
Our Best Organizing Tip – Get a Trusted FRIEND!

Everything is more fun with a trusted friend – especially organizing!

Let’s face it – most things are more fun when done with a friend – shopping, movies, dining, hiking, travel, and hobbies. What is it about organizing that makes us think we have to suffer, have to force ourselves to get it done? It is always on the list but typically the last thing we want to do on the weekend, right? There seems to be shame around letting our friends see our chaos. And yet inviting someone to help is a powerful solution!

This is our best tip for making organizing fun & freeing! Invite a friend to do it with you. Let go of the fear and embarrassment of your friends seeing the chaos and open up to a transformative experience. We have seen hundreds of people be set free when they let themselves receive help from an organizer, a friend or family member.

From Marla – “I just experienced this in a POWERFUL WAY. I got to spend 8 days with a long time friend who had recently lost her husband. Together we got through the garage, project room, closets, finances and more. We told stories, laughed and cried, moved stuff, cleaned and cleared. In 8 days together, we freed her from the blockage and buildup so she could move forward with her life. Because we loved our time so much, we decided to do this every year for each other.  This kind of teamwork is life changing.”

The important elements are:
    • Pick someone safe who won’t judge you.
    • Do the project in small pieces of 2-3 hours
    • Make it fun by playing music or having snacks
    • Try taking turns and helping each other
    • Choose someone that supports you making a change

The last few weeks we have given your our Top Tips for Spring Organizing. By combining these tips with the support of a trusted partner, you WILL experience joy and wonderful results.

Even as professional organizers we often invite other organizers to support us with our projects. It’s very different to work with our own things (vs. someone else’s) since we have to face our own attachments, emotions and stories. Our Utah Professional Organizers Group even chose to buddy up this year for our service project and we were all sold on the power of getting support from a trusted person.

Find a friend and help each other. You deserve it! And don’t forget to use The Clear & SIMPLE Systems of SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. & S.T.A.C.K.S. © to help with where to start, what to do and how to keep it up.

Set yourself free! Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Top 10 Spring Tips


Favorite Summer Blogs

I want you to have a memorable summer! Enjoy some of my favorite blogs for a fabulous summer. Whether you are playing hard, slowing down or just wanting to simplify, please take in the wise words of the guides below… Marla Dee Find Your Joy this Summer, by Jinny...

Tip #6 for a Fabulous Summer

Make TODAY great with our Top 3 Tip!

If you missed Our Top Tips for Summer, make sure you check it out! For this post, we’d like to focus on and expand on just one tip. This tip shows up on many of our lists because it is spot on and always applies.

6. Three Most Important Things – Every morning, take 5 minutes to write down the three things that must be done that day – and that can only be done by you! The sense of accomplishment that you will feel when you complete these three things will free you to do other things.

After you make your list close your eyes, take a deep breath and let everything else go…for now. There are only so many things we can do in a day. Trust that you have picked the 3 very most important and let that be okay. If you get nothing else done at least these three things will be!

Now, here’s some added juiciness! Once you have let everything else go, you will have more energy and excitement around getting those 3 things checked off your list. That means that you’ll very likely complete them more quickly than you anticipated.

At this point you get to choose…

  1. Do I engage with the next most important 3 things?
  2. Do I let it go for today and do something I’ve really been WANTING to do?


It’s YOUR life, go live it YOUR way!

Creating a magical life right beside you,

Marla, Kate & Team

Simply Sit

A simple practice for anyone, anytime, is to sit. Just sit. Just breathe. Just be. In an age of constant movement, nothing is more important than sitting still. Pico Iyer A simple practice for anyone, anytime, is to sit. Just sit. Just breathe. Just be. How long has...

Slow Down for Summer

Summer can be a time to slow down rather than speed up!

Summer is a sweet time. We often feel the tug to be a kid again on summer vacation, free from life’s responsibilities. And yet the summer can get crazy and even busier than the rest of the year. So how do we slow down and take in the sweetness of this summer?

Renee is a constant source of inspiration for us. Her blog below offers simple truth on how to slow down and love your summer, whatever stage of life you are.

One of my touchstones for gauging how fast–or slow–I’m living, is noticing if I have a vase of fresh herbs and flowers on my desk. When I’m living the life I desire, I create the time to meander in my garden and pick colorful, fragrant flowers and plants to enjoy in my office.

What’s your touchstone that lets you know you’re moving at a speed that feels just right for you? A signal that tells you you’re living joyfully and in alignment with what matters most?

For the last 16 years I’ve been self-employed. And it took me more than half of that time to figure out that I get to choose the speed at which I live, work and play.

When I finally “got this,” I realized … summer is an especially sacred time for me. It’s a time when I crave–and need–to slow way down. To embrace expanses of unscheduled time, to enjoy spontaneity, adventure, more time in nature and less time online. As delicious to me as homemade peach ice cream–I lap up spaciousness and big open creative windows where I get to sit with ideas, meditate on my life purpose and personal hopes and visions, integrate all I’ve learned from the past six months, explore new ways of being and reconnect with soulful friends for long hikes and late night swims in spring-fed waters. Summer is when I re-calibrate and am reminded of who I am and what I love.

Continue reading on her blog…

This is the 3rd year that we are really practicing slowing down during the summer. We hope you find the joy and peace in doing so yourself. – Marla, Kate & Team

Clear & SIMPLE, Renee Trudeau

Honor What Matters Most

Only YOU can stand up for what matters most in your life. We talk about this every December because your life is what matters most to us.  We are passionate about helping you get free of clutter and get organized so you can love your life. We are constantly hit with...

Clutter Clear Your Kitchen

Here are 3 simple ways that can be done in under an hour! What is hiding inside your kitchen drawers? Has your kitchen counter become a dumping ground?. How many years of old, expired foods are hanging out in your pantry? Marla Dee The kitchen is the heart of the...

Organize Your Garage

Make room to park your car in the garage! The garage is the “quick in the moment” dumping ground for stuff going in and out of the house.  – Marla Dee Twenty-five percent of people with 2-car garages don’t park in them at all. A third can only park one car, largely...

Level 3: The Mastery

Our advanced training programs are designed for professional organizers who are ready to specialize. Add a new income stream, receive credentials in specific approaches and benefit from in-depth training with other experts. Some of the offerings include FreedomFiler, Train the Trainer and Ideal Life Vision.

I – FreedomFiler Training and Certification $650 | Now VIRTUAL | Value $900

This powerful & popular training is now offered virtually as a self study for the first time. You get to go through the material and schedule your one-on-one sessions on your time table.  Taught by Marla Dee, CPO and FreedomFiler Certified Trainer.

This is an in depth training of FreedomFiler, the world’s best all encompassing, self purging filing system for home or small business. By choosing Clear & SIMPLE for your training you will also receive a BONUS GIFT of Get Organized, the Clear & SIMPLE Way audiobook, by Marla Dee.

You will cover the following areas:

  The history of FreedomFiler

  The FreedomFiler KIT in detail

  The Four Vital Elements

o Self Purging
o The Funnel
o 3 Measures of Success

  Special Applications including business and going digital

  Tips and Tools created by Clear & SIMPLE

  Giving demonstrations

  Pricing of Kits and making money

We have a couple of questions for you before we begin.

 What is your experience so far with Freedom Filer?

  Have you bought a kit for yourself and put it together?

  Have you set it up for a client?

  Why are you taking this training?

  Do you have any specific questions related to FreedomFiler?

This Virtual Training is given in three modules together with self study work. Following your sessions, you will complete a written self exam and verbal exam with Seth Odam. Upon completion of these exercises you will be certified. FreedomFiler offers a tremendous support system for you and your clients. Thank you for allowing me to share this fantastic system with you!

FreedomFiler Certification

If you are ready to enroll you can do so now… [button_alt link=”https://clearsimple.com/shop/level-iii-freedomfiler/”]ENROLL[/button_alt]

Other Advanced Trainings

If you would like information on any other Advanced Trainings please contact our office directly.

[button_alt link=”http://clearsimple.clearsimple.com/contact/”]Contact us for details[/button_alt]

Salt Lake Home Show January 2015

Join us once again at the Salt Lake Home Show.

Get our TOP TEN Organizing Tips for the New Year and More!

Tip #3. Have a one-page master map for your year that inspires, empowers and supports you. Here is the form that we use with our clients. It’s our gift to you! If you would like a personal session with Marla to expand on this, click here.

Get the rest of our top tips from Marla who will be speaking ONLY twice, so mark your calendars!

        Saturday January 10th @ 10 a.m.
        Sunday January 11th @ 11 a.m.

Clear & SIMPLE, Marla Dee at Home Show

Visit our Booth #1540 near the Design Stage to enter our drawing and receive special offers!

We’ll be giving away tickets next week on Facebook, so make sure to Like Our Page and check in each day!

You can also Purchase Discount Tickets.

Show Information:

Friday January 9th @ 2:00 p.m. through Sunday January 11th @ 6:00 p.m.

South Towne Expo Center
9575 S. State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

Go Here for additional information and directions.