
Simply Sit

A simple practice for anyone, anytime, is to sit. Just sit. Just breathe. Just be. In an age of constant movement, nothing is more important than sitting still. Pico Iyer A simple practice for anyone, anytime, is to sit. Just sit. Just breathe. Just be. How long has...

Our Favorite Containers in Action

Kate shares a container story in her own home. Kate’s Closet Journey Before we even closed on our home, I knew we would be putting elfa from The Container Store in at least 3 closets including the entry one. Since I have designed my fair share of elfa closet systems,...

Simplify Change

Change has the power to destroy us or transform us. An old saying: There is no pain in change. There is no pain in growth. There is only pain in resistance to change and resistance to growth. Unknown We live in complicated times where change is happening faster than...

Simplify Choices

Taking responsiblity for my choices takes courage. The impetus of all human behavior is the yearning for freedom. Freedom is to be at-choice in every condition or circumstance. Most of humanity is rearely at-choice: we simply repeat the old reaction patterns. This is...

Simply Play

I learned how to play from my daughter. Play is the spark that keeps our fire burning! Marla Dee My daughter Jessica is in her late 20’s. All her life, she has taught me how to play. I tend to forget that play is a part of life. I forget that play happens every day. I...

Celebrate Your Kitchen & Pantry

Take time to celebrate the big and little things! We love everything about our kitchen now! We spend more time there than anywhere else. I’m so glad we took the time to do it right! B.P. You deserve to celebrate! This year of 2020 we are helping you transform all...

Clutter Clear Your Garage

Here are 3 simple ways that can be done in under an hour! Does your garage function how you most want and need? Is your garage dumping ground for all the things you don’t know what to do with? What would your ideal garage space look and feel like? Marla Dee Can...

First comes SORT. Next comes TOSS.

The key is ONE question at a time and one decision at a time!

The TOSS (the letting go) is the most loaded step of clutter clearing and organizing. If we could do it easily then the piles of stuff wouldn’t be filling up our space. It is often the emotional attachment with the stuff, the story it tells, and the overwhelm of just too much everywhere that keeps us procrastinating going through it.

Here are some of the struggles we hear all the time. I can go through other people’s stuff but not my own. Why is it so hard? I get stuck as soon as I start going through it, especially if I’m touching it. It is overwhelming – I don’t know where to start. My basement is full of my mother’s things. HELP!!

This is why we love the system of S.T.A.C.K.S. © for getting through the stuff.  Remember, in the blog Sort First. Toss Later. you were asked to sort first so you can see what you have. The steps of S.T.A.C.K.S. © build upon each other. In the SORT step you are only asking what is it? When you are done you have a clear picture of how much you have – how many months worth of electric bills, how many of the same black shirt, how many pens & pencils, or the same garden tool. Now the TOSS step is easier.

S.T.A.C.K.S.© – Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify

TOSS – here is more guidance:

    • Clear & SIMPLE, TossQuestion: Do I need it or want it? It is amazing how often we keep things we don’t even want or need.
    • Power Question: Does this item support my vision for this space and this time in my life? Honor the chapter you are in!
    • Action: Put it in the keep or discard pile. If using bankers boxes then leave the item in the box and have bags/boxes ready for the give-away, shred, garbage, elsewhere toss categories so it goes quickly.
    • Tip: Remember you used bankers boxes in the sort so just take ONE box at a time when going through the toss. This will save you from distractions and confusion.
    • Reward: You will get through the toss quicker and with less energy. What you have left is what needs to be organized.

By asking just one question and making only one decision at a time, you WILL be able to get through all of the stuff. And you are still not asking where it will go or what it will go in. Those steps are ahead.

We want to be clear that we know with every fiber of our beings just how loaded the Toss step can be. It is SO loaded that Marla wrote a simple, yet powerhouse little guide called The ART of Letting Go. Please download this free gift and share it with anyone you feel may benefit.

Stay tuned in upcoming weeks as we continue through the S.T.A.C.K.S. © process.

Download our Systems Card as a companion guide to SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. ©.

With you each step of the way,
Marla, Kate & Team


Simply Share

Share your hope, your insights, your fear, your gratitude, and your love Share what is in your heart as well as what’s in your head. Kate Fehr From Kate… As someone who thrives on being outdoors and socially connected face-to-face, the quarantining and social...

Client Story – Taming the Paper Piles

Those piles of paper and overflowing files can be tamed!

“I’m coming clean here. Literally. I had piles of paper taking over my spare room that was supposed to be my sweet home office. It desperately needed attention. There were files from the last decade, including my husband’s old papers (he passed away years ago). Boxes overflowed, piles fell over, and the result was stress, stress, stress every time I walked into the room. What I lacked was a system to handle it all. I was inspired to tackle it after Marla Dee came to help me create a vision and plan.

I made this my project for spring and started working my way through the piles using the Clear & SIMPLE Systems© (see below). I sorted first. Then Marla took me through the toss. Honestly, having her at my side talking me through it made all the difference in the world. Next we chose a container for my incoming paper to land until I was ready to deal with it. Lastly, she introduced me to the amazing FreedomFiler System for my action system and all my files, from reference to taxes. I have peace of mind knowing that every type of paper in my space has a home and a system to keep it running smoothly.” W.R.

Why not try The Clear & SIMPLE Way © to transform your paper piles…

SEE IT© – Take a look at where you’ve been

Take 10 minutes to write out what’s working, what’s not working and why. Just let the words come out of you and enjoy the clarity and release.

MAP IT© – Make a plan for what you want

Write a simple vision by asking how you want your paper space to look, feel and function? Get ideas here on our ULTIMATE OFFICE MAP.

DO IT© – Take the steps to get it done

Take it one step at a time using the Clear & SIMPLE System of S.T.A.C.K.S. ©.

Sort firstWhat is it? Gather the most active papers and sort them first. Keep the labels general in the beginning. Remember like with like. You can sort right into hanging files or bankers boxes with post it note labels. For example: mortgage/rental papers, life insurance, health insurance, auto, monthly utilities, loans, etc.

TossDo I keep it or let it go? Give your self permission to recycle or shred the papers that need to go. Get a printable version of our Record Retention Guidelines.

AssignWhere will it go? Sanity starts with capturing the paper as it comes in. Choose a location and container for the incoming paper and drop everything in.  It is just like the inbox for your emails.  Then get a container for the action papers and 1-2 file drawers for the files you need to keep handy. Check out a printable version of our Paper flow Map for additional support.

Contain – What does it go in? Choose a color of hanging folder that you love along with the powerful FreedomFiler System or another of your choice. Archive papers can just be put in boxes, labeled and stored.

Keep It Up – How do I maintain this? Place all incoming paper and mail into a container then sort once a week into 4 piles – Read, Action, File and Toss, RAFT ©. Take the piles to their appropriate place and then spend 30 minutes just on the ACTION items. FreedomFiler System is the answer again to keep ALL the paper files organized!

Simplify – How can I simplify? Schedule your paper power time each week just like you would the laundry. Also, getting help from a Professional Organizer is always a gift.

We invite you to just start using the tips and tools above. Tackle the active paper piles and let us know what happens.

Marla, Kate & Team


©RAFT, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. & STACKS Copyright Clear & SIMPLE, LLC All rights reserved.