How do I want my space to look, feel and function?

The second step in The Clear & SIMPLE Way is MAP IT.©, which stands for Make a Plan for what you want. When we are confronted with all the stuff in our space, it can feel impossible to know what we really want. Marla Dee defines clutter as “delayed decision and/or holding onto the past.” The stuff seems to pile up because there are just too many decisions to be made. So we need a simple place to start.

Here you go!  Choose one room, area or project (like the living room, hall closet or kitchen counter).

The SEE IT. © Step question

How does my space currently look, feel and function? Let your answers be super simple. The point is to get it out of your body and your brain.

Then ask the Magic MAP IT. © question…

How do I want it to look, feel and function?

Here is an example for the living room.

SEE IT. © – Right now it looks ok but also cluttered. It feels like nobody takes care of it because there is stuff everywhere – on the couch, tables and now piles on the floor. It isn’t working because I can’t have anyone over – there is no place for people to sit and I would feel ashamed of the mess. And it is too dark (no wonder I don’t read in here).

MAP IT. © – I want it to look like I live here and everything has a place. I want it to feel warm and inviting. I want some new soft comfy blankets (scary how old mine are). I want there to be a clear area for sitting, reading & relaxing. And I want more light. Ok, now I am ready for the DO IT step.

Isn’t this easier to answer than “what am I going to do with the stuff?” So pick your project and let us know how it goes!

Marla, Kate & Team