Organize Your Paper eBook
Steps that take you from Paper Pain to Paper Power!
You don’t need us to tell you that most people are drowning in a sea of paper with little hope or knowledge of how to come up for air. The paper just keeps coming, day after day, with no effort on your part. Paper problems are the number one reason people call us looking for help in the home and in the workplace. There is no other period in human history when people have had to deal with so much paper and so much information. Therefore, it is perfectly understandable and perfectly logical that people have a hard time dealing with it.
The other problem, in addition to the volume, is that we don’t have systems for what to do with the paper. Beginning with the paper as it comes through the door, is there a method for keeping the junk mail out, a place and container for the rest to land? Is there a system for the bills, or events, or actions? Typically, the answer is no.
Welcome to the Clear & Simple way. This eBook will guide you through using SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT.© to clutter clear, organize and systematize your paper and information. Imagine handling your paper each day and feeling in control of what comes in, where it goes and what goes out.