
Tip #1: Choose only 1 small, 1 medium and 1 large organizing project for each season!


Clutter clearing can feel overwhelming.  Getting organized often feels impossible. My real life tip is to choose ONE small, ONE medium, and ONE large project for each season. Then schedule only one project for each month. The beginning of the year holds this big push for change.  However, the best way to really make a change is to keep it small and realistic. Then let go of the stress and pressure to do it all or to keep doing more.  Let this be enough.

There is also ease and power by aligning our projects with the cycles of the earth and our bodies. Our bodies naturally feel and align with the seasons of our earth.  In the cold months we want to slow down and hibernate. In the warn months we want to play.  

Some ideas for a small winter project: (1-3 hours)
  • your purse, work bag or tool bag
  • your bedside tables or dresser
  • top of your dining room table or desk top
  • your junk drawer or office supply drawer  – my favorite container above www.containerstore.com 
A medium project (4-6 hours) might be:
  • Your dresser drawers
  • Your desktop and drawers
  • Your paper piles or email inbox
  • Your kitchen counter
A large project (1-3 days) could be:
  • Your pantry or cupboards
  • Your clothes closet or bedroom
  • Your files for this year (get www.freedomfiler.com)
  • Your computer files and folders

I have joyfully chosen my projects for this winter season.  My small one is office supply drawers, my medium is my smart phone picture clean-out and my large one is my updating my Vital Documents and helping my kids with theirs!

Please take 10 minutes now, choose yours, write them down and share them with me.  I will give you a reward.  And contact us if you want or need help to get them done – info@clearsimple.com

Your Guide – Marla Dee