Collect your maps. Relive the adventures.


We get to experience more of the journey when we feel prepared.

 – Marla Dee

We want you to start with some clutter clearing of the small stuff. It’s surprising how the little things can drive us crazy on the trip but we forget all about them when we return. Do you stash away all those brochures and guides – just in case?

Use this Travel Guide to Organize Your Road Trip well before you head out.

SEE IT – Take a look at where you are now. Answer the questions below for your typical road trips.

  • What has worked? You can be specific or general.
  • What do you like (if anything) about how the car gets packed, whether you have what you need and how you feel while on the road?
  • Are there things you know you want to change?
  • What isn’t working? What don’t you like?
  • Is there stuff that doesn’t belong in your car for road trips?
  • Are you prepared for the unexpected while out on the open road?

MAP IT – Make a written plan for what you really want. We get to experience more of the journey when we feel prepared.

  • What kind of music do you want to play? Maybe you love audiobooks.
  • Plan for the unexpected: make sure spare tire is full, purchase roadside assistance, have extra water and snacks, carry a first aid kit.
  • Have a water bottle, charger, sunglasses, etc. for each person.
  • Are you taking coolers with food or will you be stopping to eat? Or both?
  • List out all of the items, including luggage pieces, you will be putting in and/or on the car. The list will help you be realistic and cover all bases.
  • Do you need cargo racks or boxes for extra space?

DO IT – Take the steps to make it happen. Plan at least a week or two ahead of your trip to be sure you have what you need, that everything fits, and that it will be a sustainable set up for the duration of your travels.

  • Talk with everyone going on the trip to make sure they have what is needed and if there are any special needs. Determine who is responsible.
  • Start by gathering all of the items you are planning to take. For this purpose, your empty luggage will work or can be stuffed with blankets for fullness.
  • Do a trial run of packing everything ahead of time so you know what fits best and where – luggage, food, supplies, etc.
  • Get the physical maps for your journey and highlight the route. You can also put the route in your GPS.
  • Lastly, write down what works and what doesn’t for next time. Have FUN!

Download Your Travel Guide

Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Travel
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Marla Dee, Kate Fehr, Organize Your Travel, Organize Your Luggage, Container Store
Your Guides to a simpler life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr.

We love teaching the Clear & Simple Way to live free of clutter and get organized at last.