
Organize Your Car

Make your car a happy place to be each day! Are you calm or distracted when you are driving? A cluttered car can affect your focus and peace of mind.  – Marla Dee If you were looking inside your car right now, what would you see? Is there clutter, trash,...

Spring Organizing Tips

Our Top Ten Tips, Tools, & Truths for a Happy Spring. Bring the sweet energy of spring into your space! Ritual is a great way to anchor your intentions. It helps you to massage and soften and release tough holding patterns and bring to conscious reality the longs of...

Favorite Summer Blogs

I want you to have a memorable summer! Enjoy some of my favorite blogs for a fabulous summer. Whether you are playing hard, slowing down or just wanting to simplify, please take in the wise words of the guides below… Marla Dee Find Your Joy this Summer, by Jinny...

Organize travel plans in one place!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all your travel details in one place? Check out the app TRIPIT!

One of my least favorite things about traveling is having all of the information scattered all over the place and the hassle of trying to find what I need when I need it. The confirmations are in my email. The schedule of events is on my calendar. Notifications of flight delays come to me by text. Reminder to check-in for flights is sent to my email. When someone needs a copy of my flight info or itinerary, I have to go searching to find it in order to forward it. And so on…

“Why can’t I come up with a system that makes this all easier??” I would despairingly ask myself. Well guess what I found out…There’s an app for that!!

When I heard about TripIt, I was sold. After you book a trip, you simply forward the confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and the system builds an itinerary for you. If you make changes, simply forward that confirmation email and TripIt updates the plan for you. Once the itinerary is built, you can go in and add, change, and/or delete things. If you prefer to not send your emails, you can input the itinerary yourself.

For a recent trip to London I was able to put it to the test and I think it is brilliant! (more…)

Catch the Summer Sale at The Container Store!

Get your favorite solutions on sale now!

Our amazing partner, The Container Store, is having their summer sale! It’s no secret that the Clear & SIMPLE Team LOVES The Container Store! We partnered with them to offer in-home organizing services for their fabulous customers. We’ve shared how much we love and use their Pretty, Practical and Portable Desktop File Box. We have promoted their Everything Organizer to transform everyone’s “junk drawers”.  And we spend way too much time walking the isles learning about, touching and day-dreaming about their awesome solutions.

We know we’re not the only ones having this love affair, which is why we wanted to share this sale you. So if you can’t make it to the store – click the picture above to shop online!!

C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out Invitation!

Are you ready to easily and joyfully release clutter from your life?

It’s time for our annual Clutter Clear Out Online Event and we are getting so excited! We are also challenging you to get REAL about the clutter in your life.  To look at your excuses and step back into a place of personal power.  You can be free of a layer of clutter.  You can start now. (more…)

Marla Dee’s Top Ten Organizing TIPS!

Clear & SIMPLE, Salt Lake Home Show

Reclaim your space, your day and your life!

Do you have clutter and chaos in your life? Download our TOP TEN Tips for the Year. Marla will be taking a deeper look at them at the home show and will be speaking each day, so mark your calendars and come! If you can’t join us stay tuned throughout the month as we share the tips with you.  We want to support you in reclaiming your space, your day and your life.

Extra TIP& GIFT: Have a one-page master map for your year that inspires, empowers and supports you. Here is the form that we use with our clients. It’s our gift to you! If you would like a personal session with Marla to expand on this, click here.

Marla Dee is speaking again at the Salt Lake Home Show.
      Friday January 8th @ 4 p.m.
      Saturday January 9th @ 11 a.m.
      Sunday January 10th @ 12 p.m.

Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee at Home Show

Visit our table next to the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!

You can save $2 per person by purchasing tickets online.

Show Information: Friday, Jan. 8th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday, Jan. 10th @ 6:00 p.m.

South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

Go here for additional information and directions.

Heavy closet or happy closet, which do you want?

Join us in tackling closet clutter!

We’ve all been there…it’s time to get dressed for the day and we dread going to our closet. Perhaps it is stuffed full of clothes most of which don’t fit any more. Maybe it fits, but just doesn’t feel good. Maybe you have just had it for too long. It’s true that we only wear 20% of our clothes.  The other 80% are just creating clutter and chaos in the day.

So our question is – how long has it been since you gave your closet a serious clean-out?  We know it can feel overwhelming to tackle all those clothes. Would you like it to be simpler?  Would you like the clothes that remain to be the ones you LOVE to wear so you love how you feel?

We want to share two EXPERTS & SYSTEMS that can help you transform your closet. We know you will find guidance to create what you have longing for in your space and with yourself.


Project 333 was created by Courtney Carver and is based on dressing with just 33 items or less for 3 months at a time. Wow! Even if you don’t make it to her level, she will inspire you to really clear out and she makes it FUN!

Clear & SIMPLE, Project 333And check out her amazing micro course that will step you through the process.  It even has a playlist to bring in the FUN!! Get it here.

“I did this and LOVED it! It changed my life! – Marla


Dressing Your Truth designed by Carol Tuttle is based on Four Types of Beauty and helps men & women find their type. Carol’s system goes deep, way beyond the surface of what you wear. Once determined there is a set of guidelines for each type that insure you will look and feel truly likely yourself.

Clear & SIMPLE, Dressing Your TruthBy the way – Marla is a TYPE 4 and KATE is a TYPE 2!

“Dressing Your Truth is right on! I absolutely loved reading about the different types and finally finding support that feels in alignment with who I really am!” – Kate

Get the book or check out the online course.

Please comment and let us know what you choose to do!
Marla, Kate & Team

Slow Down for Summer

Summer can be a time to slow down rather than speed up!

Summer is a sweet time. We often feel the tug to be a kid again on summer vacation, free from life’s responsibilities. And yet the summer can get crazy and even busier than the rest of the year. So how do we slow down and take in the sweetness of this summer?

Renee is a constant source of inspiration for us. Her blog below offers simple truth on how to slow down and love your summer, whatever stage of life you are.

One of my touchstones for gauging how fast–or slow–I’m living, is noticing if I have a vase of fresh herbs and flowers on my desk. When I’m living the life I desire, I create the time to meander in my garden and pick colorful, fragrant flowers and plants to enjoy in my office.

What’s your touchstone that lets you know you’re moving at a speed that feels just right for you? A signal that tells you you’re living joyfully and in alignment with what matters most?

For the last 16 years I’ve been self-employed. And it took me more than half of that time to figure out that I get to choose the speed at which I live, work and play.

When I finally “got this,” I realized … summer is an especially sacred time for me. It’s a time when I crave–and need–to slow way down. To embrace expanses of unscheduled time, to enjoy spontaneity, adventure, more time in nature and less time online. As delicious to me as homemade peach ice cream–I lap up spaciousness and big open creative windows where I get to sit with ideas, meditate on my life purpose and personal hopes and visions, integrate all I’ve learned from the past six months, explore new ways of being and reconnect with soulful friends for long hikes and late night swims in spring-fed waters. Summer is when I re-calibrate and am reminded of who I am and what I love.

Continue reading on her blog…

This is the 3rd year that we are really practicing slowing down during the summer. We hope you find the joy and peace in doing so yourself. – Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Renee Trudeau

Keep Travel Simple with TripIt

Let TripIt keep it all together for you!

It’s time to go on vacation, yay! And then you are flooded with overwhelm. The vital details for the trip are scattered everywhere! The confirmations are in your email. The schedule of events is on your calendar. Notifications of flight delays come to you by text, if at all. Reminder to check-in for flights is sent to your email. When someone needs a copy of your flight info or itinerary, you have to go searching to find it in order to forward it. And so on…

When we first heard about TripIt, we were ecstatic…but could it really make things that much easier?! We found out it helps more than we imagined. After you book a trip, you simply forward the confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and the system builds an itinerary for you. If you make changes, simply forward that confirmation email and TripIt updates the plan for you. Once the itinerary is built, you can go in and add, change, and/or delete things. If you prefer to not send your emails, you can input the itinerary yourself.

Our favorite things are…

  • Being able to check in and check flight status in.
  • It syncs to our phone calendars.
  • Once you’ve entered places you are staying, maps are attached for easy navigating.
  • Being able to use the app along with logging in online.

For more information and to download it for your mobile device go HERE. Happy traveling!


Clear & SIMPLE, TripIt, Screen Shot