
Only YOU can stand up for what matters most in your life.

We talk about this every December because your life is what matters most to us.  We are passionate about helping you get free of clutter and get organized so you can love your life. We are constantly hit with distractions and overwhelm in our world.  This energy keeps getting stronger. It takes being present and standing up for what you really want in your space, your day, your relationships and with your stuff.

We want your year-end to be filled with the sweetness of the year gone by and looking forward to what is next. December can be a time to slow down (rather than speed up). As the sun sets earlier we now have long evenings to sit, read, write and share with loved ones. Before technology came, we sat around a roaring fire or the big, wood dining room table and we talked. Wouldn’t it be sweet to end the year this softer way?

We invite you to take an honest, deep look at your life. By simply getting still and reflecting back over the year, you can open to what matters most! Set aside an evening or a morning to ask and answer the following queries. Then share with your loved ones and ask what matters to them.

What means the most to me right now…

  • In the relationship with myself?
  • In my intimate relationship?
  • In my family?
  • In my home and workspaces?
  • In my friendships?
  • In my work or creations?
  • In the next steps of my path?

Now ask yourself–Is there one change I am ready to make that will truly honor what matters most to me?  It might be going to bed earlier, journaling daily, or calling your mom every Sunday.  We suggest starting with one change and let this be enough.

We honor you, Marla, Kate & Team