
When was the last time you sat down with your family and really talked? You know those precious times when you find out what is going on behind the scenes.I just did this with my daughter Jessica last night.  We went out to dinner at one of our family favorites, an old diner called Coachman’s.  I asked her what she wanted to do most for the upcoming Holidays. We let our minds wander with ideas and ended up talking about many things. By the time we left I felt so close to her again.  And I knew I needed to write about this.

One of the most precious things we can do at the Holiday Season is spend meaningful time together. To keep this simple, just sit down as a family and ask each person to share what is the one thing they want most to do? Then put these important choices first on your calendar and feel the relief of letting go of all the other stuff we tell ourselves we should be doing. You have chosen what matters most.

You can make this time together fun by –

  1. playing music
  2. making treats
  3. coming up with a theme
  4. going somewhere special

Back to the time with my daughter last night, we had a couple ideas fall into place by the end of our dinner. One of them was really important to her.  As we were driving home I said a silent thanks because I know one of our choices will have great meaning to her. I would love to hear from you what happens  when you do this.  If you are single get together with your friends or face time with loved ones.  The idea is to put your family’s desires FIRST!

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