
Organize Your Year

A new year is a new journey. Create the map for where you want to go!

I dare you to take one day out of the year and create your personal map for the next year. Taking this precious time sets the path for what you most want and value to happen in the year ahead. You are the only one who can do this. Are you willing?

Marla Dee

A new year can be a new journey of adventure and growth for you. It’s time to become the person you are ready to be, the person the world needs you to be. At the same time, planning the new year can seem overwhelming. I will share how to create your One-Page-Master-Map using the Clear & Simple Steps!

See it. Map it. Do it. is the 3 step organizing system that works for all the areas of your space and life. Let’s apply it to your year.

Learn how here

SEE IT – Take a look at where you’ve been. You begin with acknowledging and learning from your past. Spend some time answering the questions below as they relate to last year.

  • What worked? What did you accomplish?
  • What can you celebrate?
  • What didn’t work? What disappointed you?
  • What did you learn about yourself, life and others?

Once you have done this, take time with your body, your heart and your head to release the old stuff. Breathe, feel, walk, run, or whatever your body wants. 

MAP IT – Next it’s time to make a written plan for where you want to go. If you were taking a road trip, you would have a general idea of your destination and the stops along the way. Mapping out your year is similar. Just get the big pieces in place.

  • Choose one word for the year. Make it visual so you see it often and get reminded of your focus.
  • Choose your three core values for this year. You can deepen this by adding a sentence of what meaning they have for you.
  • Write down your five most important roles. Most of us have many roles and it is vital to know which ones matter most when you are making decisions each day.
  • Write the most important goal, creation or change for each role.
  • Choose a tool to write all this down so you can review it often. Choose one that works for your personality, It can be paper or digital. Get creative with this so you love it.
  • Get  your  ONE PAGE MASTER MAP FORM here.

DO IT – Take the steps to get there. Now that you have your map and tool for the year, it’s time for action. Here is the system to bring your goals into your daily life, to break down the big changes to smaller step

  • For each month – Take 30 minutes and begin with reviewing last month. What got done, what didn’t and why? Then look at your year map and write down the 3 most important actions for this month. Use your tool to make sure you see these easily for your weekly planning.
  • For the week – Take 30 minutes, look at your month and write down the 3 most important actions for the week. Use your tool to make sure you see these often. I strongly suggest a weekly accountability partner!
  • For each day – Take time every morning with yourself, time to center and listen to what is going on inside you! Choose ways to do this that are meaningful and attractive to you. Then write down the 3 most important actions for the day. Then close your day with celebrating your day, what you accomplished and what had meaning to you.

Lastly, close down this time with yourself by fully taking in this new freedom. Open your body, mind and heart. Feel the open space and let the new come in. Now you are ready to start exploring what you want next.

Download the MAPS below as your guides.

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Organize Your Year

Organize Your Year Map

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Organize Your Year

See It. Map It. Do It. Your Year

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Year

Your Guide Marla Dee. I love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Clutter Clear Your Bedroom

Here are 3 simple ways to start that can be done in under an hour!

Does your bedroom refresh you or stress you?

Transforming your bedroom into a peaceful place begins with clearing the clutter.

This is the greatest gift you can give your body, your mind, and your heart.

Marla Dee

If you were standing in the doorway to your bedroom right now, would you be happy or stressed? Is your bedroom a resting zone or a check out zone? Your body is feeling everything in your bedroom, even when you are sleeping.

Because the bedroom is behind closed doors, it’s easy to ignore the clutter that builds up there. It often becomes the dumping ground for the homeless stuff. Yet continuing to ignore your bedroom means always waking up feeling tired and overwhelmed by life.

I want to offer some simple places to start since this project can feel huge. This starts you clearing without getting lost in the details. Keep in mind we will take you through SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© for the whole room next. Choose one of the following ideas, schedule the time, turn on music and dive in. Have boxes and bags on hand for goes elsewhere, donations, trash, and goes to someone else.


Set your timer for one hour and journey through your bedroom gathering all the obvious stuff that doesn’t belong there, is no longer useful, or that you are ready to let go of. Keep in mind that you are only going after the obvious and easy stuff. If you have to stop and think about it, then wait. You are only doing one hour but you might be surprised how much goes away.


Start at door into your bedroom and work your way around the whole area staying focused on the floor. Pick up and bag all the stuff that you know needs to leave. Don’t worry about the other stuff, it comes later. Then grab the vacuum or broom and enjoy cleaning away the old dust and grime.


You can start the clutter clearing by pulling out all the stuff under the bed. You want to avoid using this as a storage area if at all possible. Remember, your body is feeling all the stuff under there while you are sleeping. Once you clear the space, take a few more minutes to clean it also. You will love how it feels.

When you are done, take some deep breaths and notice how different the room feels. It can be fun to take pictures of all the stuff leaving. Let yourself take in the change and celebrate what you have done.

Now enjoy a good night’s sleep!

Your Guide Marla Dee. I love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Letting Go of Your Old Self

Let go of the old you to make room for the new you!

It takes slowing down to spend time with yourself 

It takes humility to be honest with yourself 

It takes courage to let go of what’s blocking you 

It takes trust to let a new you emerge

Marla Dee

This new year can be a new journey of adventure and growth for you. It is time to become the person you are ready to be, the person you have been building up to for years.

In order for the new to come into being, you must start with releasing the old stuff, your old self. It is impossible to bring in new when the container is already full. Nature insists that we clear space first. Before your dive into what you want this year, it is essential to let go of what is now past time.

Letting go takes presence, courage and support. Get real with yourself. Why hold on when the new you is ready to emerge. Are you willing to take time with yourself? Grab a favorite pen and notebook. By reflecting on the queries below you will receive the insight that is waiting.

What am I holding onto?

Where have I been stuck? 

What is causing me pain? 

What needs to change?

What am I ready to let go of? 

  • Pattern
  • Habit
  • Belief
  • Place
  • Role
  • Commitment
  • Person or group
  • Old way of being

Do you need support to let go? If so, what kind? Now give yourself permission to have it.

Once you have done this, take time with your body, your heart and your head to release the old self. Breathe, feel, walk, run, or whatever your body wants. On the other end of this release is freedom.

Lastly, close down this time with yourself by fully taking in this new freedom. Open your body, mind and heart. Feel the open space and let the new come in. Now you are ready to start exploring what you want next.

Join us for a whole month of organizing your new self for this new year.

Your Guide Marla Dee. I love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.