
Spring is here. The sun is out. Time to clear out the clutter. But where to start and how to get it done. Clearing the clutter is freeing but can also be overwhelming.

Here are some simple tips to get started:

  • Start with a SMALL project like your purse, the top of your dresser, or the junk drawer.
  • Get a BUDDY and take turns helping each other. The project will be so much more fun with a friend.
  • Pick a project that would make a difference in your life, not what someone else wants you to do.
  • Remember to use STACKS when clearing the space. Sort, Toss, Assign, Contain & Simplify.
  • Pick a day of the week and time of day that is “high energy” for you, like Saturday morning.

    RF MD + KF VOA Closet

    Kate Fehr & Marla Dee
    helping the Volunteers of America!

    Lastly, please download our Ebook that will inspire you to get started

    and give you everything you need to get your clutter clearing done!

     The ART of Letting Go