The More of Less…The Book is Coming!

Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.” – Joshua Becker

We could not agree with this sentiment more. As many of you know, the last few years Marla and Kate have been on their own downsizing journeys. It started as sacred accountability with each other to clear out the unsupportive “stuff” and ultimately became our own versions of minimalism. This can look and feel very personal. It is *not* about living with nothing, but living with what means the *most*. Personally, we are loving having less stuff and less stress!

We want to introduce you to one of our favorite messengers – Joshua Becker, the creator of Becoming  This is why we follow him and want to share him with you –

  • He is a family man who walks his talk.
  • He knows what life is like here in America with all the temptations and distractions.
  • He consciously chose to change his life and the life of his family.
  • Joshua gives simple guidance that creates real change.Clear & SIMPLE, Joshua Becker

We are thrilled about his new printed book The More of Less.

…this is a book about owning less—but it’s more than that. I have practiced and studied and written about owning less faithfully for the last 8 years. This book contains almost everything I have learned about it. It is both inspirational and practical. But this book is about more than owning less. It is about passion and generosity and learning to pursue happiness in more fulfilling places than the acquisition of money or possessions. It’s not just about owning less stuff, it’s about living a bigger life because of it.”

Read more from Joshua or go straight to pre-order it.

“Pre-order now and also get FREE access to UnclutteredUncluttered is a 12-week online course with videos, interviews, webinars, articles, weekly challenges, accountability, and community strategically packaged for one purpose: to help you declutter your home, own less stuff, and find space to live the life you want. The course sells for $89, but anyone who pre-orders my new book can register for the Spring Edition for free. It is my gift to you—a special thanks for being one of the first to buy the book!

To redeem your gift, pre-order The More of Less (print or ebook) before May 2 through your favorite online retailer. Your purchase is your registration. Visit the Uncluttered Registration page with your receipt and use the number to complete the registration form.”

We want YOU to experience the FREEDOM that comes from surrounding yourself with the stuff, the people and the actions that support you. This is your life and your choice.

We would love to hear from you – Marla, Kate & Team