to make a change? We invite you to share your insight with anyone close to you and ask about them. We would love to hear your stories!

Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Marion MandalaNOTE – Visit www.TheHomeEnhancer.com if you want help changing your story. Marion Mandala will transform your space into a place you love to be! She lives in the Portland, OR area but also offers virtual sessions.  You can connect with her at 503-953-5976.

SEE IT.© Take a look at where you’ve been – click here for more info