
Our Clear & SIMPLE Certified Organizers are excited to help you clear the clutter of your past and get organized at last! The more clutter and chaos you have, the happier we are.

If you have ever tried to organize a space on your own, you’ve probably felt frustration, confusion and limited success. Since only 10% of the human population is born with the “organizing gene” most people struggle with where to start, what to do and how to keep it up.  We are here to help. The clear & SIMPLE Systems we use are effective and easy to follow.

It’s a gift to have an organizer by your side to walk you through the process – almost like having a personal trainer. Are you ready to clear out the clutter that is holding you back and create order in your space?  Contact us for an initial consultation to address your personal needs and plan of action for any of the following areas.

contact us

Organize Your Home

Our homes are meant to support and nurture us.  This can be challenging when we live in a time of being pulled in many directions.  Organizing a home and creating systems for upkeep is the best gift you can give your family. We can help with:

  • Paper Pain and Systems
  • Toys and Tools
  • Closets and Storage Areas
  • Upkeep Systems
  • Moves and Downsizing

Organize Your Office

Our work place is meant to support us in giving our gifts to the world and producing value.  It is not supposed to cause us more stress!  Organizing the work environment resorts order to your day, brings freedom from stress and clarity about what’s most important.  We can help you:

  • Systems for Paper and Email Overwhelm
  • Work Flow and Function
  • Creating the Ultimate Office
  • Clutter Clearing and Streamlining
  • Upkeep Systems

Training in the Clear & SIMPLE Systems

We can bring the training to your home, office or organization and use it to help you get your project accomplished.

One-on-One Coaching

We offer live or virtual coaching if you just want the expert to give you the plan and do most of the work yourself.  We use time tested systems and tools that take the struggle out of the process.  You will be thrilled with how much easier getting organized and staying organized can be when you work with an expert!

NOTE: If you live in a state other than Utah, please contact us for a list of C&S Trained organizers who can help!


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