Level 1: The Foundation

Launch Your Business with Confidence!

Get what you need to really stand out, attract your ideal clients and generate income in just a few weeks. This is an excellent time to have an organizing business.

Are you ready to launch an exciting, rewarding Professional Organizing Business?  Come join the Clear & SIMPLE Circle of Organizers and make your dream a reality! Skip the years it takes to come up with a successful, highly-functioning systems by taking Clear & SIMPLE’s Self Study Course. For over a decade, we have been training professional organizers around the world.  We are very proud of our successful organizers in 7 countries.

Comprehensive Foundation Course

This Course is a Self Study allowing you to do at on your own timing.  However, you also get expert guidance and one-on-one coaching through all the levels of learning. It is also the prerequisite for Levels 2 & 3.

You will receive:

  • A 240 page manual giving you everything you need to set up, launch and work with clients
  • The best systems in the industry so you will be professional
  • The tools for all types of clients and where to get them
  • 17+ audio hours of Marla Dee guiding you through the entire course
  • The forms – 35+ industry specific and fully customizable
  • The most popular Clear & SIMPLE digital products
  • The Five Levels of Client Care and the forms to go with them
  • The best systems for paper pain and time management
  • One on one Coaching with Marla Dee


Preview the Manual Table of Contents and Introduction




PRICE: The complete course of 30+ hours of training is $1250 | Value $1750 **

[button_alt link=”/shop/business-in-a-box/”]Buy Your FOUNDATION COURSE[/button_alt]


** ** Please note that before we ship your course you will need to sign Our Copyright Agreement. Shipping and handling is an additional cost, billed separately through PayPal. Within the U.S. $35. We DO ship internationally, please contact us at info@clearsimple.com for more information.

Get your Credential upon completion – Become a Clear & SIMPLE Organizer

Upon completion of each module, you can take the exam and receive a Certificate of Completion, along with the credential of Clear & SIMLE Organizer.  This tells the outside world and your clients that you have done training in a methodology and can offer professional systems.


Hear from Marla Dee as she walks you through Staying in Business a Decade & Beyond!

Clear & SIMPLE, Staying in Business a Decade & Beyond

