Would you love to have your kitchen feel fresh and beautiful to gather in?
It’s in the kitchen where the warmth of shared memories,
laughter and life create a recipe that spans generations.
– Yuvraj Kakodiya

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Yet, sadly it can become the dumping ground for paper piles and homeless stuff. And so often there isn’t room on the counter to cook or room on the table to eat. We want your kitchen to be a happy place for family and friends to gather for the holidays.


Use these 3 simple steps to simplify your kitchen:

Step One: Clear your kitchen counter of the paper piles, homeless items or things that don’t even belong in the kitchen.

Step Two: Put fresh flowers or a living plant on your kitchen counter to bring in beauty and prevent clutter from building back up.

Step Three: It can be a blast to clutter clear and organize your junk drawer. One person opens their junk drawer an average of 3 times a day so organizing it can be a great gift to yourself and your family.

You and your family deserve to have a simpler, peaceful and sweet holiday season!

The Holidays are a wonderful time to slow down and focus on simplifying. Check out our Simplify Your Home and Holidays for all of our suggested actions.

If you want support in clutter clearing you can get help at our 30 Day Clutter Clear Out Movement. We’ve created powerful tools you can utilize any time of year to support your journey. If you have some extra time, hop on over there to access these offerings.


simplify kitchen, organize kitchen, home & holidays, organize home
Clear & Simple, SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT., Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Holidays

Your Guides to a Simpler Life, Marla Dee & Kate Fehr

We are passionate about teaching The Clear & Simple Way© to transform your life.