by CS Team
The Energy of Spring is contagious!
New life and fresh ideas abound. The urge to create has been building all winter long. Sadly, it can also be overwhelming because of all the fun choices. Just imagine taking a trip down to the local gardens and gazing at the abundance of flowers. Where do you start?
To help you really enjoy this Spring, we are sharing our top ten organizing tips throughout the month. Get a printable version of all of our TOP TEN TIPS for Spring.
This week is about the Practical & Pretty:
3. Keep it simple by choosing one project for the season.
It can be overwhelming to think about all the clutter clearing and organizing projects in your home, which can block you from ever starting. So begin with choosing just ONE project for each season and over time your space will be transformed. Also, each season has it’s own feel.
Spring is the perfect time to transform your closet, garage or craft area.
Remember to write a vision of what you want to create before you dive in (the MAP IT Step).
6. Get inspired and bring in new life with bright colors.
How often have you caught your breath at the sight of a flowerbed in full bloom? Just like the blossoming flowers, bright containers make us happy. Our brain and bodies react to color first. So make your space or project one you will love to spend time in with bright, fun colors!
To find containers for all areas of your home in gorgeous colors, we love & recommend
The Container Store!!
Share your stories and photos on social media, #TheCSWay. We LOVE hearing from you!
Marla, Kate & Team
by CS Team
Reclaim your space, your day and your life!
Do you have clutter and chaos in your life? Download our TOP TEN Tips for the Year. Marla will be taking a deeper look at them at the home show and will be speaking each day, so mark your calendars and come! If you can’t join us stay tuned throughout the month as we share the tips with you. We want to support you in reclaiming your space, your day and your life.
Extra TIP& GIFT: Have a one-page master map for your year that inspires, empowers and supports you. Here is the form that we use with our clients. It’s our gift to you! If you would like a personal session with Marla to expand on this, click here.
Marla Dee is speaking again at the Salt Lake Home Show.
Friday January 8th @ 4 p.m.
Saturday January 9th @ 11 a.m.
Sunday January 10th @ 12 p.m.
![Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee at Home Show](
Visit our table next to the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!
You can save $2 per person by purchasing tickets online.
Show Information: Friday, Jan. 8th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday, Jan. 10th @ 6:00 p.m.
South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070
Go here for additional information and directions.
by CS Team
Fall is the time to let go of what is dead, dying or done!
Tip 2. Follow the wisdom of mother nature. Every Fall she releases the dead, dying and old stuff back to the earth to be recycled and used differently. We can do the same. Commit to taking the month of October to clear the clutter that has built up over the busy summer (or maybe even many years). Trust that by letting it go you will create open space for new things to come in.
To get help with this and make it easy – check out our C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out and get started. The idea is to let go of ONE thing each day for 30 days. You will experience a break through, we promise.
Get the rest of our top tips from Marla this weekend at the Home Show in Salt Lake!
If you cannot make it to the Home Show you can purchase our TOP TEN TIPS for Home & Holidays, 20 super supportive tips in one sweet little eBook for only $10.
Friday, October 9th: 3 pm![2015-03-08 10.58.28](
Saturday, October 10th: 2 pm
Sunday, October 11th: 12 pm, 2 pm**
**Special presentation Clutter Clearing Made Simple!
Visit our Booth #239b near the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!
Click below to purchase discount tickets! Use promo code: CLEAR![Clear & SIMPLE, Deseret News Home Show Discount Tickets](
Show Information:
Friday October 9th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday October 11th @ 6:00 p.m.
South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070
Go Here for additional information and directions.
by CS Team
Get our most simple, yet powerful, TIPS for time!
We’ve walked you through SEE IT, MAP IT, and DO IT for Time, which each include one of our top tips. If you missed the earlier blogs, read them now. We’d like to offer you one more fabulous tip and an offer for getting even more…
- Write a VISION for your day, week or year.
Many people think they are just too busy to make plans so we are offering the simplest of tips that can really make a difference in your life. Take 2-3 minutes and just write down your vision for the day or week. Let it be 5 words or less. Here are some examples –
- Today I will be hopeful
- Today I choose action
- I know what matters most
- This week is about family
- This week I celebrate me
- I am moving slowly
- I am grateful for life
Then try the same thing for your year! The most powerful time of the year is your birthday! Write a simple phrase of 5 words or less that encompasses what you most want in the next year. Make it visual and keep it with you throughout the year.
For a powerful and life changing vision recorded in your own voice see Ideal Life Vision. This tool will transform your life.
If you have found these tips to be helpful we’d like to invite you to purchase the whole collection along with our best tips for paper in our great little ebook TOP TEN TIPS for Paper & Time for only $10.
![Clear & SIMPLE TOP TEN Tips for Paper & Time](
Let’s honor our life by honoring our our time!
Marla, Kate & Team
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved
by CS Team
Write down the 3 MOST IMPORTANT to do’s – and let that be enough…
We measure our life energy, our being and our doing by measuring time. We all have the same “24 hours” in each day. How is it that some people are naturally able to be more present and accomplish what is most important while others struggle?
Using the Clear & SIMPLE System of SEE IT, MAP IT, DO IT, we can show you how to make time tangible and manageable! Here is DO IT, the our last of three blogs helping you get things done and bringing joy back in your day. Check out SEE IT and MAP IT.
DO IT – Now we come to the DO IT Step which can feel overwhelming. How can I possibly fit everything into my day, much less make it simple?
Start by taking only 5 minutes at the start and end of each day to ask what are the 3 MOST IMPORTANT TASKS for your personal and work life – the ones that only you can do? Then write them done in a simple notebook, on a yellow pad, in your smart phone notebook or app (try Wunderlist), on a 3×5 card or even a post it note. At the end of the day, look back and celebrate getting those 3 things done! Or you will get to notice how you got distracted so you can practice again the next day.
This simple practice will help you discriminate what needs really needs your attention today. Along with the sense of accomplishment for getting done what matters most to YOU!
![Clear & SIMPLE, Accomplishment](
Joyfully getting things done!
Marla, Kate & Team
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved
by CS Team
Plan your week by your ROLES rather than massive lists.
We measure our life energy, our being and our doing by measuring time. We all have the same “24 hours” in each day. How is it that some people are naturally able to be more present and accomplish what is most important while others struggle?
Using the Clear & SIMPLE System of SEE IT, MAP IT, DO IT, we can show you how to make time tangible and manageable! This blog focuses on the MAP IT step for time – check out the SEE IT and DO IT steps.
MAP IT – Most of us avoid planning our day, week or year because it feels overwhelming even thinking about all we have to do. We have a simpler approach that our clients find easy and joyful to do. We suggest you try this out for planning out your week.
Make a simple list of the ROLES you have first –
- Self Care
- Partner
- Parent
- Home Care
- Work
- Family & Friends
- Community
Then ask what do I need/want to do this week for this role? It is much easier for your brain to sort the to do’s according to the roles you play in your daily life. Remember the MAP (Make A Plan) IT step makes a difference. The mere act of writing something down allows your brain to release and let go of holding that information.
One of our favorite Day Planners that is already set up with seven columns for your roles and the days of the week is Planner Pad. Their brilliant format allows you to funnel your to-do list from general to specific, all within your calendar week! Or just use a spiral notebook or yellow pad – the point is write it down.
Planner Pad even offers digital apps for all of your devices! Check out their website for a video on how it works.
![Clear & SIMPLE, Planner Pad APP](
However you map your time, make sure it works for YOU!
Marla, Kate & Team
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved