Organize Mindfully, join Mark Dillon & Marla Dee!

“Are you ready to organize mindfully?”

Recently Marla shared her journey of the last 15 years helping people around the world clear their clutter and get organized – the Clear & SIMPLE Way.  She knows how overwhelming the clutter and chaos can be.  Join her on the Organize Mindfully Podcast, an educational, inspirational and fun interview with Mark Dillon.

“Imagine being surrounded only by the things you use and that you love.” – Karen Kingston

Early on her path of becoming a professional organizer, this juicy quote struck Marla to her core. She just had to know what it would feel like to live this way. It was instrumental in her business being born and what she desires to help every client achieve in their personal space(s).

“This time with Mark Dillon was inspiring to me.  It is a joy to share with someone so present and deeply caring about his purpose.  Thank you for this gift”  Marla Dee

Listen now…


Get Organized the CS Way

Our systems make organizing simple!

The Clear & SIMPLE Systems © are a unique approach to organizing. They offer a simple, grounded, step-by-step process that will educate, empower and excite you to take on the “stuff” in ALL areas of your life…home, office, paper, time and even your interior spaces…mind, body, soul.

Below is a outline of our systems. We invite you to read through them, really take them in and then give them a go in your space(s). Click here for a beautiful, downloadable and printable copy…and feel free to share with everyone! If you would like additional support take a look through Our Shop or Connect With Us to get help from an organizer.

• SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. ©  The Foundation System for any organizing project.

SEE IT. || Take a look at where you are at.

Write the story your clutter tells.

Draw the story.

Take pictures.

Answer questions:

What’s working?

What’s not working?

Where are you stuck and why?

What do you want most to accomplish?

MAP IT. || “Make A Plan” for where you wan to go.

Do a mind map.

Make a list or create a chart.

Draw a picture or create a collage.

Write a description of your top three priorities.

Write your vision of what you really want.

DO IT. || Take the action steps to get there using our sub-system S.T.A.C.K.S. ©

• S.T.A.C.K.S. ©  The Action System to getting it done, asking just one question and taking one action at a time.

SORT || What is it? – Sort into piles of like with like.

TOSS || Do I need it or want it? – Put in the keep of discard pile.

ASSIGN A HOME || Where does it go? – Identify how/where you use it and create zones accordingly.

CONTAIN || What does it go in? – Measure the “stuff” and the storage area BEFORE buying containers.

KEEP IT UP || How do I maintain it? – Create a simple plan for how you will maintain the area.

SIMPLIFY || Decide whether any new items pass the test.

The ART of Letting Go || Acceptance, Release and Trust. Are you ready to let go?

“This treasure of a book will give you inspiration and steps to clear the clutter that is dragging you down and keeping you stuck.” – Marla Dee

Download a FREE copy and feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit!

Our passion is supporting people on clearing out all of that “stuff” that keeps them stuck in order to live the life they most desire. It takes time, energy and the tools to accomplish. We get that. That’s why we do what we do and practice it in our own lives.

We’re here for you!

Marla, Kate & Team

SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Have FUN Getting That Project Done!

All you need is a little system that offers BIG support!

Do you have a project that has been waiting for you, stressing you or just bugging you to get it done? We have found that most people do not enjoy even thinking about the projects that need to get done, much less taking action. We understand why. First of all, there is always too much to do in a day and too little time. Then you add the overwhelm from all of the stuff in all the areas.  Lastly, most people just don’t know where to start, how to get through the project and then how to keep it up. It’s a lot to handle!

We love teaching people how! This is why SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © is such a powerful system. It walks us through each of the steps from start to finish – teaching the organizing skill – and cuts down on the time and energy it takes to get it done.

So why not find out for yourself why the Clear & SIMPLE Way is different. Set aside 30 minutes to get started and go through the following steps. We promise you’ll find joy, clarity, and freedom! Who knows, you might even get one project done and want to dive into another one.

  • SEE IT: Take a Look at where you have been up till now
  • Turn on some music that makes you happy.
  • Brain Dump a BIG list of all the projects hanging out in your head that you think you “should” be doing.  Just get it all out and down on paper.
  • Choose ONE project that would have personal meaning for this Season – maybe your closet, your garage, your computer, your pictures, or your bedroom.  You get to choose!


  • MAP IT: Make a Plan for where you want to go
  • Do a Mind Map for the project and have FUN creating it! kate put in link with example
  • Write a vision for the project – how do you want it to look, feel and function?
  • Make a list of the basic steps needed.  Remember you can always start with a general list.


DO IT: Take the Action Steps that create the change
  • Get an accountability partner or support person that you have fun with and that you trust.
  • Put the actions from your MAP list on the calendar.
  • Set up a reward for getting the project done.


Download our Systems Card to guide you even deeper through this process.

Get pumped and check that project off your list! We’d love to hear how you feel on the other side…

Getting things done together,

Marla, Kate & Team


SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. © and S.T.A.C.K.S. © are property of Clear & Simple, LLC. All Rights Reserved

The ART of Letting Go

Letting go is never easy, but it can be easier.  Read our 3 simple steps below…

As professional organizers we regularly witness the immense pain, struggle and hopelessness that comes from having too much stuff and not knowing what to do with it. As human beings we’ve also experienced these emotions ourselves. As a society we’ve learned to value things “because they belonged to grandma”, “they’ll be worth something one day”, “because we might need them in the future”, and so on.

Our beliefs are now shifting because we are overwhelmed with too much stuff. We no longer believe that anything is worth keeping if it causes us stress, depletes our energy or keeps us from living a good life. We deserve to wake up each day free of stress, smile with a grateful heart for the day ahead, a day filled with what matters most.

To get to this point takes practice and shedding layers upon layers; choosing into gratitude; releasing possessions, commitments and energy that no longer serve us; deciding that we really are the masters of our lives and our destinies.

If you are ready to begin this process, we invite you to read The ART of Letting Go by our own Marla Dee.

“This treasure of an ebook will give you inspiration and steps to clear the clutter that is dragging you down and keeping you stuck.” – Marla Dee


Let’s explore the ART of Letting Go

Because the nature of clutter is heavy and dense, I wanted to simplify the process into three meaningful steps. I want you to hear that there are three stages we go through over and over again. Acknowledging that these three steps are the natural way will make the letting go easier. We will use the word ART to guide you through:

~ Acceptance ~ Release ~ Trust


All of our clutter tells a story and everyone has their own form of it in some area of their life. Accepting this fact is the beginning. Accepting that your environment is simply a reflection of your life up until now, a reflection of what has happened to you and what is going on inside you is vital. There does not need to be shame or blame in looking at this picture. That would only keep you in the role of a victim. In order to step into the power of change and growth you must be willing to open your eyes and look at it.

There is no purpose or healthy payoff in focusing on the clutter itself, on staying locked up in guilt – not for you or for others. However, there is great power in becoming accountable for the fact that you are the creator of your life and of your environment. Your old things, your old patterns, your old relationships reflect who you have been and what you have built or what you have avoided – it is YOUR PAST!

Download your FREE copy now to continue reading.

“I honor your willingness to reach out and seek help so you can let go of the clutter at last. As a Professional Organizer for many years, I have witnessed tremendous courage from my clients in their willingness to get real with the story their clutter tells; to let go of the past and welcome a new change. Letting go is never easy, but it can be made easier.” – Marla Dee

Your life is waiting for you,

Marla, Kate and Team

How being organized – or not – affects our relationships.

What does organization have to do with relationships you might ask?

Why is it that “Mr. Organized” partners with “Ms. Chaos”? Think about how often you are at odds with someone in your life because of organization issues:

  • Not being able to find what your boss is looking for.
  • Arguing with your child about the way their room looks.
  • Being accused of throwing important things away.
  • Always being asked where something is.

As professional organizers we constantly witness the stress in our clients relationships over organization styles and decisions.  Too often those with the ability to organize do not understand when others cannot maintain their environment. Those that are organized need to keep in mind that our research shows only 10 – 15% of the population is naturally organized. Hence, the need to be able to communicate and get help when lack of organization gets in the way.

This barrier between those who naturally know how to organize and the other 90% who don’t is why our main focus is teaching people how.  The foundation for any organizing project or communication is three simple steps outlined below.

SEE IT – take a look at where you’ve been

Begin by taking a realistic look at where a lack of organization is impacting your life and relationships. Choose just one area or issue. What’s working,  what’s not and why?  Keep it simple. Then look at it from both sides and try to see what is at the heart of the conflict. Often our relationships serve as mirrors to look at ourselves. Once you have clarity, why not share your truth with this person or persons and then ask for them to share.

MAP IT – make a plan for where you want to go

Now that you have each shared your truth, each person can create a simple vision for what needs to change.  Try asking – what is the single most important change that needs to happen?  What is one action you can take? Let this be enough. It is imperative to the relationship that each person has a chance to share their vision and what is important to them.

DO IT – take the actions to make it happen

How you choose to implement your changes or DO IT will be very specific to the relationship. Some may come up with a way to do it together, while others might call in outside help, and still others will compromise on different levels.

Some examples of this are:

  • A family sets up a system for incoming mail and an active paper system together.
  • A mother and child call it fun time, put on music, and make a game of putting everything back in its’ home.
  • A couple decides to hire a professional organizer because they would rather enjoy their time together hiking or taking dance lessons.
  • A boss and assistant set up a weekly 1 hour focused time to go through all the lists and questions.
  • Two friends or buddies get excited about helping each other one weekend a month with the clutter areas – We all have them you know.
