
Mind Mapping for SIMPLE Planning!

Your Right & Left Brain can now work together!

“When sitting down to create a mind map all you need are two things; an idea and a brain. You put your idea in the centre and let your brain do the rest.” Andrea Leyden

Mind Mapping is our favorite tool for the MAP IT. © Step. Remember MAP IT. © stands for Make-a-plan. But often this is confusing and overwhelming. Mind mapping to the rescue!! “Whenever I get STUCK in my day or any project, I whip out paper and do a mind map. It has become an essential tool. I also go to this tool first when planning any new project or for my week and day.” Marla Dee

WHY – No matter what the project or the size, mind mapping makes it simple. And whether you are a left brain list maker or a right brain artist, mind mapping will work for you. You can use mind mapping for planning out:

  • Your year, month, week or dayClear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping
  • Any size project, large or small
  • A paper, report or any writing project
  • A creative project such as a website
  • Creating to do or task lists
  • An upcoming trip or event


HOW – Here are some simple tips and resources for learning how so you can use this tool all the time.

  1. The ideal size paper is 11×17 but 8×11 works just fine – grab printer paper.
  2. You can use pictures, words or a combination of both.
  3. Draw or write your main image or project at the center of the page.
  4. Then ask what parts come to mind that are part of this project and draw them around your central theme.
  5. One by one as the thoughts come to you, expand on each element.
  6. Keep going until you have dumped out everything in your brain related to your theme.
  7. If there is one part that turned into a loaded area, you can do a separate mind map just on that.
  8. You can also do this joyfully and easily on the COMPUTER. There are all kinds of digital mind mapping software; both FREE and PAID. These are just examples. A quick internet search will bring up a lengthy list of options.

Make-a-Mind-Map click here for detailed step-by-step instructions that make it simple! You will also see some great TIPS.

Clear & SIMPLE, Mind Mapping Tips

Have fun with this. Make it a ritual that is supportive and rewarding to you. Please share your stories with us!

Marla, Kate & Team





Let Your Bedroom be a Sanctuary!

Let’s take a look at your Bedroom. Is it time for a change?

Is your bedroom a sanctuary or a dumping ground? As professional organizers we are often asked, “where should I start organizing in my home? There is clutter and chaos everywhere.” Your bedroom is the place to start!

The bedroom often becomes the landing zone for homeless items, or the make shift home office, the TV room, or even a place where a person can’t sleep anymore because there is so much clutter. This breaks my heart.

Your bedroom is meant to be a place of rest, relaxation, intimacy and healing. You spend more time here than anywhere else. It can be a favorite room in the early morning and late evening. One of the best gifts you can give yourself, especially in the cold months of winter, is creating a bedroom that is a sanctuary.

So here is a true story from Marla’s past – I asked my talented friend, Jeanine Mallory of Fresh Space Organizing, to help with a client’s bedroom. The woman had moved in months before, but her bedroom was boring and plain. She is a talented artist, loves color, fabric and unusual things. So we needed a makeover. By following the steps below and working together we transformed her bedroom in a day. We went shopping at Ikea! We hung purple curtains on the wall behind her bed along with sparkly lights. We brought in bright colors and candles. We used things she already had and found perfect homes for them. She now loves being in her bedroom. She is reading, journaling and sleeping so much better. How about you? Is it time for a makeover of your bedroom?

SEE IT – take a look at where you’ve been and where you are

Be brave. We invite you to take a look in your bedroom today and pretend you are a stranger. Just notice what is there and how it feels. Are there items that don’t belong in your room and that drain you when you look at them? What patterns do you notice? What do you notice that you love? Take it all in.

MAP IT – make a plan for where you want to go

How do you want your bedroom to look, feel and function? Do you want color or neutral shades or a combination? Do you want busy or simple? Do you want to add something like a reading or meditation chair? What you do want to take out or change? Take 5-10 minutes and write down what you want.

DO IT – take the actions to get what you want

Choose an hour or a day to transform your space. Give yourself this gift. Here is a super simple solution:

Set the timer for an hour and remove the following things from your bedroom:Clear & Simple, Organize Your Bedroom

1 – Anything that doesn’t belong in this space.

2 – Anything that is now past time or no longer relevant, like old clothes or broken furniture.

3 – Anything that doesn’t support your vision of how you want your bedroom to be.

Then set the timer for one more hour and ask what you can add or move or change so that the room feels fabulous to you!

Please let us know what you do!

Marla, Kate & Team 

Get more amazing guidance for your bedroom here clearsimple.com/organizebedroom
SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © Copyright of Clear & SIMPLE, LLC. All rights reserved

Six SIMPLE Practices for the New Year!

A practice is an ongoing activity that adds meaning or deepening to life. Choose one new practice just for you.

In these fast-paced times, it is easy to forget that I am in charge of my life. I am the one choosing who and what gets my attention. It is not my family, my boss, my country or the world that determines my path. It is up to me. The beginning of the year is a wondrous time to reconnect with my center and create practices that will support me living true to myself. The simpler the practice, the better.

Here are six simple practices to support you reclaiming your space, your day and your precious life.

Reclaim your space

1. Simplify your choices. This year choose just one small, one medium and one large project for each season. For example, your purse (or wallet), the kitchen counter and the bedroom. Rather than carrying the stress of all the clutter—of “too much to do”—all the time. The lists can keep you awake at night and rob you of health and peace of mind. By consciously choosing which projects you will take on, you allow yourself to release all the others. They can wait. Also, each season has its own energy. You can tap into winter and ask what projects would feel good to do now.

2. Honor your bedroom. The bedroom is the most important room in your home. You spend more time there than anywhere else. The purpose of the bedroom is healing, rest and intimacy. Yet, this room often becomes the dumping ground for clutter or distractions. Take time to ask yourself: How do I want my bedroom to look and feel? What colors, textures and furniture do I want? It’s wonderful to wake up surrounded by beauty and end the day nurtured by your sweet space. Then practice keeping this space feeling sweet & sacred.

Reclaim your day

3. Choose the top three each day. The simplest and most powerful way to reclaim your day is to take 5-10 minutes in the morning and ask: What are the three most important things for me to do today? These are the three things that only you can do and that you know in your heart and gut are most important. Write them down on a 3×5 card, your smart phone or a post-it note. A shift happens in the physical plane when you write things down. Then do the three things first. Give them your commitment and attention. Ask the Universe to support you.

4. Open and close your day. Commit this year to consciously taking 30 minutes in the morning and evening to open and close your day. Rather than diving into action the moment you open your eyes or collapsing into bed when you are exhausted, take time to transition your body, heart, brain and spirit. Follow the natural cycle of Earth. The sun slowly rises and then sets. You can create your own rituals. A morning cup of tea and sitting quietly while your body and brain wake up is a heavenly way to begin your day. Soft jammies, a comfy chair and a good book make for a divine ending no matter what age you are. What do you want? Make a list of your possible rituals and try them out.

Reclaim your life

5. Get a buddy. Change and growth are not meant to be done alone. Also it is just more fun with a buddy. Commit to getting together at least once a month for a year to help each other. Choose the project that would mean the most to you and be amazed at how much more you get done as a team.

6. Choose a theme. Stay connected with your self throughout the year with a single word that holds your intention. (Examples: trust, hope, play, action.) Then enjoy noticing how the Universe makes this real for you. We would love to have you share your word with us.

Our invitation is to choose one practice and let it deepen your life this year. Make 2016 the year you get to know yourself better (or again).

Marla, Kate & Team

This article was originally written for and seen in The Catalyst Magazine – get the full article here

Gratitude, a simple practice…

Simple ways to give thanks each & every day.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for creating peace and happiness in our lives. It can can also support us on the days we feel low and in moving through tough times. So why is it so easy to forget and get caught up in the struggles or busyness of life? We have found that making gratitude a daily practice keeps it happening easily.

Make gratitude a daily practice

Here are 3 simple ways you can create a joyful ritual of celebrating all that you have each and every day. Whatever way you choose, commit to 21 days to create the new habit. You can choose one or mix them up!

1 – Get the Attitude for Gratitude APPGratitude Journal App

  • Attitudes of Gratitude AppOn-the-go with you at all time
  • Set daily reminders
  • Many of them give you an inspirational tidbit after each entry


2 – Write it down

  • Keep a little gratitude notebook, journal or use your planner. You can even use 3×5 cards or post-it notes.
  • The easiest practice is to start or end your day writing down 3 things you are grateful for. Let them come to you easily and you might get surprised.
  • (more…)

Clutter Clear Out Celebration!

We are FREE of stuff that was dragging us down and keeping us stuck!

We are deeply honored, humbled and inspired by everyone who joined our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out this year. Wow. Thank you for showing up, taking action and sharing your wonderful stories with us! We now want to share a little with you about how our lives were changed.

Marla’s story

Where does all the stuff come from?  How does it keep piling up?  Why do I still have that? These were some of my questions as I wandered around my home each day looking for something to release.  What surprised me was that I found old stuff in every room. I couldn’t believe it.  I have been practicing living simply for years now.

Yet, I still found stuff!  Stuff that was homeless, stuff from years ago still taking up space, stuff I had forgotten. It was little things and big things.  It was singular things that held deep meaning. The most loaded items for me were the ones that tied into my kid’s childhood.  I have been an empty nester for only 7 months now.  After 30 years of creating a home for my children and caring for their things, I am on my own. My daily life is different without my kids and their stuff. It is not simple or easy to trust this change.  It is a daily journey.  The 30 day group has been a big gift to me. I don’t want to do this alone.  Hearing others share about going through their drawers, magazines, emails and kids stuff was the strength I needed to go through mine.

Here wasClear & SIMPLE, Winnie the Pooh a story of mine from day 3. These awesome Pooh ABC foam puzzle pieces are from Jessica’s 1st birthday. She is now 20. My grandson used them but he just turned 10. Both my kids say let them go. Seems like it would be easy but I have such resistance.  I realize they came from a special friend that I miss.  Also, I want to make sure they go to someone who will really enjoy them.

I get to trust the Universe here. I get to practice what I preach.

To close, I am compelled to share that I saved the toughest stuff for the end – the digital and calendar clutter.  I am now seeing the light at the end of my email nightmare tunnel. Kate is teaching me how to use Wunderlist to handle all my to do’s and keep them organized in one place. And I have released giving time and energy to work that doesn’t serve my soul’s purpose. More coming on these insights…

Kate’s story

Since relocating to Los Angeles in June of 2013, my little family and I have been radically shifting our lives and home. What started as just wanting to greatly simplify turned into minimalism. For us that means having only things that we use and/or support us in living truly soul-inspired lives. We’ve discovered that we want to spend as much time as possible playing, loving, learning and adventuring…and we now know it is possible with less stuff taking up time, energy and money.

Through about 25 layers we have released somewhere around 75% of what we moved with. Our drawers, closets and cupboards are organized and everything has a home. Sure our day-to-day activities bring the stuff out and we end up with piles of things that sit, often longer than I would like (I even sometimes let the kitchen stay messy and play games instead of cleaning), but homeostasis is easily reinstated. It is the most liberating experience of my life. (more…)

Travel the Clear & SIMPLE Way!

Want to travel simply, but still feel prepared?

After Marla and Kate experienced their first international trip ever and were overwhelmed with too much stuff they wrote about Traveling with Less. Since then they’ve research and practiced even more to get this business of traveling lightly conquered. And wouldn’t you know it, they usually end up having all they need.

Here are their Top 3 Tips…

1. Spend the time & money to complete a toiletry kit that is carry-on approved.

Clear & SIMPLE, Toiletry Kit

Kate’s Toiletry Kit

2. Plan out clothing options that are easy to mix-n-match. Less pieces, more combinations.

3. Let go of the “just in case” items.  This extra 10% is what makes it too much.

We are constantly trying new things out and looking for better solutions. We would love to hear what you’ve learned or come up with to make your trips simple and joyful. Please share with us!

How about a meet-up across the globe?!

Marla, Kate & Team