Choose now what you WANT your summer to be!

When summer comes around, don’t you just want to have fun? The kid in us comes out and the playful, nostalgic energy of summer seeps into our spaces and bodies every chance it gets. Then the thoughts “Let’s take a road trip – or head up in the mountains to camp- or spend a week lounging on the beach” creep in.

As wonderful as this feels on one hand, it can be frustrating on the other because we still have responsibilities and commitments. Darn it! You will find us saying again and again, this is YOUR life and you get to decide what it looks like. Trust us, we know this is easier said than done and takes practice.

That is why we encourage you and your loved ones to take 30 minutes to travel through SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and create your Best Summer Ever!

SEE IT:  Have everyone share one favorite memory from a past summer and what made it so great.  Was it nature, the activity, a special place or just being together?

MAP IT: Have everyone choose one thing they would most want for this summer.  Create a MAP (make a plan) of some kind to bring the intention into reality.  You can simply write it on the calendar, draw or print a picture of the place/event, collage or get creative in any number of ways.

DO IT:  Our TIP for making the DO IT step simpler is to pick one special play event, one project and one creation for each month of the summer.  Choose now and then let yourself enjoy the juicy fruits of your planning.

We may not be able to blow off life as we know it just to play every summer, but we can consciously call in energy, activities and interactions that fill us up and bring us joy.

Trust us, we’re over practicing this ourselves. We’d love to hear how you make summer time special…?

Pretending we’re 10 again,

Marla, Kate & Team