Want to take the STRESS out of packing? Wouldn’t it feel great to be all ready the day it is time to leave?

Get Ruth Hadlock’s 4 simple, yet powerful Tips for Travel. We are here to tell you they work!! Ruth is the owner of Streamlined Space and has a gift for making everything SIMPLER!  Use these travel tips and ENJOY!

Watch the VIDEO below along with reading the TIPS!

My clients tell me they spend the day before their vacation running around in circle, frantically trying to pack for their trip! How can you make this process stress-free? Here are 4 suggestions.

Clear & SIMPLE, Ruth Hadlock, Travel

  • Create a packing list. This sounds so remedial, but do you actually do it? It’s easy nowadays to keep a checklist in an app on your phone. It’s not that I’m trying to convince you to pack lighter; I’m simply encouraging people to pack the appropriate items for the trip you will be experiencing!
  • Staging. As with so many organizing projects, you need a place to lay out all your clothes and items. Do this at least 48 hours in advance. I’ve found that my clients pack too little or too much or not the right items because they do it last minute without thinking clearly.
  • Pack Correctly. Pack shoes against the edges of the suitcase. Roll your clothes rightly, placing larger, bulkier items at the bottom and ending with smaller, lighter ones. Put your toiletry kit and accessories on top. This way, you won’t have to sit on your suitcase anymore to be able to zip it! if you have dress clothes you don’t want wrinkled, lay them a the bottom of the suitcase, with the ends hanging out over the suitcase edge. Then fill the space with your rolled items and carefully fold the dress clothes ends on top. You can even use dry-cleaning bags to decrease wrinkles. Because the bag is slippery, creases won’t set in as much.
  • Get the right luggage and accessories. Here are some of my favorite items, in no particular order:

Compression Bag | Bag Bungee | Toiletry Kit

VIEWER HOMEWORK: On your next upcoming trip, commit to using a packing list and staging your items ahead of time. You can view my favorite items on the Resource Page of my website streamlinedspace.com.

Ruth is a Clear & SIMPLE Certified Organizer™ (CSCO). Read about our 3-tiered training program.

We are all having adventures this summer and embracing tips that make traveling simpler. Let us know if these helped and what you are up to.

Marla, Kate & Team