Your Ultimate Office

What does your office say about you?

I had no idea my office could be this powerful and beautiful!

 – Emily London

Meet Emily – a fabulous photographer, extraordinary woman, wife, mother and much more. Emily is a true entrepreneur, meaning she launched her first business in her 20’s.  Emily is a highly organized person with the innate skill and she knows how to create beauty.  She stepped into the trap so many home business owners fall into – trying to make a small closet area her home office. Making do just didn’t support her or her exploding business.

The first step for Emily was claiming the space she needed and deserved. We found it right down the hall from the closet. An entire room, mostly empty, being used for supplies.

The next step was asking how she wanted her office to look, feel and function when we were done. You can get help doing this for yourself here

Once you have claimed your space, it’s time to transform it into Your Ultimate Office. Go through Your Ultimate Office Checklist and choose what you need next.

Your Ultimate Office Checklist

  • A great desk you love working on
    • I shape – Inadequate for most as it only supports one activity
    • L shape – This allows surface for manual work and a computer
    • U shape – Ideal to handle daily work, paper/projects and equipment
    • Large area on the desk that is clear for today’s work
  • Two drawer file cabinet within arm’s reach of your chair
  • Very comfortable, supportive chair
  • Carpet protector to go under the chair
  • Two desk drawers for daily supplies
  • Windows and natural lighting or no windows, depending on personality
  • Desired sound level to help you focus or relax as needed
  • Area or cabinet for other office supplies
  • Excellent computer equipment
    • Accessible
    • Ergonomically correct
  • Shredder that is close by
  • Recycle container close by
  • Office free of all former employee’s stuff
  • Plant or some other life form
  • Bulletin board or area for visual reminders
  • Artwork that inspires you
  • An office with a door you can close when needed
  • The entire iRAFT© System for all your paper
  • Extra file space for storage papers used occasionally
  • Fabulous SYSTEMS in place to maintain the space

Get more juicy ideas and guidance at Organize Office

If you want or need help from a Clear & Simple Certified Organizer, reach out to us


Clear & Simple, Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office, Organize Your Desk
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr. We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Organize Your Desk

Do you work at your desk? Why or why not?

How many hours each day do you spend at your desk?

Organize and beautify your desk and it will support your best work!

 – Marla Dee

Your desktop is speaking to you – what is it saying? Is it covered in papers and stuff that you can’t see a clear space? Is it holding more items than it needs to? Make your desk the focal point of your workspace and keep it clear and organized so you can find what you need when you need it.

Our Office Steps Guide can help you!

SEE IT – Take a look at where you’ve been and where you are now. Do your best to be neutral and take the observer viewpoint while exploring below:

  • Grab your smart phone and take pictures of your desktop and drawers.
  • When looking at your desk, write the story your clutter tells.
  • Can you even work on your desk? Is it large enough?
  • Take time to write what’s working? You can be specific or general.
  • Is your desktop covered or does it have open working space?.
  • What isn’t working? Where are you stuck and why?
  • What is stressing you the most about your work surface?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you want. Have fun and go after what you need and want! Think about how many hours you spend at your desk!

  • Write how your desk will look, feel and function when you’re done..
  • Create an online board of images that reflect what you want most.
  • Create a mind map showing the elements of your ideal work surface. What size, color, type of material, and work area do you want?
  • Now take some time to write a new story. How will you feel when working at your desk? Will you be able to focus and create? Look at our Ultimate Office Checklist for inspiration and ideas.

Make a written plan for what you want. Have fun and go after what you need and want! Think about how many hours you spend at your desk!

  • Write how your desk will look, feel and function when you’re done..
  • Create an online board of images that reflect what you want most.
  • Create a mind map showing the elements of your ideal work surface.

DO IT – Make a written plan for what you want. Think about the big picture and overall goals for your desk. You can work out the details later.

  • Get the size and layout of desk you need to function well.
  • Choose the best spot for your desk by asking – “Where in this room do I want to sit?”. Also, where you have the best light, focus and access.
  • Add an additional surface area (on a side table or behind you) to hold your printer, projects, and papers you need handy, but not at the desk.
  • Organize your supply drawers – one with office supplies and one with your personal items. Organizer Tip: Use containers inside the drawers to keep the items in place and organized. You will be happy every time you open the drawer and can find what you need easily.
  • Keep you active papers/files in a drawer at your desk or near you.
  • Implement our iRAFT System for all your paper and filing needs.

Get the Clear & Simple SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© steps in the Office Steps Guide

Want help with your whole office – go to Organize Your Office

Clear & Simple, Marla Dee, Clutter Clear Your Paper, Clutter Clear Your Office
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr. We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Organize Your Office

Does your office support you or stress you?

Most of us spend more time in our office than at home.

Make your office a place where you thrive and do your best work!

 – Marla Dee

Why work in a disorganized office or a space you really do not like? By continually doing so, you decrease your productivity, your ideas, your joy for the work you do. We want to help you by sharing the Clear & Simple Way to having a beautiful work space that you enjoy.

Download the Office Steps Guide

SEE IT – Take a look at where you’ve been and where you are now. Do your best to be neutral and take the observer viewpoint while exploring below:

  • Go around your work space and take pictures. Then take a look at them!
  • Tap into your gut or emotions and write the story your clutter tells.
  • Take time to write what’s working? You can be specific or general.
  • What isn’t working? Where are you stuck and why?
  • What is stressing you the most about your work space?
  • Are you holding onto old furniture or outdated ways handling paper?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you want. Think about the big picture and overall goals for your work space. You can work out the details later.

  • Write how your space will look, feel and function when you have the right homes and habits in place for all of the work that comes your way.
  • Create an online board of images that reflect what you want most.
  • Create a mind map showing the elements of your ideal area and systems.
  • Ask – if you could set your office up anywhere, where would it be?
  • Now take some time to write a new story. How do you want to feel when you are working in this space? How might you be open to different (i.e. having less paper, using different systems, or getting help).

DO IT – Take the steps to make it happen. Look on your calendar and set up time for the transformation!

  • Choose an area to start with. We suggest starting small and building up from there. For example, you could start with the desktop and supply drawers, then go to other drawers, files, furniture and end with decor.
  • Go through the S.T.A.C.K.S.© System for the area (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify). By following S.T.A.C.K.S.© the project will be easier and you will save money. Go to
  • Enjoy shopping for the containers you want and need.
  • Once you complete each area, take time to celebrate. We know you will enjoy working and being in your office. For more fun ideas check out our Ultimate Office Checklist and get something you really need or want!

Download your free Office Guide here.

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Office, Organize Your Desk
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Organize Your Road Trip

Collect your maps. Relive the adventures.


We get to experience more of the journey when we feel prepared.

 – Marla Dee

We want you to start with some clutter clearing of the small stuff. It’s surprising how the little things can drive us crazy on the trip but we forget all about them when we return. Do you stash away all those brochures and guides – just in case?

Use this Travel Guide to Organize Your Road Trip well before you head out.

SEE IT – Take a look at where you are now. Answer the questions below for your typical road trips.

  • What has worked? You can be specific or general.
  • What do you like (if anything) about how the car gets packed, whether you have what you need and how you feel while on the road?
  • Are there things you know you want to change?
  • What isn’t working? What don’t you like?
  • Is there stuff that doesn’t belong in your car for road trips?
  • Are you prepared for the unexpected while out on the open road?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you really want. We get to experience more of the journey when we feel prepared.

  • What kind of music do you want to play? Maybe you love audiobooks.
  • Plan for the unexpected: make sure spare tire is full, purchase roadside assistance, have extra water and snacks, carry a first aid kit.
  • Have a water bottle, charger, sunglasses, etc. for each person.
  • Are you taking coolers with food or will you be stopping to eat? Or both?
  • List out all of the items, including luggage pieces, you will be putting in and/or on the car. The list will help you be realistic and cover all bases.
  • Do you need cargo racks or boxes for extra space?

DO IT – Take the steps to make it happen. Plan at least a week or two ahead of your trip to be sure you have what you need, that everything fits, and that it will be a sustainable set up for the duration of your travels.

  • Talk with everyone going on the trip to make sure they have what is needed and if there are any special needs. Determine who is responsible.
  • Start by gathering all of the items you are planning to take. For this purpose, your empty luggage will work or can be stuffed with blankets for fullness.
  • Do a trial run of packing everything ahead of time so you know what fits best and where – luggage, food, supplies, etc.
  • Get the physical maps for your journey and highlight the route. You can also put the route in your GPS.
  • Lastly, write down what works and what doesn’t for next time. Have FUN!

Download Your Travel Guide

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Travel
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Luggage, Container Store
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.

Organize Your Luggage

Stop using raggedly old luggage or pieces you don’t like.


How many pieces of luggage, backpacks, purses, etc. do you have?
How many do you actually use?

 – Marla Dee

In 2019, the global luggage market was valued at approximately 22.11 billion U.S. dollars. We can’t begin to imagine how many pieces of luggage or travel bags everyone has.

The question is: Do you use all those pieces of luggage or travel bags? Is it time to let go of some?

Let this Travel Guide help you.

SEE IT – Take a look at where you are now. Answer the questions below for your current luggage pieces and packing habits.

  • What’s working? You can be specific or general.
  • What do you like (if anything) about your luggage and packing?
  • Are there things you know you want to change?
  • What isn’t working? What don’t you like?
  • Is there stuff you know you won’t need and take anyway?
  • Breathe deeply and tap into how you feel when you prepare for packing and are on vacation. Do you have more than you need? Do you forget things?

Make a written plan for what you really need and want. We enjoy our trips and have more freedom when we are honest about this.

  • How do you want to feel while packing for and being on vacation?
  • Get inspiration from Pinterest and YouTube and save it for reference.
  • Create a mind map showing all the elements you need and want.
  • Will you be traveling for pleasure? For work?
  • Are you willing to schedule time to plan, purchase, and pack.
  • Is it time for you to purchase new luggage you love and that supports your trips? If so, add this to your plan of action.

Take the steps to make it happen. Look on your calendar and schedule the time at least a week ahead of traveling!

  • Just get it done. Start by hauling out all of your travel items; luggage, toiletries, travel kits, toys and tools.
  • Go through the S.T.A.C.K.S.© System on each category of stuff you hauled out (Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain, Keep it up, Simplify). By following S.T.A.C.K.S.© the project will be easier and you will save time, energy, and money. Go to
  • There will be far fewer items than on typical organizing projects, but they may also feel more loaded because we agonize about being unprepared.
  • Once you complete this project, take time to practice and prepare things. Pack your bags in different ways to find what works best for you. Fill refillable toiletry bottles.

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© Organize Your Travel Guide

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Luggage
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Luggage, Container Store

Your guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to live free of clutter and get organized at last.