
“Memories live longer than things”

Is your stuff adding to your life – or draining your life?

We were recently inspired and changed by a thought provoking man and his message. James Wallman, author of Stuffocation, is revealing our relationship (as a human community) with our stuff and how it is changing. His message is much deeper than just letting go of stuff. We agree with him that releasing is just the beginning.

Clear & SIMPLE, James Wallman

As a global society we have more stuff than ever. Our homes are busting at the seams even after putting many of our “precious belongings” in storage. According to the Self Storage Association, the self storage industry generated over $25 BILLION DOLLARS in revenue in 2014 and continues to grow. What?!?! We are spending mass amounts of money to store things we will most likely never use, let alone see! Just think of the experiences we could have with all of that money.

We love having things, but we realize they don’t really provide the profound connection, meaning and value that we all crave. Experiences like spending time with loved ones and exploring our world are what deepen our true enjoyment of life. The experience and the memory it creates are what we really crave.

Everything takes time, energy and money – not only to buy, but to maintain. (Tweet this) We get to choose where we want our resources to go.  Will it be taking care of stuff or having experiences? The choice is yours!

We’d like to invite you to listen to James’ conversation about “Stuffocation” with Doug Fabrizio on Radio West.

Clear & SIMPLE, Radio West

Breathing through this together,

Marla, Kate & Team

Fall – follow nature and let go!

Fall is the time to let go of what is dead, dying or done!

Tip 2. Follow the wisdom of mother nature.  Every Fall she releases the dead, dying and old stuff back to the earth to be recycled and used differently.  We can do the same.  Commit to taking the month of October to clear the clutter that has built up over the busy summer (or maybe even many years). Trust that by letting it go you will create open space for new things to come in.

To get help with this and make it easy – check out our C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out and get started. The idea is to let go of ONE thing each day for 30 days.  You will experience a break through, we promise.

Get the rest of our top tips from Marla this weekend at the Home Show in Salt Lake!

If you cannot make it to the Home Show you can purchase our TOP TEN TIPS for Home & Holidays, 20 super supportive tips in one sweet little eBook for only $10.

Friday, October 9th: 3 pm2015-03-08 10.58.28
Saturday, October 10th: 2 pm
Sunday, October 11th: 12 pm, 2 pm**

**Special presentation Clutter Clearing Made Simple!

Visit our Booth #239b near the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!

Click below to purchase discount tickets! Use promo code: CLEARClear & SIMPLE, Deseret News Home Show Discount Tickets

Show Information:

Friday October 9th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday October 11th @ 6:00 p.m.

South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

Go Here for additional information and directions.

C&S 30-Day Clutter Clear Out Invitation!

Are you ready to easily and joyfully release clutter from your life?

It’s time for our annual Clutter Clear Out Online Event and we are getting so excited! We are also challenging you to get REAL about the clutter in your life.  To look at your excuses and step back into a place of personal power.  You can be free of a layer of clutter.  You can start now. (more…)

The ART of Letting Go

Letting go is never easy, but it can be easier.  Read our 3 simple steps below…

As professional organizers we regularly witness the immense pain, struggle and hopelessness that comes from having too much stuff and not knowing what to do with it. As human beings we’ve also experienced these emotions ourselves. As a society we’ve learned to value things “because they belonged to grandma”, “they’ll be worth something one day”, “because we might need them in the future”, and so on.

Our beliefs are now shifting because we are overwhelmed with too much stuff. We no longer believe that anything is worth keeping if it causes us stress, depletes our energy or keeps us from living a good life. We deserve to wake up each day free of stress, smile with a grateful heart for the day ahead, a day filled with what matters most.

To get to this point takes practice and shedding layers upon layers; choosing into gratitude; releasing possessions, commitments and energy that no longer serve us; deciding that we really are the masters of our lives and our destinies.

If you are ready to begin this process, we invite you to read The ART of Letting Go by our own Marla Dee.

“This treasure of an ebook will give you inspiration and steps to clear the clutter that is dragging you down and keeping you stuck.” – Marla Dee


Let’s explore the ART of Letting Go

Because the nature of clutter is heavy and dense, I wanted to simplify the process into three meaningful steps. I want you to hear that there are three stages we go through over and over again. Acknowledging that these three steps are the natural way will make the letting go easier. We will use the word ART to guide you through:

~ Acceptance ~ Release ~ Trust


All of our clutter tells a story and everyone has their own form of it in some area of their life. Accepting this fact is the beginning. Accepting that your environment is simply a reflection of your life up until now, a reflection of what has happened to you and what is going on inside you is vital. There does not need to be shame or blame in looking at this picture. That would only keep you in the role of a victim. In order to step into the power of change and growth you must be willing to open your eyes and look at it.

There is no purpose or healthy payoff in focusing on the clutter itself, on staying locked up in guilt – not for you or for others. However, there is great power in becoming accountable for the fact that you are the creator of your life and of your environment. Your old things, your old patterns, your old relationships reflect who you have been and what you have built or what you have avoided – it is YOUR PAST!

Download your FREE copy now to continue reading.

“I honor your willingness to reach out and seek help so you can let go of the clutter at last. As a Professional Organizer for many years, I have witnessed tremendous courage from my clients in their willingness to get real with the story their clutter tells; to let go of the past and welcome a new change. Letting go is never easy, but it can be made easier.” – Marla Dee

Your life is waiting for you,

Marla, Kate and Team