
Clutter Clear Out Celebration!

We are FREE of stuff that was dragging us down and keeping us stuck!

We are deeply honored, humbled and inspired by everyone who joined our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out this year. Wow. Thank you for showing up, taking action and sharing your wonderful stories with us! We now want to share a little with you about how our lives were changed.

Marla’s story

Where does all the stuff come from?  How does it keep piling up?  Why do I still have that? These were some of my questions as I wandered around my home each day looking for something to release.  What surprised me was that I found old stuff in every room. I couldn’t believe it.  I have been practicing living simply for years now.

Yet, I still found stuff!  Stuff that was homeless, stuff from years ago still taking up space, stuff I had forgotten. It was little things and big things.  It was singular things that held deep meaning. The most loaded items for me were the ones that tied into my kid’s childhood.  I have been an empty nester for only 7 months now.  After 30 years of creating a home for my children and caring for their things, I am on my own. My daily life is different without my kids and their stuff. It is not simple or easy to trust this change.  It is a daily journey.  The 30 day group has been a big gift to me. I don’t want to do this alone.  Hearing others share about going through their drawers, magazines, emails and kids stuff was the strength I needed to go through mine.

Here wasClear & SIMPLE, Winnie the Pooh a story of mine from day 3. These awesome Pooh ABC foam puzzle pieces are from Jessica’s 1st birthday. She is now 20. My grandson used them but he just turned 10. Both my kids say let them go. Seems like it would be easy but I have such resistance.  I realize they came from a special friend that I miss.  Also, I want to make sure they go to someone who will really enjoy them.

I get to trust the Universe here. I get to practice what I preach.

To close, I am compelled to share that I saved the toughest stuff for the end – the digital and calendar clutter.  I am now seeing the light at the end of my email nightmare tunnel. Kate is teaching me how to use Wunderlist to handle all my to do’s and keep them organized in one place. And I have released giving time and energy to work that doesn’t serve my soul’s purpose. More coming on these insights…

Kate’s story

Since relocating to Los Angeles in June of 2013, my little family and I have been radically shifting our lives and home. What started as just wanting to greatly simplify turned into minimalism. For us that means having only things that we use and/or support us in living truly soul-inspired lives. We’ve discovered that we want to spend as much time as possible playing, loving, learning and adventuring…and we now know it is possible with less stuff taking up time, energy and money.

Through about 25 layers we have released somewhere around 75% of what we moved with. Our drawers, closets and cupboards are organized and everything has a home. Sure our day-to-day activities bring the stuff out and we end up with piles of things that sit, often longer than I would like (I even sometimes let the kitchen stay messy and play games instead of cleaning), but homeostasis is easily reinstated. It is the most liberating experience of my life. (more…)

Are you in Hanger Hell or Hanger Heaven?

We are totally serious. Which is it for you?

The easiest and cheapest closet transformation is having the same hangers – at least the same color!!  Yet, we work with hundreds of clients (some of which have very expensive closets and clothes) who have the hanger hell scenario. We see all different colors and types hanging from the rods and the client wonders why their closet feels so disorganized.

TIP – Your brain goes to color FIRSTClear & SIMPLE, Hanger Chaos

Maybe you’ve never thought about it or consciously noticed how disheveled you feel as a result of mismatched hangers. The reality is that your brain goes to color first and then type. So if your clothes are on hangers of many different colors it is even harder to make a clear choice.

Or you can experience the sense of peace and order every time you look in your closet. Having consistent hangers makes it easier than ever to make your clothing choice!


By now you all know we love The Container Store! Have you seen their incredible hanger selection?? Why not go to one store and choose a hanger you really love?! Seriously, they have entire walls filled withClear & SIMPLE, Container Store Hangers

  • every type
  • every color
  • every size
  • and for every age.


One favorite of our clients is the Huggable Suit Hanger.

Clear & SIMPLE, Huggable Hangers

You better believe that we are in Hanger Heaven in our personal closets. Marla loves the white wood while Kate’s prefers the purple plastic.

Creating peace & clarity one closet at a time,

Marla, Kate & Team




Full Disclosure: This post contains “affiliate links”.  If you click an affiliate link and purchase something, the company gives us a small percentage of the sale, at no additional cost to you. This supports us in providing the FREE content and support we offer regularly.

We carefully look at the products, services and people we recommend and always offer our honest opinion. We never, ever endorse a product or service that we would not purchase ourselves. No exceptions. In fact, most of the items/services we suggest we currently use ourselves.

Heavy closet or happy closet, which do you want?

Join us in tackling closet clutter!

We’ve all been there…it’s time to get dressed for the day and we dread going to our closet. Perhaps it is stuffed full of clothes most of which don’t fit any more. Maybe it fits, but just doesn’t feel good. Maybe you have just had it for too long. It’s true that we only wear 20% of our clothes.  The other 80% are just creating clutter and chaos in the day.

So our question is – how long has it been since you gave your closet a serious clean-out?  We know it can feel overwhelming to tackle all those clothes. Would you like it to be simpler?  Would you like the clothes that remain to be the ones you LOVE to wear so you love how you feel?

We want to share two EXPERTS & SYSTEMS that can help you transform your closet. We know you will find guidance to create what you have longing for in your space and with yourself.


Project 333 was created by Courtney Carver and is based on dressing with just 33 items or less for 3 months at a time. Wow! Even if you don’t make it to her level, she will inspire you to really clear out and she makes it FUN!

Clear & SIMPLE, Project 333And check out her amazing micro course that will step you through the process.  It even has a playlist to bring in the FUN!! Get it here.

“I did this and LOVED it! It changed my life! – Marla


Dressing Your Truth designed by Carol Tuttle is based on Four Types of Beauty and helps men & women find their type. Carol’s system goes deep, way beyond the surface of what you wear. Once determined there is a set of guidelines for each type that insure you will look and feel truly likely yourself.

Clear & SIMPLE, Dressing Your TruthBy the way – Marla is a TYPE 4 and KATE is a TYPE 2!

“Dressing Your Truth is right on! I absolutely loved reading about the different types and finally finding support that feels in alignment with who I really am!” – Kate

Get the book or check out the online course.

Please comment and let us know what you choose to do!
Marla, Kate & Team

“Memories live longer than things”

Is your stuff adding to your life – or draining your life?

We were recently inspired and changed by a thought provoking man and his message. James Wallman, author of Stuffocation, is revealing our relationship (as a human community) with our stuff and how it is changing. His message is much deeper than just letting go of stuff. We agree with him that releasing is just the beginning.

Clear & SIMPLE, James Wallman

As a global society we have more stuff than ever. Our homes are busting at the seams even after putting many of our “precious belongings” in storage. According to the Self Storage Association, the self storage industry generated over $25 BILLION DOLLARS in revenue in 2014 and continues to grow. What?!?! We are spending mass amounts of money to store things we will most likely never use, let alone see! Just think of the experiences we could have with all of that money.

We love having things, but we realize they don’t really provide the profound connection, meaning and value that we all crave. Experiences like spending time with loved ones and exploring our world are what deepen our true enjoyment of life. The experience and the memory it creates are what we really crave.

Everything takes time, energy and money – not only to buy, but to maintain. (Tweet this) We get to choose where we want our resources to go.  Will it be taking care of stuff or having experiences? The choice is yours!

We’d like to invite you to listen to James’ conversation about “Stuffocation” with Doug Fabrizio on Radio West.

Clear & SIMPLE, Radio West

Breathing through this together,

Marla, Kate & Team

Fall – follow nature and let go!

Fall is the time to let go of what is dead, dying or done!

Tip 2. Follow the wisdom of mother nature.  Every Fall she releases the dead, dying and old stuff back to the earth to be recycled and used differently.  We can do the same.  Commit to taking the month of October to clear the clutter that has built up over the busy summer (or maybe even many years). Trust that by letting it go you will create open space for new things to come in.

To get help with this and make it easy – check out our C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out and get started. The idea is to let go of ONE thing each day for 30 days.  You will experience a break through, we promise.

Get the rest of our top tips from Marla this weekend at the Home Show in Salt Lake!

If you cannot make it to the Home Show you can purchase our TOP TEN TIPS for Home & Holidays, 20 super supportive tips in one sweet little eBook for only $10.

Friday, October 9th: 3 pm2015-03-08 10.58.28
Saturday, October 10th: 2 pm
Sunday, October 11th: 12 pm, 2 pm**

**Special presentation Clutter Clearing Made Simple!

Visit our Booth #239b near the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!

Click below to purchase discount tickets! Use promo code: CLEARClear & SIMPLE, Deseret News Home Show Discount Tickets

Show Information:

Friday October 9th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday October 11th @ 6:00 p.m.

South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

Go Here for additional information and directions.