The ART of Letting Go ~ Inspiration

Inspiration – the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions!

As defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, getting inspired means to get the intellect or emotion moving! We often hear people say, “I”m lazy so I don’t… clean out my purse, clean out the garage, clean off the kitchen counter, organize the linen closet…” We want to reframe this. We believe it’s because these things just aren’t inspiring in and of themselves. However, once they are done, the space and fresh flowing energy gets our brains, hearts and bodies fired up! This opens us up to spend time and energy where we really want to. Now that’s inspiring!

Encouragement comes in many forms:

  • creating a vision of what you most want
  • reframing negative thoughts to positive ones
  • the support of a trusted loved one
  • a picture in a magazine
  • hearing stories of others accomplishments
  • sitting with how it will feel when you reach a desired outcome

Find what really lights up your entire being! Here are 3 ideas to get you going:

1 – Look for affirmation of the feeling you want on the other side of clearing the clutter. One great resource is Clutterers Anonymous and here are a couple from their site. As I declutter my life, I open up space to receive the support and comfort that I need – or – As I let go of what is insignificant to me, I am better able to enjoy those things that are important to me.

2 – Find stories of people that have released clutter that you resonate with. One of our favorite story tellers is family man Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist. Not only does he share about his family’s journey on his website, but he regularly shares guest posts in his newsletter.

3 – Print a picture or create a Pinterest board that inspires you let go of the stuff that is not adding value to your life or your space. We are always inspired by visual.

The ART of Letting Go is Marla’s ebook about taking that inspiration and then following the steps within The Clear & SIMPLE Systems to clear the clutter. Download this sweet and simple, yet powerful little book today as our free gift for yourself and others. Please feel free to share with your loved ones.

Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee, The ART of Letting Go

The ART of Letting Go ~ Trust

Trust is the most important part of letting go.

After Acceptance and Release comes the last step on your journey of freedom from clutter…Trust! We know clearing clutter can be overwhelming.  We hope these three steps have made it simpler.  We want to help free you to be present in your life now.

Let me bring these together for you.

  • Clutter is transformed by clearing.
  • You can choose to hold on or let go.
  • Do you want to stay stuck or start moving?
  • Is your body in a state or panic or peace?
  • Are you coming from a place of fear or trust?

In reality, all your choices come down to choosing FEAR or TRUST. I encourage you to take this journey from a place of Trust, and when Fear comes up, acknowledge it and let it go. Just for now, be willing to explore your own story and step into change.

Wishing you sweet peace in your life. Marla Dee

**This is an excerpt from Marla’s book, The ART of Letting Go. Download it now as a free gift to read all of the wisdom, knowledge and support of releasing many kinds of stuff in life.

The ART of Letting Go ~ Release

Start with the willingness to surrender. Take a deep breath and exhale. What are you ready to let go of right now?

The first step in ART was Acceptance. Now you are ready for the Release. When you have accepted where you are in present time, you are free to let go of what is stopping you from moving forward.

It is freeing to release the old, the block, and the struggle. Whereas the acceptance step is like breathing in and receiving air, new life, and oxygen, the release is a long exhale; a way to let go and give back to the Universe what your body no longer needs. It can be that simple. Sometimes life is about surrender. Most of the time, holding on, trying harder, pushing, or struggling are not the answers. How long can you hold your breath before you hurt yourself?  In the same way, bodies and creative energies can be damaged after holding on to stuff for too long. Sometimes it is just time to let go.

I say, start with the willingness to surrender. Take a deep breath and exhale. What are you ready to let go of right now?

It is natural after the surrender to be ready for action. I can imagine you worrying and wondering: “But how do I do this?  I’ve tried for years and it doesn’t work, I can’t get it right. It’s just too hard.”  I realize that you have the desire to let go but you were never taught how. I can desire to play the piano, but without some level of teaching, all I can do is plop out notes, a long way from playing a beautiful melody.

Here are my top three tips for making the release simpler:

1 – You will want to start with a small project or area such as the top of your purse, your dresser, or your junk drawer.  Take everything out and sort first, then toss what you don’t need, and them put it back together. If you want help download my eBook, The ART of Letting Go.

2 – You can also try our simple, yet powerful 30 Day Clutter Clear Out – Let go of one thing a day for 30 days. Get our guide and more support on our Clutter Clear Out page. This will start the energy of things leaving your space and you will be amazed how fun it can be.

3 – For the bigger projects, you will want to use the all the Clear & Simple Steps, starting with the Foundation Steps of SEE IT, MAP IT, DO IT© and then the Action Steps of STACKS©.

*Download your handy STEPS Guide by going here.

**This is an excerpt from Marla’s book, The ART of Letting Go. Download it now as a free gift to read all of the wisdom, knowledge and support of releasing all types of stuff.

The ART of Letting Go ~ Acceptance

All change begins with ACCEPTANCE…

The first step in letting go is accepting the story your clutter tells. All clutter tells a story and everyone has clutter in some area of his or her life. Accept that your environment is simply a reflection of your life up until now, a reflection of what’s happened to you and what’s going on inside you. There’s no shame or blame in looking at this picture; that would only keep you in the role of a victim. In order to step into the power of change and growth, you must be willing to open your eyes and see it. There is no healthy payoff in focusing on the clutter itself, on staying locked up in guilt—not for you or for others. However, great power is arises when you accept that you are the creator of your life and of your environment. Your old things, your old patterns, your old relationships reflect who you have been and what you have built or what you have avoided—it is YOUR PAST!

By accepting the full story in front of you, you can step into present time. There is a famous line in the Alcoholics Anonymous book that says “Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.”  I believe this is true. Acceptance is the beginning of any change. Acceptance brings peace. Acceptance opens the door for support to come in.

Here are some simple exercises to support you in coming to a place of acceptance:

Answer the following questions:

– What am I having a hard time accepting?

– Why am I having a hard time accepting where I am today?

– What am I telling myself about why I am stuck?

– What is the story I want to get out before I can move on?

– Am I willing to accept what is in front of me?

Acknowledge your feelings:

– I accept that I am scared.

– I accept that I feel hopeless.

– I accept that I have created this situation.

– What would acceptance feel like?

Then answer:

– Where can I begin my acceptance?

– If I accept what is in front of me, how will I be set free?

– By accepting my situation, what can I let go of that is dragging me down or holding me back?

– What would acceptance look like?

Another method for getting out and accepting your old story is to tell it out loud. The key is to find a person you trust who is willing to listen with heart and attention. I have found many people hold on to their stuff because they feel they need it in order to share their life story with another human being.

This is an excerpt from Marla’s book The ART of Letting Go, which you can download now as a gift from her.

The ART of Letting Go

Letting go is never easy, but it can be easier.  Read our 3 simple steps below…

As professional organizers we regularly witness the immense pain, struggle and hopelessness that comes from having too much stuff and not knowing what to do with it. As human beings we’ve also experienced these emotions ourselves. As a society we’ve learned to value things “because they belonged to grandma”, “they’ll be worth something one day”, “because we might need them in the future”, and so on.

Our beliefs are now shifting because we are overwhelmed with too much stuff. We no longer believe that anything is worth keeping if it causes us stress, depletes our energy or keeps us from living a good life. We deserve to wake up each day free of stress, smile with a grateful heart for the day ahead, a day filled with what matters most.

To get to this point takes practice and shedding layers upon layers; choosing into gratitude; releasing possessions, commitments and energy that no longer serve us; deciding that we really are the masters of our lives and our destinies.

If you are ready to begin this process, we invite you to read The ART of Letting Go by our own Marla Dee.

“This treasure of an ebook will give you inspiration and steps to clear the clutter that is dragging you down and keeping you stuck.” – Marla Dee


Let’s explore the ART of Letting Go

Because the nature of clutter is heavy and dense, I wanted to simplify the process into three meaningful steps. I want you to hear that there are three stages we go through over and over again. Acknowledging that these three steps are the natural way will make the letting go easier. We will use the word ART to guide you through:

~ Acceptance ~ Release ~ Trust


All of our clutter tells a story and everyone has their own form of it in some area of their life. Accepting this fact is the beginning. Accepting that your environment is simply a reflection of your life up until now, a reflection of what has happened to you and what is going on inside you is vital. There does not need to be shame or blame in looking at this picture. That would only keep you in the role of a victim. In order to step into the power of change and growth you must be willing to open your eyes and look at it.

There is no purpose or healthy payoff in focusing on the clutter itself, on staying locked up in guilt – not for you or for others. However, there is great power in becoming accountable for the fact that you are the creator of your life and of your environment. Your old things, your old patterns, your old relationships reflect who you have been and what you have built or what you have avoided – it is YOUR PAST!

Download your FREE copy now to continue reading.

“I honor your willingness to reach out and seek help so you can let go of the clutter at last. As a Professional Organizer for many years, I have witnessed tremendous courage from my clients in their willingness to get real with the story their clutter tells; to let go of the past and welcome a new change. Letting go is never easy, but it can be made easier.” – Marla Dee

Your life is waiting for you,

Marla, Kate and Team