Courageous Client Story – Emily transformed her home office from a sad & dreary laundry closet to a fabulous room she loves to be in! This year we are highlighting our courageous clients. We feel that real life is the most powerful way to inspire you to change.  We hope you will find connection, comfort and renewed hope. Read on…

Claim the space you need and deserve for your home office.

Meet Emily – a fabulous photographer, extraordinary woman, wife, mother and much more. Emily is a true entrepreneur, which means she was young when she launched her first business.  Emily is a highly organized person with the innate skill.  She also stepped into the trap so many home business owners fall into – trying to make a small closet area her home office. Making do just didn’t support her or her exploding business.

Here are our TIPS for claiming the space you deserve:

  1. Ask yourself – if you could set up your office anywhere in your home, where would it be?
  2. What is blocking you from claiming that space?
  3. How would you want the space to look – feel – and function?
  4. Then – GO FOR IT!  Get help from a trusted friend or professional organizer.

Use our Ultimate Office MAP – click here

Make this the year to shine in your business by claiming the space and making it everything you want!

Check out Emily’s Website and fabulous gifts here
